[list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Brulhaus Runehorn [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [*][u][b]Race[/b][/u]: Minotaur [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: Brulhaus, as a minotaur, is a hulking, musclebound figure. He has jet-black horns, carved with magical symbols that make them sturdier for use in combat- their sweep forward and up making them excellent for charging or headbutts. His fur is a well-kept mass of brown fluff, more akin to a yak or highland cow than the black fur of Cyrodil's typical minotaurs. Despite his hulking frame, however, he carries himself not as a savage beast, but as a keen observer. His back is held straight, frequently stroking his chin or tapping his horns as he tends to fidget while lost in thought. He frequently wears his custom-fitted arena raiment, a reminder of those waiting for him back in the Bloodworks. [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Brulhaus is not well-educated. This in no way means he is not intelligent- he learns quickly, and was able to learn a great deal about Enchanting and Alteration from studying the Ayleid ruins in which he lived before coming to the Arena. He quickly learned to read and write once a mage in the Arena's Bloodworks realized he spoke four languages and started to teach him Cyrodilic. Despite his eagerness to learn, Brulhaus is embarrassed to speak in Cyrodilic- he has a very thick accent from learning Reachtongue first. While he may be looked down upon as a Minotaur, Brulhaus believes he has nothing to prove- he's a mighty warrior, and confident in his quest for knowledge about the world. When angered, however, he is a force to be reckoned with. His rage could shake the very walls of a castle. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: Brulhaus's name, as his father told him, comes from a revered ancestor. He's not quite sure what that means, but he was raised in one of the many ruins around Cyrodil, up near Bruma. The young Brulhuas was full of questions, and his parents were less than interested in trying to answer them. No, the goblins who also shared the ruins were more his speed. The lady Chieftan, unpleasant as she was, found an able student in Brulhaus, teaching him what she could of goblin and human tongues. Eventually, however, Brulhaus grew up- and had to leave before his father or siblings started viewing him as competition. for the territory. And so, he set out for a ruin of his own. The drab stonework of the Imperial ruins called to him, yes- something deep down said it was where he belonged. However, he was more fascinated by an Ayleid ruin, though he wouldn't learn the name for some time. He lived in the ruins for some time, slaying the undead that rose from the catacombs. Something about killing those dead elves felt... right. He eventually grew curious about the structure beyond its curious white stones and decorative metalwork, and began to study whatever he could get his hands on. Eventually, word of the minotaur with ever-improving weapons and armor reached the Arena, and they decided it was just the thing to spice up the ring. They contracted the Fighter's Guild to try and capture Brulhaus, but were shocked when they brought him in unrestrained. A few Reachmen who had joined the Arena took to him, filling out his knowledge of Cyrodilic and allowing him to properly negotiate the terms of his employment. Of course, he'd keep up the savage act in the ring, but he'd be able to continue his studies when he wasn't fighting. A few fighters even came to rely on him to repair their gear between bouts! Of course, he'd expect them to bring him certain materials or books, furthering his studies of the Ayleid methods of enchanting and smithing. Finally, word of Runehorn, a minotaur with enchanted weapons and armor who had defeated so many in the Arena he had been moved from the monster stable to the Blue Team, reached the ears of the Empress herself. General Tullius described the resulting excited giggling as "bone-chilling," as she promptly made her way to the Arena and demanded an exhibition match. The ticket sales were astronomical. The posters quickly became collector's items. It was to be a showdown for the ages. Runehorn put up a valiant fight, but was repeatedly on the back leg. Eventually, he was forced to drop the dumb brute act, and began fighting tactically- relying on technique and reach just as much as his strength. All of this just seemed to make the Empress happier and happier, as she matched him blow for blow. Eventually, desperate to finish the fight as their stamina began flagging, Brulhaus went for a leaping helmsplitter. As he descended from the clouds, The Empress unleashed a dragon shout that sent him flying from the arena and into the stands. Defeated, but not dead. It was afterward, when he was repairing his helm and sword, that Brulhaus was told he had a visitor. A sort of fan, apparently. It was then the Empress entered, and said three simple words. "Heya! You're in!" [*][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: An Elven Greatsword enchanted to crackle with lightning, an Arena Raiment, an Elven helmet, and too many Welkynd Stones to count. [*][u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: Brulhaus, despite his hulking frame, actually specializes in enchanting and smithing. Many of the nicer weapons and helms fighters in the Arena have used in recent years were made by his hand. For combat, he specializes in what would be two-handed weapons for smaller folk- which he wields with the skill and grace of a rapier thanks to his size and reach. His headbutt, like most minotaurs, is capable of bashing through armor and shields with relative ease. And, while he's still learning, he does know a few more basic Alteration spells- such as the one he used to enchant his horns.[/list]