[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam[/h3] The Shopkeeper cocked their head at Farren's request, then held out their right hand and, with yet another flash of blue light, was suddenly holding the Blades of Mercy. Interestingly, while the blades had been separated into two individual knives when Farren had last used them and when Skinner threw them away, they manifested now in their combined form. They were also completely pristine, without the smallest trace of blood nor the faintest sign of wear on them despite the fierce bout of combat they had just been through. Walking up slowly and joining everyone else, staring perturbed at the headless, still-smoking corpse that used to be Skinner, Torquil abruptly had a thought. “Oh hey, since he died we get those echo-things, right?” But quite interestingly, though especially Farren had been extremely close to Skinner when he had been killed, neither he nor Ophelia had felt the sensation they had back at the clinic when Pallid and his minions had been killed. The notion of something invisible and weightless gathering around them from then was conspicuously absent. Again the Shopkeeper cocked their head, then shook it in... disagreement? Simply to tell them no?