Emily had not expected it to work, but it did! Diana, strict as she may have been, actually did care about the people around her and heeded the warning! She got everyone out of the diner with the excuse of a gas leak, while the four of them were as good as invisible. Before she could say anything, she felt recoil from her own journal, and the energy crawled up to her mind from her arm holding the pen. Fear clenched its ugly fist around her heart again and she could feel her heart race once more. She tries to control her breathing as she speaks to her friends quietly, "So, there's a cost...!" Her words go unheard as she watches her new affiliates tap into their gifts from Santana. Ashley suddenly seems to have an idea on what to do, The Crow is suddenly able to control metal, and Luka...is conjuring up things of his own accord? But there didn't seem to be a rhyme or reason behind his conjurations. She blinked once to find herself suddenly wearing the grecian priestess robes from her card, and the ceremonial mask on her face! She nodded in agreement at the explanation for the disguises and code names. She answered the code names with a "Not bad. I can go with that. Makes us sound like we're a different variation of the Three Fates," before she moves to grab the fire extinguisher and stand by her friends with it. She nods at Ashley's instruction, before she turns an irritated look to Luka disapprovingly. She reprimands him, "Now's not the time to be getting at each other for verbal mistakes. And no, we're not killing anyone, 'Reveler'," With those stern words spoken, she readies the fire extinguisher.