[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241223/6d3cf653f42ca9edcd5266eec4e8c6a0.png[/img][/center] He glanced around at the others as they debated and discussed who should be the leader. [color=gold]“We can debate leadership once we’re settled on the finer details.”[/color] He said calmly. [color=gold]“Debating who should lead when we haven’t agreed on the mission’s cover is like arguing where to set the sails before we’ve built the ship. For now, I believe Arnvidr’s proposal holds merit…”[/color] Normally, Auron would have outright suggested himself as the leader. As his upbringing as a noble caused him to see leadership as a natural role, but he was trying to be a team player. [color=gold]“The sooner we agree on our purpose, the sooner we can present a united front. Our strength lies not in pretending to be something we’re not, but in turning who we are into something credible.”[/color] He paused for a moment, and smirked, before chuckling a little. [color=gold]“Besides,”[/color] he added lightly, though still with that air of nobility, [color=gold]“if we waste much more time debating, the townsfolk will assume we’re a traveling bard troupe rather than a band of professionals.”[/color]