[color=#1A1A3B][b][u][h1][sub][sub][sub]Farren[/sub][/sub][/sub][/h1][/u][/b][/color] stared, shocked, then pleasantly surprised as the Moonborn Hunter conjured the Blades–in pristine condition at that–and he smiled and accepted them with another nod. While Farren did not feel as if he had ever been overly sentimental, the small gesture from the Hunter and the various boons he’d already offered them had him rather liking the silent man. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“Thank you,”[/b][/color] Farren offered in a more open show of thanks, giving the Shopkeeper a brief smile before he redirected his attention to Torquil, and then Ophelia once more. The former appeared to just be listening, whereas Ophelia had confirmed Farren’s growing suspicion. He swore under his breath, then moved on, he’d rather hoped to attain what potency Skinner had gleaned in life, but it seemed that was simply not in the cards. Farren took in the rest of her words as well, considering what options and intel she had to offer, before he glanced back down the street that Victor had chosen for his retreat. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“We may as well follow Victor, see if we can reconvene. Besides, I’d quite like to give him a piece of my mind…or the back of my hand, ”[/b][/color] Farren replied, the last words half-muttered. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“As for…Greta, perhaps later,”[/b][/color] he added, seeming somewhat…dismissive?