A cloud of shadows raised up from the floor, around every corner and underneath the furniture of the house. It became a bubble of sorts, closing around Annika, and it could've swallowed her whole were it not for the one responsible. [color=6644ff][i]"This[/i] is how."[/color] Jack's hand reached through the black, and it rested on Annika's shoulder. All at once, she suddenly had the ability to see in the darkness and well beyond it. The magical gloom was both there and [i]not[/i] there, like an optical illusion, or some sort of transparent veil layered over her vision. Jack's eyes, though, became pitch black. Like they were made of charcoal. [color=6644ff]"Darkvision. A spell you will one day want to learn, that requires a firm grasp on the fundamentals. We live in a land cloaked by mystery, defined in the negative. You'll understand, one day, how to think in that lens. For now, merely be patient."[/color]