[center] [h1][color=c1196b]Asterion Kairo[/color][/h1] [h3]&[/h3] [h2]Flint Weathersteel & Vale[/h2] [/center] [hr] [color=808080] Asterion decided to go to his guests instead of sending guards to harass them. He promised Flint Weathersteel that he would treat them like guests instead of prisoners so he would do just that. Going up a floor, he walked down the hallway with Elara by his side. “[color=ffffff]You want me to only restrain him if he tries anything?[/color]” she sounded a little confused by her own words. “[color=c1196b]Exactly, you are going to treat them as guests unless they make it so we cannot do that,[/color]” the man explained while walking up to the door and knocking. That knock echoed out into Reid’s fantasy bedroom before it sounded like an intercom turned on. A tap could be heard as if the microphone was being tested, “[color=c1196b]It is five thirty Reid. Are you wanting to get ready for dinner and join us? I would appreciate it if you did,[/color]” he spoke out to the man that was in the room. Earlier, he noticed how defeated Reid looked while curling up in the blankets on the bed. It made him feel bad for the man but he knew he was as much of a killer as he was. There was going to be caution even if the man didn’t have any weapons. Reid's gaze snapped to the wall where the knock had been heard. He still couldn't see a door, but had to assume one was there. He had since calmed down from his earlier outburst of emotion, and had entirely zenned out on the sounds of rainfall. At the mention of dinner, he looked down at his clothes. The bandage needed changing, and his army fatigues were spotted with blood and stank of sweat and fear. Not entirely presentable for dinner. [b]”...Yes, I just need a few minutes.”[/b] Reid said. He had a feeling there would still be a security detail, and he had a huge hunch that Asterion was going to drill them with questions again. Maybe this whole farce of playing ‘house’ was really a way for Asterion to capitalize on his prisoners. At least he wasn't being tortured. That had happened once before, and it sucked. Reid hobbled to his feet, gritting his teeth in hot silence as his wound produced a stabbing pain. Doing his best to walk without a limp, he opened the closet door and found a loose-fitting, simple yukata. How did Asterion know he always wanted to wear one? A quick dip in the bathroom to remove his old clothes, rinse off in the shower for thirty seconds, wrap some fresh gauze around his leg, and dress in the cool fabric of the yukata took about six minutes. Then Reid was at the wall that he assumed was a door, trying to tamp down the thudding in his heart. This was either going to be dinner, or another interrogation, or a torture session. The uncertainty had him on edge, but he didn't dare let it show in his voice. Instead, he straightened up and said in a calm voice, [b]“Ready.”[/b] Asterion did something on the other side of the door before taking a step back. He was prepared for Reid to come at him though he was silently standing there. The door automatically decompressed and slid into the wall. Disappearing. His twilight blue eyes glanced at the door that disappeared into the one side of the wall before he looked at Reid, “[color=c1196b]Reid, this is Elara. She’s very nice and sweet. Quite sensitive, so I do hope you treat her well when she walks you to the dining room so I can go get little sister,[/color]” Asterion stepped to the side more so Reid could come out. Gesturing for his [i]guest[/i] to leave the room he was in. Distrust flickered in Reid’s eyes as he glanced at Elara, before looking back at Asterion. Yes, he had stepped to the side, a written invitation to come and walk to his doom. A soft sigh as Reid slowly walked out of his room and into the hallway. The Kairo man was clever, and he was certain this ‘Elara’ had some kind of gyft. For now, he would just have to play along, and hope they weren't secretly trying anything. [b]”Right… I'll follow you, Elara.”[/b] He said, turning to Elara with a nod. He would, as he said he would, follow her without a fuss. Reid might notice that Elara walked beside him more than in front of him. She gave him a pleasant smile, “[color=ffffff]Just this way,[/color]” she hummed out softer words as she led him to the dining room. Asterion went the other way and down a floor to get to where Hailey was. Going all the way to the end of the hall before knocking on her door before pressing the button, “[color=c1196b]Baby doll, are you ready for dinner?[/color]” He asked while looking at his watch. It was five forty-five. “[color=c1196b]It is fifteen minutes to six,[/color]” he spoke over the microphone in the same fashion that he communicated with Reid in. Except his voice was more soothing. Purposefully lighter and more soft. Hailey’s head turned to the wall, broken from her reverie petting the kitty. She felt a bit squeamish. She had really messed up Asterion's district. But from the tone of his voice, he didn't… [i]sound[/i] angry. Real question was if she had the guts to apologize. If her apology would even matter, or be taken seriously. Then there was the whole ordeal of, if there was, in fact, a door to her room, what she would do once it opened. She could run fast. She could try to leave. Make it so her big brother didn't have to conquer 93rd street on her behalf. The cat in her arms could sense the tension rolling off Hailey, and meowed. She winced, speaking softly to the kitty. [b]”Sorry, you're right.”[/b] She put the cat off to one side and stood, already dressed in a modest evening dress with sparkles doting the fabric. She had found it in the closet, having prepared for dinner an hour earlier. So, it was simply a matter of padding over to the wall, and standing there a bit awkwardly. He should be furious at her. Why wasn't he furious? [b]”I'm… yeah, I'm ready.”[/b] Pressing the door in before it moved to the side and went into the wall, Asterion was stepping back, as if he was preparing for anything. To make sure he had a second or two more to react. His eyes looked at Hailey once over and he softly smiled with one side of his lip, “[color=c1196b]You look very pretty in that dress. Honestly more flattering than what you were wearing earlier,[/color]” it might have been a backhanded compliment though Asterion fancied dresses and skirts on women more than not. A personal taste. “[color=c1196b]Come with me, please,[/color]” he decided to take a chance and extend his hand out for Hailey to take it. Hailey stared for a moment, feeling a bit flustered. But when Asterion reached out with his hand, she immediately thought of her brother. He would do this with her when he was in a good mood. It always made her smile. So, seeing this now, it put her at ease, even slightly. She accepted his hand, and stepped out. [b]”...Okay.”[/b] While Asterion was walking with Hailey, he encouraged her to grab onto his arm instead of holding his hand to walk with him. “[color=c1196b]I wanted to ask a question before we stepped into the dining room. When you were throwing bombs around. What was your goal? I know to be a distraction but deeper than that, Hailey. Was it to cause as many fatalities as possible? The most destruction?[/color]” With an even tone and he was curious and wanted to hear from her what her goals were. There was an understanding from the interrogation early that she was a distraction for something bigger but he didn’t care about continuing to dip into that. Not at the moment at least. Hailey's head bowed as she delicately held onto his arm, shame crossing her face. [b]”...The most chaos. It would draw the Kairo Mafia out, and I was… bored. My target was the tower, but I wanted to see how strong the response would be. I'm… not used to much resistance, you know? Not everyone is gyfted, and many districts lack a police force…. “Of course, after that, my goal would have been ascending the tower and uh… kidnaping you.”[/b] She said sheepishly, looking away. Listening to Hailey, he nodded his head, “[color=c1196b]We might not have an official police force but we try our best here in Nickel to keep everything running smoothly. Most of the members of the Kairo family do not have to deal with such chaos so they came to me and I love dealing with chaos,[/color]” he admitted with such a lightness in his voice as if dealing with Hailey today was fun to him. A chuckle came from Asterion as a smile that showed his pearly whites ran across his face, “[color=c1196b]You are pretty cute. You could have just asked and I would have let you kidnap me,[/color]” Asterion teased the young woman. [b]”What!”[/b] Haiely said incredulously, eyes bugging out. Opening the double wide doors to the [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0298/1577/articles/Dining_Room_Modern_Lux_Furniture_Singapore.webp?v=1730533155]dining room[/url], he walked Hailey over to a chair before pulling it out, and allowing her to sit before pushing it in slightly. Going to his own chair at the end of the table, Hailey would notice there were a few familiar faces: Reid and Krish. Then there were unfamiliar faces such as Samuel, Varek, Zarek, and Elara at the table. Krish and Zarek were arguing with each other while Elara was sitting in silence and Varek was asking Reid about his leg. Pretty normal for the most part. “[color=ffffff]Can you tell your bitch to lay off?[/color]” Zarek snapped up while he noticed Asterion sitting down. Asterion glanced at the two of them bickering. Krish was gesturing to Zarek, “[color=ffffff]He started it. He’s being quite an ass tonight and I told him that I am not in the mood,[/color]” he glared back at Zarek who was grinning. A sigh left Asterion, “[color=c1196b]I thought you two would behave while guests were among us…[/color]” he sounded like a disappointed father while staring at Krish and Zarek as if wordless commands would work. Zarek crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair, “[color=ffffff]You are lucky there are guests here or I would have zapped the hell out of you already,[/color]” he mumbled while glancing at Krish. “[color=ffffff]Do it. I dare you,[/color]” Krish egged him on. “[color=c1196b]Please do not. Why are you in a bad mood, Zarek? You have done nothing today,[/color]” Asterion chimed in. Zarek looked offended but rolled his eyes and stayed quiet before putting his attention on Samuel and whispering something in the man’s ear. Samuel blushed instantly and leaned more towards the table while looking at Krish. “[color=ffffff]What are you telling him?[/color]” Krish demanded. Asterion rolled his eyes and smiled slightly while looking at Reid and Hailey, “[color=c1196b]Please do not mind them. We are like a family here so if you want to fit in while you are staying here. Pick on Krish the most,[/color]” he chuckled while glancing at Krish with a slight smirk. Krish threw up his hands in defeat before grabbing the glass of what appeared to be a darker liquid before drinking it to keep himself quiet. “[color=c1196b]Is there any questions from the two of you before dinner starts?[/color]” Asterion was putting his attention on Reid and Hailey. [b]”...[i]We're[/i] not for dinner, are we?”[/b] Reid said, not missing a beat. It was an attempt at a joke, but he asked in a half-honest question. Hailey shot him a look. [b]”Reid, what kinda question is that? …And don't think I've forgotten how you left me out of the loop when you planned this whole… uh, [i]thing[/i] with my brother. If I woulda known…I- ah… hmm…”[/b] Hailey suddenly remembered what company she was in, and fell into an awkward silence, staring down at the table. Asterion shook his head, “[color=c1196b]I know that you are Mister Weathersteel’s little sister and I know that you two were in on the same plan but you were blindsided, Hailey, you do not have to keep things from me. I will find them out sooner or later,[/color]” he then looked over to Reid when he felt his eyes on him. Reid stared at Hailey for a moment, before glancing at Asterion. [b]”No questions. If you're not eating us, we are honoured to be here as your guests…”[/b] “[color=c1196b]I have never tried human before,[/color]” Asterion placed his hand on his chin as if he was pondering. “[color=c1196b]Maybe I should try it,[/color]” he teased before leaning back in the chair. “[color=c1196b]Though I suppose I can be nice today and not do so,[/color]” he chuckled a little bit before his eyes went to the door when it opened. Two workers came in, one pulling the cart, and the other pushing it. They kept it off to the side before bringing each person a plate of food. Specifically made for them. Elara was having a salad with chicken and a red dressing. Samuel, Zarek, and Krish were all having similar dishes. Burgers with fries. Varek was having a sub. However, Asterion was having something that was more common around the poorest of communities. It looked like a bowl of stew or soup to a point. It had stew meat in it, parsnips, potatoes, and cabbage with a dinner roll. Very simple and not costly to make at all. Then there was Hailey and Reid, their plates were delivered covered by a cloche. Both of them would end up removing those cloches to uncover comfort foods. Something that Asterion figured out when he was in their minds. “[color=c1196b]Did you two want anything more than water to drink?[/color]” Asterion asked before the staff would leave them be. Reid discovered his dish to be a steak, along with a large helping on mashed potatoes and asparagus. His jaw dropped a little, seeing it even had the caramelized onions. Everything he liked. Hailey pulled back her cover, and found red velvet pancakes. At least three of them, with whipped cream and syrup, and a side of hashbrowns. Now, one would say these don't go together, but for Hailey, she was staring at two of her most favourite foods. And she continued to stare, wondering how on earth Asterion could possibly know, before she broke off he gaze. Right. Drinks. [b]”Uh, orange juice, please.”[/b] Hailey said. [b]”...Saaake?”[/b] Reid said, tilting his head as his voice inflected upward. He didn't want to trust this. But it was very, [i]very[/i] easy to get disarmed in a situation like this. Asterion nodded at the drink requests, “[color=c1196b]Please,[/color]” he gestured to one of the staff members with a gentle smile and expression. “[color=c1196b]Get Hailey some orange juice and Reid some sake,[/color]” the man glanced over to Reid while the staff member nodded before the both of them left. “[color=c1196b]Are you able to hold your alcohol?[/color]” he asked with curiosity. There was an honest wonder why the man would request something that would intoxicate him and thin his blood. Maybe he was hoping to bleed out or possibly not drink enough but ease the pain of the wound on his leg? Reid made a dramatic grimace, [b]”I'm not about to become a drunk to my own prisoner's-good-behavior-buffet. I'm not an idiot. “I can hold my liquor fairly well. At least, I think.”[/b] he admitted, self-consciously rubbing the back of his head. Hailey rolled her eyes. [b]”Do you see anyone else drinking, Reid?”[/b] [b]”...[sub]No.[/sub]”[/b] Reid became a little blob at the table, reduced to a puddle by Hailey and Asterion. He mumbled where he sat, something about just liking the taste. Asterion shrugged his shoulders, “[color=c1196b]I am more worried about his leg than him getting wasted at the table,[/color]” he chimed in towards Hailey. “[color=c1196b]Your request will be given to you and do not worry. Elara tends to have a glass of wine before dinner is over, so you will not be the only one,[/color]” his voice teased a little while he glanced over to Elara who was rolling her eyes. “[color=c1196b]I sometimes do myself, maybe I will tonight,[/color]” Asterion wouldn’t waiver to one glass of wine. He enjoyed the taste of a variety of alcohols. “[color=c1196b]I doubt anyone has any religious obligations that they want to impose on others? None? Then enjoy dinner,[/color]” he started before taking a drink of warm water and enjoying some of his food. Hailey started on her pancakes in earnest. It was only a few minutes until one was gone and the second was quickly disappearing. Reid was quick to tear a part at his steak, though he was very aware of the steak knife now in his hand. Hailey looked over at Reid, [b]”When's the last time you had a steak.”[/b] He offered a small smile. [b]”When the crows flew.”[/b] Hailey laughed, [b]”You mean when you were with my brother?”[/b] Reid nodded. [b]”Yep. It was actually a setting much like this. Among friends. Though- uh, ‘friends’ may be a bit of a stretch. Kind of like that clock game you like to play. Like a six and a nine.”[/b] [b]”I preferred the nines too. All the numbers were pretty easy to get.”[/b] Hailey said nonchalantly back. Reid nodded, hummed a bit, and went back to his food, savouring another bite of steak. “[color=c1196b]Clock game?[/color]” Asterion had never played a clock game or at least he couldn’t think of when he played such a game but he was interested in it. At least in the terms of discussing what it was with his guests. Hailey nodded. [b]”Mhmm, you set your playing cards in a circle, and you organize each suit according to a clock. Kings are dead-ends, and you have to draw another card from the pile.”[/b] The one staff member that he asked to get drinks for them set sake down in front of Reid and orange juice in front of Hailey. She walked back over to Asterion who whispered a few words before he thanked her and she left. Asterion looked at the two guests before reaching to the side and grabbing a remote, pressing a button, and almost the long wall, a T.V. appeared and came down from it. “[color=c1196b]I hope you do not mind. I want to see the 5 cent news about what happened today,[/color]” he turned the T.V. on and live footage of the attack came on. Elara seemed disgusted and so was Varek. Samuel seemed absolutely uncomfortable. Krish frowned and looked away from the T.V. while Zarek turned to it. Asterion continued to eat while watching the whole scenario until a bomb landed by a handful of cars and went off. Going off right beside someone and them exploding in the capture zone of the city cameras. He continued to eat like it was nothing. “[color=c1196b]I know you told me you wanted to go with chaos but did you realize how many individuals, innocent lives that you took, Hailey?[/color]” his darker eyes glanced at her before going back to the T.V. and taking a drink of his water. Hailey stared at the TV for a moment, seeing her own actions play out, before she shot a glance at Asterion. Despite his casual demeanour, it felt like he had slapped her. And Hailey, having lost her appetite, quietly set down her utensils and stared at her food. Reid noticed and felt his anger flare up. He leveled a glare at Asterion, his voice ice. [b]”You don't get to talk to her like that.”[/b] Krish seemed to tense up when everything began to lay out. Asterion glanced over to Hailey and before he could continue speaking, he noticed Reid, and his icy tone attempting to stab at him. “[color=c1196b]I am speaking truth to her. Do you want me to lie? I had to face all the casualties,[/color]” he stood up and pressed the remote. The T.V. flicked to another perspective to a middle aged woman holding a child who was bloodied. “[color=c1196b]I do not believe you or her understand the damage that was done. You only hurt my heart. Only saddened my emotions. However, you changed the lives of the people in Nickel forever,[/color]” Asterion hit the remote again to another perspective, bodies lying on the street with pools of blood. “[color=c1196b]If you can —- if Hailey cannot understand and handle the chaos she has caused. She should not be causing it. Her ignorance is deafening to me and I want her to understand that none of these people deserved that when there could have been other measures. It could have been different if Mister Weathersteel decided to talk instead of sending her to kill innocent people to kidnap me and send you to steal money. I could have given you the scraps of what is in that safe, Reid, instead of this,[/color]” Asterion hit a button again. It went back to the woman who was bawling out holding her child. Screaming in pain and sorrow. “[color=c1196b]People in Nocturnia have no consideration for anyone but themselves or the immediate people they call family or friends. If people started caring a little more or at least being aware of others, it could be better for [i]everyone[/i], and I do not blame either of you for what happened especially by her reaction,[/color]” he gestured to Hailey who looked absolutely defeated. His eyes stared down at her, “[color=c1196b]Do you want me to turn it off, Hailey?[/color]” he asked politely. Over this whole time, his voice barely rose in emotion or volume. However, when he spoke towards Hailey, his voice became more soft and pleasant as if he knew she needed that more than him raising his tone with her. She visibly flinched as he addressed her, tears in her eyes again. It was evident the cries of the families haunted her and dug at her core. She was looking at her hands, before pushing them over her face and through her hair, as if she could push away the horror building in herself - the horror of her own actions, her loose-cannon tendencies that caused actions she could never take back. She did deserve punishment. She didn't deserve to sit here eating her favourite food. She couldn't even bring herself to look at Asterion, shame and guilt consuming her. It took a couple tries of Reid calling out to Hailey before she realized, and her head jerked up, showing these large, white-hot tears escaping down her cheeks. Reid gave her a pained smile. [b]”When the crows fly, they get to see your brother.”[/b] Hailey blubbered for a moment, trying to form words. Before she hastily rubbed her eyes, and nodded. In that next instant, everything changed. Reid stood, launching his knife at Asterion. Hailey knocked over her chair, bomb thrown to the window as she ran. There was an ear-piercing shatter of glass as the window exploded. And both Reid and Hailey dove towards the window, hands clasped, fully intent on leaping from the ninety seven’s floors window to the distant traffic below. Asterion stood there while the whole room flipped and everyone started to stand up. He watched the knife and purposefully didn’t move. Krish for a second panicked before he used his ability and focused in on Hailey. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/28060]Outcome[/url] 6 [Power move] That would be when Hailey felt something stinging into her skin and her being yanked back and hard. It would start draining her energy levels. She tried to struggle, and she even took a step forward. But the loss of energy was like a sedative, and she stumbled, falling to her hands and knees. Elara stood up and with a lift of her hands, Reid was yanked back and vines spun around him and tightly. “[color=ffffff]Do not move! Or I will have these vines grow thornes,[/color]” she threatened the man while tightening the vines a little more. She then moved her one hand and vines curled around Hailey as well. Reid cursed, spinning his head wildly. Seeing Hailey near collapsed on the floor, and stuck just as much as him, it caused anger and fear to twist across his face. He struggled in vain once; they had been so close! Asterion stood there without much movement but a deep breath that shook a little. He didn’t move, purposefully not blocking the knife, and he grabbed the knife and ripped it out of his shoulder as blood came out of it. Blood seeping into his nice suit while Krish kept his line intact with Hailey and Elara kept them bound with vines. Walking over to them as he spun the knife in his hands, “[color=c1196b]I am disappointed in both of you,[/color]” Asterion looked at both of them. “[color=c1196b]Take them back to their rooms. Dinner is over,[/color]” he demanded while pointing the bloodied knife at Reid. “[color=c1196b]I know you wanted to prove something but I think you proved the wrong thing to me today.[/color]” Crouching down and getting close to the man, he whispered, “[color=c1196b]I do not mind a bit of pain. This will easily heal, yours will not,[/color]” that was when Asterion lifted up his hand with the knife clutched in his grip before fully forcing it into Reid’s leg that was already wounded. Not letting go of the knife or allowing the pressure to release. Reid bit back a scream, face contorting with pain. Before his instincts took over, and he shrieked in agony. Weakly flailing, trying to get away though he couldn't move. His eyes bugged at Asterion, before they rolled back, unseeing, blind with pain. Convulses shook him, making the wound slightly worse. [b]”Y-You're hurting him!”[/b] Hailey weakly called out, now more like a puddle on the ground, her breath labored, eyes twisted against the fatigue that wanted to pull her to oblivion. [b]”Please, Asterion! Hurt me instead! He doesn't deserve it!”[/b] She cried out hoarsely, panic tearing her voice. Asterion seemed unphased by the screams as if he heard screams a thousand or so times. He began to turn the knife a little with a deadpan stare at Reid while he screamed and reacted. It was hard to tell if he was absorbing anything else, “[color=c1196b]You have taken my kindness for weakness,[/color]” he added before pulling the knife out and tossing it on the floor. Reid whimpered, lying there on the floor, reeling from the aftershock. “[color=c1196b]You both are going back to your rooms and I will make sure you get medical attention, Reid, though I will make sure it is one of our medical students. They need to learn on [i]someone[/i],[/color]” he chuckled a little bit at that comment. Then he looked over to Hailey, “[color=c1196b]I am going to hurt you in a different way, [i]little sister[/i]. Now take Reid away,[/color]” Elara and Varek did so. They began taking Reid away while Asterion walked up to Hailey and looked down at her. He put his hand up, Elara kept her vines wrapped around her, but Krish removed his ability. “[color=c1196b]I know you are good, sweetheart, and I know you have your own priorities and missions, though I want you to make an on-air apology to my people for the pain you have caused. You do not have to apologize for your mission, your morals, or anything else. Simply the pain that you have caused even if you do not mean it. It will help some of them with their healing process,[/color]” and he emphasized certain points that were not one-hundred percent the truth. He sighed, “[color=c1196b]You are not the one that threw the knife, so you would not get punished for that,[/color]” he added on. “[color=c1196b]I am disappointed that you blew up my dining room though I can always replace that. Make it better or make it different. However, I cannot replace humans,[/color]” his twilight eyes fell upon Hailey as he stared at her. There was an undertone to his voice showing he was not in the best mood anymore. Hailey swallowed hard, listening to what was being asked of her. She watched as Reid was taken away, and then her eyes drifted to the gaping hole in the window. Their would-be escape route, just feet away… With the dart removed from her, there was nothing drawing on her energy, though she still felt weak. Likely not enough energy to conjure a bomb, even if she wasn't bound by vines. It made her feel weak and helpless. She glanced up at Asterion, hating her situation, but knowing she was backed into a corner. Her teeth gritted. [b]”You want me to… apologize? “...What if I refuse?”[/b] “[color=c1196b]I do not think you will want to do that, princess,[/color]” Asterion smiled slightly. It was hard to hide the mischievousness and almost lightly lingering sinisterness to his smile. This was beginning to feel like a game of cat and mouse —- Asterion loved showing his claws to people that deserved it. He shook his head, “[color=c1196b]I will not tell you that consequences of your actions, though I will make sure you have a front row seat to them, you and Reid are making me realize —[/color]” he added on while he looked away from her eyes for a moment as if he was contemplating the possibilities of what to do with her and Reid. “[color=c1196b] — I was right,[/color]” his eyes flicked back up to hers as he stood there and stared. “[color=c1196b]And I wished so badly for you two to prove me wrong. I wanted that for the both of you so badly…[/color]” he groaned at the thought of it. One hand combing through his hand as his shoulders rolled backwards with the thought. A shrug came, “[color=c1196b]Agree to it or not. My people will get an apology from you, sweetheart, even if it is [b]not[/b] from you. If you get my train of thought.[/color]” Hailey's heart sank, dread filling her. To be subject to Asterion's body control, and to be a prisoner on a soulful level… No. She would rather the words were from her. It would humiliate her, sure. But she would rather not be traumatized further. Asterion was showing more and more that he could get what he wanted. It twisted her stomach and made her sick, but she would be an [i]idiot[/i] to think fighting this would make it any better. If she wanted to get through this without further psychological torture… It was better to fall in line. Her head bowed as bit. [b]”Fine… Fine, I'll do it. Just… don't control me. I can speak on my own. “I'm not gonna try anything… You can remove the vines…”[/b] Asterion stared at her for a few seconds too long as if he wasn’t going to cut her vegetated bindings off from her though he walked over and picked up the knife that had a mixture of his and Reid’s blood on it. Going back over to Hailey and cutting each vine, slowly, as he stared into her eyes. “[color=c1196b]I hope one day you will understand why I am doing what I am doing and I am glad you are cooperating with me,[/color]” he ended up cutting the last vine for all of them to loosely fall around her so she wasn’t trapped anymore. He stepped back and looked at everyone else in the room and he looked back at Hailey, “[color=c1196b]How much should I trust your brother, doll face?[/color]” he asked plainly while standing there with the knife in his hand. “[color=c1196b]I probably should trust him less than I trust you, right?[/color]” Hailey weakly stood, looking small as she wrung her hands. It gave her no small amount of trepidation to see the knife that Asterion and literally just lodged into Reid, still in his hand. She took a breath to steady herself. Knowing her brother, he was preparing for a slaughtering in 93rd Street as they spoke. She swallowed again, trying to fight down the nerves she was feeling. She really was a prisoner here. [b]”My brother can be trusted enough to meet your… requirements to get us back. I… I won't hide it, he has no love for mafias. He'd kill you if he had the chance.”[/b] Her gaze snapped up to Asterion, her hands rubbing her eyes dry as she now had her mobility back. [b]”I… I want to convince him… I [i]will[/i] convince him… that you're a good person. Not like the mafia that destroyed him… “So that maybe, he doesn't try to kill you later, once we are safe…”[/b] She spoke honestly and plainly. Asterion might not want to hear it, but it was as truthful as she could be. A sigh left his lips, “[color=c1196b]Being unorthodox does not mean I am a good person,[/color]” he began while looking at Hailey who looked exhausted as she was trying to gather herself together. “[color=c1196b]And I do not believe it is your responsibility to convince him of what he sees me as or not. I will meet with him and he can determine for himself who I am, and how he wants to deal with me is how he will want to deal with me. Dead or not. I do not matter to this world and my death will do nothing more than eliminate me from existence and I am perfectly fine with that,[/color]” Asterion sounded so truthful and he was being truthful as he stared down at Hailey. His twilight eyes flashing a purplish-pink before going back to normal. “[color=c1196b]Now, let us get you back to your room,[/color]” Asterion held his hand to help her up and lead her back to her room. Hailey wordlessly allowed herself to be escorted away, eyes on the floor. It was when they were a few paces from her door when she finally voiced her thoughts. [b]”You're not going to kill my brother… are you?”[/b] Asterion did not stop walking when she asked that question, he shook his head negatively, “[color=c1196b]I have no reason to kill your brother, princess,[/color]” his eyes glanced at the woman as he spoke. “[color=c1196b]If he gives me a reason, I will always choose myself or my family, though I do not believe that will happen for the time being or hopefully at all, so you do not have to worry about anything. Okay?[/color]” He had no plans on going after her brother or killing him. Not right now. There was no need for unnecessary violence. Asterion [i]always[/i] needed a reason to take someone’s life or he had a difficult time doing so or simply wouldn’t be able to bring himself to it. Without a fuss, Hailey continued to walk with him, staring up at him for a few moments more. [b]”...When will I be giving my apology to your people?”[/b] “[color=c1196b]Tomorrow morning, around ten. If that works? I can always change it,[/color]” Asterion offered. Hailey nodded, steadying her breath. [b]”Yes… Yes, that works fine. I… Uhm.”[/b] She couldn't meet his eyes. [b]”I'm sorry. I wrecked the dinner party. I wrecked your window. I should have told Reid not to try and… well, ‘bust us out.’ Who even decorates a prisoner's room [i]exactly[/i] how they like it? “I don't expect you to forgive me, but I felt I should say it. While I'm here.”[/b] Asterion shrugged his shoulders though the gentle curl of his lips showed his appreciation for the apology and words. “[color=c1196b]I know you are and I know Reid and you are only doing what you believe is the best course of action. I would honestly do the same. Stab the man in charge and I know that Reid most likely has had training by his reflexes. He could have thrown it into my throat or into vital organs but he chose to go for the arm and shoulder area. And you could have loaded that room up with bombs and decided to kill Elara, Varek, Zarek, Krish, and I… and even little Samuel. You choose not to do that,[/color]” By this time, they were standing in front of the open room door, and he looked at Hailey. “[color=c1196b]I have already forgiven you,[/color]” Asterion stared into her eyes. “[color=c1196b]And I decided to decorate them in ways that would make you both comfortable. You might be my prisoners but I have no reason to be a monster. Do I?[/color]” Asterion smirked a little at his words as if he wanted to know if he should be a monster or not towards Hailey and Reid. His tone was light and showing he was trying to be playful in a twisted way. Hailey sweated a bit under his gaze, though the relief showed through. [b]”No, no… no reason. I'll uhm. Wait until tomorrow, then.”[/b] She said with a dip of her head, allowing herself the tiniest smile. Giving her a little smile back, “[color=c1196b]Have a goodnight, princess,[/color]” Asterion encouraged her to go into her room before closing the door and making sure it shut properly. Once the door was secure and everything was in place and locked, he walked away from the door of the room, and pulled out his phone. His shoulder was still bleeding from earlier though he was so dissociative to pain that he was forgetting about it. Where were his limits? Where was his humanity and connection to his own body? Sadly, it was twisted and messed up because of all the games he has played. Pulling out the phone, he went to the unknown number, and called it. Contacting Flint Weathersteel once again. The line connected after a single ring. [b]”That was quick. What's on your mind, oh great and mighty Kairo?”[/b] There was a condescending tone in Flint's voice through the smoothness; he didn't mean a word. Asterion rolled his eyes at the introduction, “[color=c1196b]I rather you refer to me as jackass than falsely praise me like a god, Mister Weathersteel. And what is on my mind? Why don’t we meet, tonight, Kairo Skyscraper. You and me. Ten o’clock. You can bring a plus one or two. I do not mind. I’ll have my own plus one and possibly plus two with me,[/color]” he admitted. “[color=c1196b]Little sister has talked about you so much that she has caused me to be overly curious about who you are and what your plans are about taking down the wall —-[/color]” he paused. “[color=c1196b] — and I really want to know why you wanted to kidnap me.[/color]” There was an irritated groan on the other end, [B]”Great, figured that one out, didya?”[/b] A pause, calculative. [b]”Sure, [i]Mister Kairo[/i]. I'll pause my world domination of 93rd Street, just for you. We'll be there.”[/b] And he hung up. [hr] [color=white][h3]Tokyo Tower, Jeweled Bank[/h3][/color] [b]”...And the bunny hopped all the way home~”[/b] It was a warm sight. A father beside his daughter, the daughter tucked in bed. The soft glow of the lamp washing over them as they stared at the last page of the picture book together. The little girl, Daisy, giggled, nestling her face a little more into her father's chest. He responded by patting her head, looking down. Oh how strange it was indeed, having a killer for a father. [b]”Alright, bedtime, Daisy.”[/b] Daisy didn't protest, ducking down deeper into the sheets while her father, Flint, moved to stand by her bedside. He leaned down and gave her a kiss. She smiled, before looking up at her father with a questioning look. [b]”Daddy, when is Auntie Hailey coming back?”[/b] Flint's expression was an unreadable smile. [b]”Daddy's gonna bring her back, Daisy. You don't worry about a thing.”[/b] Her little voice asked innocently. [b]”Do bad people have her?”[/b] She was smart beyond her years. Flint smirked slightly, feeling a well of pride for his daughter, before nodding. [b]”Yes, dear. But Daddy will bring her back.”[/b] He gave her one last kiss on the forehead, before turning out the light. He softly closed the door behind him, before getting prepared for the evening ahead of him. A blindfolded, brown-haired figure stood behind him, crossing her arms and leaning by the door. [b]”This is a trap, and you know it.”[/b] Flint loosened his tie, eyeing his walk-in closet for something suitable. [b]”Whether it's a trap or not is irrelevant. That's why I'm bringing you. Wear your best dress, Vale.”[/b] Vale nodded, and left, leaving the man to get into a new suit. Tonight would be… interesting. [hr] At ten o'clock sharp, a black limousine arrived in the valet area of Kairo Skyscraper. The chauffeur opened the back door, and Flint stepped out, dressed in a [url=https://i.imgur.com/5fDtd0X.jpeg]rich blue, well-fitted suit[/url] and wingtip loafers. He moved to Vale's side, extending his hand out to her. She was dressed in a [url=https://i.imgur.com/rIs9fCj.jpeg]midnight blue gown[/url] and white fur shawl, her back blindfold switched out for a sparkling navy one. They were armed in arm as they entered the lobby area of the tower - right on time. A receptionist at the lobby of the tower was waiting for them, she had blonde hair in a bun, and a business casual dark gray pencil skirt with a light pink blouse with some frills around the collar, “[color=ffffff]Welcome, we are glad to have you here tonight Mister Weathersteel and guest,[/color]” she dipped her head while gesturing. “[color=ffffff]If you can come this way,[/color]” she would lead the two down a back hallway that didn’t seem to match up with the rest of the layout of the ground floor. They passed the stairs and elevator or at least the public ones. She walked up to a regular looking door before opening it to reveal a hidden elevator, “[color=ffffff]Step inside and press floor forty-eight. You will meet a guard there. He is armed but he is not there to hurt you at all. Only to lead you to where you need to go,[/color]” she had such a pleasant smile. [b]”Dotting his I's and crossing his T's…”[/b] Flint murmured, eyes on the elevator before glancing at the receptionist. [b]”Thank you.”[/b] They entered the elevator, pressed the number for floor forty-eight, and the doors slid shut. In the moderate privacy of the elevator, Vale's hand squeezed on Flint's bicep a feather harder. [b]”Hidden elevator… That throws the escape plan out the window. It wasn't on any of the schematics.”[/b] Flint glanced down, the slightest smile on his lips. [b]”If all goes well, we won't need an escape plan.”[/b] Vale pressed a bit more. [b]”It already feels off, boss. We may very well be walking into a trap.”[/b] Flint gave an easy shake of his head. [b]”If he wanted us dead, he would have done so already. Relax, Vale. That brilliant mind of yours is going to tire you out.”[/b] Vale pursed her lips, before nodding. [b]”Right, sir.”[/b] And the doors opened to floor forty-eight. When the door of forty-eight opened, a guard smiled, an average looking man, “[color=ffffff]Come with me,[/color]” he began to walk down the hall. All the way down the hall which took a minute to get to another door and he pressed a button as the elevator opened. “[color=ffffff]You can only go up to floor seventy-two from here. When you exit the elevator, no one will be there, go right down the hall, and you will see a sign that says stairwell. Go up three floors and you’ll find yourself on floor seventy-three. When you exit the stairwell, you will find a door right across the wall. It’s another elevator. When you enter that elevator, press number one-hundred. That will bring you to a revolving floor. The place you want to be. Asterion apologizes that it is somewhat of a maze to get to the higher floors,[/color]” the man dipped his head with a general smile while stepping away from them to give them space to enter. Flint gave a low whistle and gave the guard a nod. [b]”Thank you.”[/b] Before both he and Vale entered the elevator. Once again, the rose up through the floors, and got out at floor seventy-two. Up the flights of stairs, then into another elevator, then finally - Flint And Vale stepped out into the revolving floor. When they arrived at the revolving floor that was decorated as a personal restaurant. Modern. There was a table set up for multiple people and only one person was at it. A woman that was dressed in a semi-revealing two piece [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0d/b2/2a/0db22a85326ba07500208a9774b43c51.jpg]skirt and top combo[/url] and she shifted while she heard the noise of the door open. A smile appeared on her face as her long legs uncrossed and she stood up, “[color=c1196b]Welcome to my skyscraper,[/color]” she pleasantly gestured to the area around them. The invited guests might have noticed there were a few people standing around the inner areas at this time. Nameless guards. Except one, Zarek, but he was nameless to them. “[color=c1196b]I do apologize that I cannot meet you in my body though it is healing from a mishap today, so I thought you would love Elara’s friendlier face and softer voice,[/color]” Asterion was using Elara as a host for the moment and he reached up to touch her face to emphasize her beauty and cuteness with a gentle smile and a lift of her shoulders. “[color=c1196b]I hope that does not offend you,[/color]” Asterion continued to speak through her voice. Stepping towards Flint, she got close enough to lend a hand out for a shake, “[color=c1196b]It is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard so much about you and who is this lovely lady with you?[/color]” Flint's head tilted. [i]Interesting.[/i] [b]”You have me at a disadvantage. It almost seems inappropriate to call you ‘Mr. Kairo’,”[/b] Flint said, giving her a pleasant gaze and a firm handshake. He then stepped to the side, gesturing to Vale. [b]”This is Vale Hart, my one-plus and second-in-command.”[/b] Vale smiled, staring right at ‘Asterion' despite wearing a blindfold. She extended out her own hand. [b]”Forgive my boss’ rigidness; he got a little worked around on the way up here. It's a pleasure to meet you in, well, almost-person.”[/b] Elara’s face showed more sweet emotion than his own face would, “[color=c1196b]You can call me Asterion, Mister Kairo, or you can use Elara’s name. I will understand who you are truly speaking with,[/color]” he mentioned while giving a decent handshake back, nothing like his own hand, but still a decent one. Then through Elara’s body, he turned to Vale with a smile, and shook her hand as well. “[color=c1196b]O, do not worry about your boss. He’s one of the more pleasant people I have met. He has not tried to shoot me in the head, yet,[/color]” Kairo chuckled, on Elara’s cheek his expression flustered a little bit and she smiled with her teeth and that made her smile with her eyes. “[color=c1196b]And when June is done with my body along with its natural healing process. Maybe, just maybe, I might feel social enough to jump back into it for you two,[/color]” Elara stated while gesturing to the table she was sitting at. [b]”Mm, testing the water? Smart man.”[/b] Flint said, a smirk flashing across his face. “[color=c1196b]Let me pull your chairs out and make sure the staff gets us all something to drink. Do you two have any particular requests?[/color]” Elara began to move over to the table and when she got there, she pulled out a chair for one of them before pulling out another. Then sitting on the other side of the table herself. Vale sat first in her seat, Flint tucking her in, before sitting in his own chair. [b]”Wine for me. ‘68, if you have any.”[/b] Flint said, a little amusement in his eyes. There was something else in his gaze. Something that watched like a hawk. [b]”Champagne, please.”[/b] Vale said in an easy tone. [b]”I will say, you get quite the view here, Mr. Kairo.”[/b] Elara glanced out the window, “[color=c1196b]I’ve always enjoyed the view of heights. It reminds me how vulnerable I can be and how beautiful the world is when it looks peaceful especially at night,[/color]” he confessed with honesty. Looking towards one of the staff, he raised the delicate hand he was in control of, “[color=c1196b]Please can you get those requests, 68’ and champagne. I would love champagne myself,[/color]” he was drinking what Elara preferred instead of himself. It would taste better that way. Without more than eight minutes on the clock passing, a staff member came and set down an unopened bottle of ‘68 wine in an ice bucket with an unopened bottle of champagne in the same bucket. “[color=c1196b]Thank you, Susan,[/color]” Elara put her hand on the back of Susan’s with a smile. Susan smiled back and stepped away. Elara stood up and grabbed each bottle before opening them and pouring each person a drink before sipping his drink first and sitting down. “[color=c1196b]Are you two hungry? I bet we have anything you want,[/color]” she smiled as the staff member stood there beside the table in wait. Flint picked up his glass of wine, giving it a contemplative swishing, before glancing at Vale, [b]”Fine dining at the Kairo Skyscraper, must be our lucky night.”[/b] Vale's eyes were hidden, but one could hear the flatness that entered her tone. [b]”Stop playing and order something.”[/b] Flint chuckled. [b]”Fine,”[/b] Before he glanced at ‘Asterion’, then the staff. [b]”Two tuna steaks. Imported, not from the river. With,”[/b] He glanced at Vale again, [b]”Salad?”[/b] Vale nodded, and Flint gave a confirming thumbs up to the staff. [b]”With salads.”[/b] Elara smiled, “[color=c1196b]You know what I like,[/color]” she kept a pleasantness and Susan nodded. “[color=ffffff]I will tell the chef, Mister Kairo,[/color]” Susan stated while walking away and disappearing into the background. Leaning back into the chair and sitting more properly now, Asterion looked at the two of them, “[color=c1196b]You seem like a lovely couple,[/color]” It was a tone that was a little teasing to keep it light if they were not a couple but he loved the individuals chemistry before him. Grabbing the glass and taking another sip of champagne. “[color=c1196b]Is there any questions you have for me?[/color]” A dark look crossed Flint's face, even as his smile froze. Vale glanced up for a moment, before she covered. [b]”We do have a few questions. However, I believe a toast is in order, first.”[/b] She raised her glass, glancing at Flint again. His eyes had shut, taking a deep breath, before he regained his composure, raising his own goblet. [b]”Indeed! To ‘friends’, and delighted company at the summit of the world.”[/b] Elara joined in with the clink and took a drink of her own champagne. The cheers was as tasteful as it was going to get. However, before Flint took a sip of his wine, Vale taste-tested it. A minute passed, before she handed Flint back his glass, and took a sip of her own champagne. The woman dressed in white and pink brows furrowed in concern, not the fact that Flint was being careful, but he had his [i]plus one[/i] testing it. There was no poison. He had no intentions in doing that to them and found it quite boring to poison people at all. Flint gazed at his wine for a moment, swirling it, before his hard eyes glanced at ‘Asterion’. [b]”I saw my Little Sister leave, then return to her room, and sob her eyes out for the next hour. Reid left a trail of blood when he was dragged back into his room.”[/b] His voice dropped to a menacing tone, pleasantries gone. [b]“...The hell did you do to them?”[/b] “[color=c1196b]If you wanted a poison taster, I could have tasted it for you,[/color]” Elara joked a little and ignored the slight awkwardness in the air when Flint brought up Reid and little sister leaving the room then returning. Elara shook her head in the negative, “[color=c1196b]I brought them to dinner. I showed Reid and Hailey exactly what the damage of the bombs caused. I wanted them to understand the suffering of my people. The majority of the citizens in my district are innocent and I try so hard to protect them from the rest of Nocturnia. I wanted them to understand the consequences to their actions even though I understand why they were doing such actions. Everyone has their own motives and I do not believe yours or theirs are evil motivates. Hailey got upset. Understandably so. Reid was not happy with that and stuck a steak knife into my shoulder. Then they blew up a window so they could escape. My team restrained them before they could escape and I…[/color]” Asterion stared as if he was trying to remember what he did before he looked directly in Flint’s eyes, “[color=c1196b]Stabbed him in the leg for stabbing me in the shoulder,[/color]” he nodded at that confession. “[color=c1196b]That might have been a little much. An overreaction, June has seen him since, and his wounds should be healed by now. Completely.[/color]” Elara seemed to look at her champagne before swirling it in the champagne glass and taking a sip. “[color=c1196b]I did not want them escaping until I could at least talk to you and get to know who you are, apologies,[/color]” Asterion sighed. Flint took a sip of his wine, his face an unreadable mask. He kept his tone even, though there was a hint of ice. A hint of anger. [b]”Well, Mr. Kairo, I am here in front of you. You are welcome to ask me whatever questions you like, as long as they don't include changing our negotiation terms. I'm already booked to purge 93rd Street, you see.”[/b] Elara nodded her head with a smile, “[color=c1196b]I will not change those. I promise,[/color]” she put up her hands as if she was stepping down or accepting defeat in that category. “[color=c1196b]Why did you want to kidnap me? I am curious about that,[/color]” she spoke softly while looking over to Flint. [B]”There's a lot I could force you to do, if I were to kidnap you.”[/b] Flint said with a shrug. [b]”Have you plant evidence, steal evidence, get cozy to another mafia boss and kill them… any number of things.”[/b] Asterion grinned with Elara’s face as if completely absorbed in Flint’s words, “[color=c1196b]I think I really like you,[/color]” he chuckled with such excitement. Placing the feminine chin on the back of her own delicate hand while staring at Flint. “[color=c1196b]And you cannot force me to do anything, Flint, but I am [i]very[/i] bored, and if… we are exterminating the waste of Nocturnia. I think we could make a deal,[/color]” that was when someone came through the door and Elara looked at them. It wasn’t Susan. It was an unfamiliar face to the guests. “[color=ffffff]Asterion,[/color]” Krish stated plainly. “[color=ffffff]Your body is healed and stop smiling like that, it’s creeping me the fuck out,[/color]” he confessed while seeing Elara in such a mood like it was unnatural. Elara’s face went into a resting bitch face, “[color=c1196b]Do you like this face better?[/color]” she raised her brows. “[color=ffffff]On her, yes,[/color]” Krish confessed. She stood up with a smile, “[color=c1196b]I will be right back, plus, I do not want Elara hearing any of this,[/color]” he confessed while walking away from the table. “[color=c1196b]I will be back in about fifteen or hopefully sooner,[/color]” he waved the delicate hand before walking into the door with Krish and disappearing. It gave Flint and Vale an opportunity to talk. One turned to the other. [b]”A deal, huh?”[/b] Flint shook his head, [b]”He really doesn't get it.”[/b] Vale leveled a stare at him. [b]”You'd really throw away an opportunity?”[/b] Flint snarled. [b]”The man wants to save his own skin.”[/b] [b]”He has Little Sister. Boss, I know your heart is coal black for these people, but consider it like this. You simply wait… Until the crow flies.”[/b] Flint and Vale stared at each other for a long moment, Flint clearly not liking Vale's words. His voice was pained. [b]”You know I can't do that.”[/b] Vale shook her head. [b]”I'm not asking you to do that. I'm asking you to do that… for a little while.”[/b] Flint scoffed through his nose, leaning away in his seat and taking a large sip of his wine. Vale, knowing her boss, kept her silence, sipping on her own champagne. It stayed like this until Asterion was finished. It was roughly a minute or two past the ten minute mark when that elevator door opened again. A taller man came through the door dressed simply though [url=https://img.staticdj.com/04b2b0be3618630099e2b6c65624ab23_1080x.jpg]dressy[/url] as he made his way over to the table. His twilight eyes flicked pink-ish purple. “[color=c1196b]I am sorry to keep you waiting,[/color]” His deeper voice was a hard contrast from Elara’s soft and feminine one. Stepping in front of them, he looked at Flint and held out his hand, “[color=c1196b]Pleasure to meet you, once again,[/color]” he was wondering if the man would shake his hand again or not. Flint smirked, standing from the table, and held them man’s hand in a firm shake. [b]”You've made a full recovery, I take it?”[/b] Unlike Elara’s hand, Asterions’ was a firm handshake this time. Vale stood beside him, chiming in right quick. [b]”What my boss means to say, is that he would like to apologize on Reid’s behalf for stabbing you.”[/b] Flint made a face, grimacing slightly, [B]”Always the damage control…”[/b] Asterion nodded his head, “[color=c1196b]Do not apologize for the actions Reid had done. If I was him, I would have tried to get a kill shot, to be honest, he was polite to only get me in the shoulder,[/color]” he chuckled. Grinning with his teeth. “[color=c1196b]And you do not need to speak for Flint in this case, he seems like a man that would say it if he truly meant it,[/color]” his twilight eyes glanced to Flint to confirm his words as if he was asking for approval more than anything. Flint gave a light chuckle. [b]”That obvious, huh?”[/b] “[color=c1196b]I rather people be as honest as they can with me Flint and I am an expert in psychology, if I say so myself, so I know. You will not say anything you do not want to say to me but I love that. I appreciate it. It is such a respectable characteristic,[/color]” he stated before grabbing the drink that he poured for himself, for Elara, and he set it to the side. Grabbing himself another glass and pouring himself the 68’ wine instead before picking it up and taking a sip from it. Flint tilted his head. [b]”Buttering me up, eh? What, you want me to make a bloodbath out of 93rd Street [i]now[/i], rather than in the morning?”[/b] It seemed as though he was attempting a joke. Vale seemed a bit exasperated, but held her tongue this time around. It appeared Asterion had a good read on Flint and his… well, [i]straightforward[/i] mannerisms. Flint thought it was funny, allowing himself a little chuckle. Before he raised his eyebrows questioningly. [b]”But there's a reason you came out in person. And a reason you're being so kind to the man who ordered sabotage on your district. “So, Mr. Kairo, you know I'm all ears. What exactly were you proposing, bringing us all the way out here…?”[/b] Asterion kept standing and he took another sip of his drink, “[color=c1196b]Believe it or not, I try to be pleasant to everyone even people who do things not in my favor or my exact interests,[/color]” he spoke evenly as he glanced at Flint and Vale before setting his glass down. “[color=c1196b]I want to know this plan, little sister kept bringing it up. That you plan to take down the wall?[/color]” Flint's eyebrows waggled slightly, tossing back the rest of his wine before setting it on the table. Not the best way to enjoy ‘68, but sometimes, drowning yourself was rewarding. [b]”Ah, she told you about that, did she?”[/b] He said, his gaze turning to the window, neon lights twinkling below. He seemed almost wistful, as if his sense of purpose had reignited. Then his sharp eyes glanced back at Asterion, crinkled slightly in humour. In grandeur. [b]”It's true. I have been given a bit of… Providence, if you will. If enough mafia bosses suddenly… [i]bite the dust[/i], if you get my drift, Providence will open, like rivers of wine and honey. And the Wall will be shattered. And those who are with me will be free, finally.”[/b] Asterion stood there, staring at Flint for a second, “[color=c1196b]You believe if you kill enough mafia leaders, god will tear down those walls?[/color]” he sounded a little confused. “[color=c1196b]Mafia leaders fall constantly and we have recently come from a city-wide war that spilled so much blood. I do not know if doing such a thing would tear down the wall and I do not know if that would help the people of Nocturnia, especially the ones that cannot fight for themselves,[/color]” he glanced to the side as he thought. His eyes flicking up to Flint while thought dwelled in those twilight eyes. Flint stared back, before him and Vale shared a look. Vale's head tilted, before she shrugged. [b]”You know you can't speak in code words to just [I]anyone[/i].”[/b] Flint ran a palm over his mouth, staring at Vale, before glancing back at Asterion. [b]”I could tell you. But it's, shall we say, highly confidential. If word got out…”[/b] Then Flint shrugged. [b]”Ah, what the hell. I'd kill ‘em anyway.”[/b] He raised a finger, listing out the details. [b]”Providence is what turned my life around a few years back. A guarantee, if you will. There's a military group outside the Wall I'm in contact with. They fund me, and in turn, I get full privilege to tear down the bigwigs here. Now, they do say something about granting passage out when the job is done, but that's something I highly doubt. “So, I've been creating an army.”[/b] He stared at the man as he spoke, he was not sure if he could believe Flint, and he nodded. “[color=c1196b]You do not fully trust the military that you are in contact with but you are hoping it brings the best outcome nonetheless? What happens if they betray you or slaughter the people of Nocturnia? Do you know if they would do that or not? Do you trust that they wouldn’t rampage through the city and kill everyone after the protectors of districts are gone?[/color]” Asterion was clearly fishing. He was curious. There were plenty of thoughts in his mind and many more questions yet he wanted to ask what felt the most important to him — the innocent people of Nocturnia who suffer the most at the hands of the ones on pedestals. [b]”Caring for the people, how noble!”[/b] Flint laughed. A cold, cruel laugh. [b]”But you have to know, the only way anyone is getting out of here, is through violence. Unified, dirty, unbridled violence.”[/b] There was a sheen in Flint's eyes now, a fire. He was speaking passionately now. Asterion seemed unphased when the sentence blew out from Flint like it meant nothing to him. Him caring about people, in his mind, was not for a noble reason. There were so many people he would kill without a second thought while others he saw as innocent —- a godly complex. Specifically a hypocritical one. But one had to do what one had to do to keep their people safe, right? [b]”That, [i]that[/i] is what the [code]revolution[/code] is for. Those military dogs throw money at us to kill ourselves, I get some catharsis killing some mafia bosses - but only so much. They feed us money only drown in it. The [code]revolutionists[/code] will burn down every guard tower, every Wall, every goddamn militant that thinks they can cage us like animals - And I will lead it. I will bathe in the blood of the militants as the Wall is broken, and Nocturnia is turned free.”[/b] Listening to the man’s words, he thought about them, and he shook his head, “[color=c1196b]So you plan to doublecross the military that will most likely doublecross you,[/color]” he nodded at the thought. “[color=c1196b]Interesting,[/color]” Asterion put it simply. That was when the door opened and Susan came back through it. He held his hand up to Susan with one finger up. “[color=ffffff]Am I walking into something important?[/color]” “[color=c1196b]A little bit, yes,[/color]” he downplayed the conversation. At this time, Flint might have noticed all the guards that were standing around, there were barely any left except two. Then there was Susan as well. With a cart that had dinner on it. Someone with a keen eye would notice there were four cloches instead of three — was someone else sitting with them. Asterion gave a small smile to Flint, “[color=c1196b]I am sorry that our conversation was disturbed,[/color]” he added but they did order dinner. Susan came over to put all the cloches down. One in front of Vale, one in front of Flint, one in front of Asterion, and one to Asterion’s side. Susan gave him a look and he nodded. She smiled then walked away. “[color=c1196b]We should wait for our other guest,[/color]” Asterion gestured for Flint and Vale to sit as he did himself. It was almost in unison that Flint and Vale scanned the room, eyes, blindfolded or not, falling on the extra dinner. Before they exchanged a look between them, and sat down. Who could the mysterious extra guest be? The reduction in guards was an encouraging sight. At least, Vale was assured by it. Flint couldn't care less, but he didn't make a comment on it. Didn't want Vale seething at him again, after all. They sat, mirroring Asterion. An empty glass of wine and and an empty glass of champagne were refilled, and Flint and Vale shared a quiet [i]clink[/i] before taking a sip. [b]”If I may ask,”[/b] Vale started, her voice polite. [b]”Who else is joining us tonight?”[/b] Asterion took a glance at Vale with a gentle smile, “[color=c1196b]A pleasant surprise,[/color]” he answered so vaguely. The man took a glass of water and took a sip of it. It was warm. The way he enjoyed water, warm or hot. Not soon after, the elevator door opened and Elara, dressed like she was, came through the door along with two men — Varek and Krish. “[color=ffffff]As you asked for, Asterion, little sister is here to join you,[/color]” she stepped to the side for Hailey and gestured for her to go join Asterion, Flint, and Vale. Flint immediately stood, eyes widened, palms pressed on the table as he half-turned to face Hailey. One could see his hands were trembling, before they circled into fists to hide it. Vale stared for a moment, before she glanced at Asterion, [b]”Permission for Flint to hug his Little Sister?”[/b] Asterion shook his head, “[color=c1196b]I told Flint that little sister and Reid are guests…[i]of sorts[/i],[/color]” he added with a nod. “[color=c1196b]He can go hug her. He does not need permission to appreciate family with me. I thought it would be a pleasure for him to actually see her so he understood that she was not being harmed,[/color]” he added. By this time, Hailey’s wounds and burns and everything else would have been healed by June. The man had no intentions to keep Hailey or Reid suffering. Flint was out of his seat, and facing Hailey and her entourage in that next instant. He had eyes only for her as his arms spread wide. Hailey beamed, glancing up at Elara questioningly, before she hurried to her brother's arms. They embraced, Flint looking like a man who'd just entered Paradise. He patted his sister's head, before leaning back, holding her arms. [b]”Are you hurt? Are they treating you good?”[/b] His voice was hushed and soft. A tone he hadn't used before. Hailey had tears in her eyes as she looked up at her brother. [b]”I'm fine, Big Brother. They have a gyfted healer. And my room even has a cat!”[/b] Flint's dead eyes actually gained some light at that comment, and he embraced his sister once more. He whispered in her ear. [b]”I'm sorry… I'm so sorry. I got you involved in the wrong side of work again.”[/b] Hailey softly shook her head, whispering back. [b]”I'd do it again, Big Brother. You will set us free. And you will rescue me, yes?”[/b] Flint leaned back, looking into her eyes again, gripping her arms strongly. His voice was at a normal volume again, impassioned. [b]”By this time tomorrow, you will be back home with Daisy and me. I swear it.”[/b] Hailey sniffled, brushing away a tear, nodding. Before her eyes glanced over Flint's shoulder, glancing at Asterion and Vale. There was a self-conscious look to her face as she glanced up shyly at her brother. [b]”We… shouldn't keep Mr. Kairo waiting.”[/b] Flint stared at his sister a moment longer, before he relented. He held her hand and brought her to the table, releasing her to sit beside Asterion. His sister still wasn't his, and wasn't free yet, after all. [b]”...Ensuring I do a good job tomorrow?”[/b] Flint asked with a slanted smile towards Asterion. Asterion looked up to Flint with a gentle smile, he had plans already, but he wasn’t going to share them. It would be surprising more than anything. “[color=c1196b]You can have Reid after dinner, if you would like,[/color]” he added while staring the man in the eyes. “[color=c1196b]I would rather not get stabbed in the shoulder again or anywhere, to be honest, plus I would assume he has some…[/color]” twirling his hand in the air. “[color=c1196b]...gyft that allows him to fly or safely jump from floor ninety-seven of a skyscraper,[/color]” Asterion added. Showing that he had lost interest or passion to keep Reid at all. Flint's head tilted. [b]”So you got that much from him… Very well, we will take him back after dinner.”[/b] He and Hailey took their respective seats, continuing to listen to Asterion. Asterion glanced at Hailey, “[color=c1196b]And yes,[/color]” his twilight eyes flicked towards Flint, “[color=c1196b]You will get your little princess back tomorrow,[/color]” Asterion leaned back in his chair. “[color=c1196b]Before you go after dinner, I will have little sister go back to her room, because I want to talk to you about a few more things before you leave. What was disturbed between us and I do not think it is appropriate to have little sister or a few others here,[/color]” Asterion glanced up to Elara who was standing against a wall. Her eyes glared at him. He smiled and waved and she rolled her eyes. “[color=c1196b]If you understand,[/color]” Asterion looked back to Flint as he began to lift the cloche and reveal a dish that was common among [i]very[/i] poor people. Ratatouille. Flint's eyes narrowed at that, but he kept his thoughts to himself. [b]”Very well…”[/b] Flint and Vale removed their covers, revealing succulent fish with a side of salad. Hailey, predictably, had pancakes with whipped cream again. Hailey, this time around, had her eyes more focused on her brother. Flint too, was watching her closely. There would be business to talk of after this. Flint was fine with that. He already got more than he bargained for. He got to see his Little Sister. All three, however, didn't touch their food. Not until Asterion would start to eat. The man sat there for a few seconds looking at the three and got the hunch that they might not be eating because of him. Asterion took a forkful of his dish and put it into his mouth. Setting the fork down and chewing slowly while glancing at all of them before swallowing, “[color=c1196b]Please, do not starve on my watch,[/color]” he joked. “[color=c1196b]If you need a poison taster, Flint, I can try all three dishes on the table,[/color]” he gestured from how Flint had Vale test his wine earlier. Flint smirked. [b]”If you wanted me dead, you would have done so already.”[/b] Vale stared pointedly at Flint for a long, long moment, before he softly sighed and pushed his dish over to her. She tried the fish and the salad, waited a moment, before she was satisfied and pushed it back over to Flint. Then went back to her food like nothing happened. Hailey pouted a bit. [b]”Mr. Kairo wouldn't poison you. That takes too much effort!”[/b] Vale glanced at Hailey, before bowing her head a bit at Asterion. [b]”My apologies, old habits die hard. Flint has been… Well, [i]burned[/i] before. It's my job to ensure he doesn't have to worry about that ever again.”[/b] Flint stiffened at the table. [b]”Yes, let's talk about literally [i]anything else[/i].”[/b] Hailey giggled, finding it incredibly funny. And, soon enough, everyone was eating their food. It was Hailey that voiced what may have crossed Flint and Vale's minds, as a curiosity. [b]”Mr. Kairo?”[/b] Hailey asked, a bit shy. [b]”I've seen you eat inexpensive dishes twice now, even though you could eat anything. Can I ask why?”[/b] Asterion glanced at Hailey when she asked the question and he set down his fork on the cloth napkin that the other utensils laid on. “[color=c1196b]Why would I eat better than the poorest people in my district? And I was not always in such a high position of power, princess. I grew up poorer than dirt and I find comfort in these foods more than fancier things as well. They remind me of simpler times,[/color]” he confessed. “[color=c1196b]And by not spending money on myself constantly even though I do appreciate finer things. I am able to funnel money into aid shelters to make sure everyone in my district does not go hungry or they get access to the basic necessities of what they need,[/color]” Asterion explained. Which was something he had been doing since the very beginning. Making sure every approved individual in his district was able to get the necessities of food, water, clothing, and roofs over their heads. People could not move into the Nickel district without going through application. People without approved cards, Nickel Citizen cards or tattoos, would be kicked out. They were not allowed to access housing. There were landlords and tenants that were regulated. People had jobs. Individuals were allowed to access schooling and higher education because he put money into making Nickel a paradise amongst the other districts in Nocturnia. He had his own little government and economy setup that kept things rolling steadily. “[color=c1196b]Most of everything is to make Nickel better for the people that are approved to live here even if it is simply not splurging every night,[/color]” he chuckled a little bit in amusement as he took another sip of his water. Hailey stared in surprise. [b]”...Huh.”[/b] Before she grinned cheekily. [b]”Are you sure you're not a good person?”[/b] Flint smirked. [b]”No one is a good person in Nocturnia. Now eat your food and stop pestering the man, Little Sister.”[/b] Hailey let the look of admonishment pass over her face, before she dutifully took another bite of her pancake. Asterion smiled, “[color=c1196b]As I said earlier, unorthodox, not good,[/color]” his eyes glanced at Flint when he emphasized it. “[color=c1196b]Exactly. No one can be truly good in such a world.[/color]” [hr] Time passed and everyone was finishing up their plates and drinks. Asterion sighed and glanced at Hailey, [color=c1196b]I am sorry, but I have to have you go back to your room. You and your brother can say your goodbyes,[/color]” he gestured to emphasize that they could take a few minutes. Susan was there taking the plates from the table. Hailey's face crumpled a bit, but she nodded. [b]”...Okay…”[/b] A look of conflicted emotions passed over Flint's face as he got out of his chair. Hailey moved to bury her face in his chest one last time, squeezing him tight. [b]”You'll do what he asks, and come get me tomorrow, right? You promise?”[/b] Hailey said in a small voice. Flint patted his sister's head again, before taking her hand and walking with her towards the elevator and waiting escorts. [b]”I promise. I'll come get you.”[/b] And with that, he let go of Hailey's hand, and nodded towards the escorts. It was time for Hailey to go. Flint watched a moment longer, before returning to his seat, his jaw set firmly. A pause, hand clenching and unclenching, like he was really fighting with his own desires. Before his gaze locked on Asterion. [b]”You wanted to discuss some things. I'm listening.”[/b] Asterion sat there and looked at the man, “[color=c1196b]For the situation at hand, you are doing a favor for me. I enjoyed listening to your plan, so I am asking you. What favor do you want me to do in return?[/color]” his eyes met Flint’s seriously. He was not playing a game or poking fun at the man. He was doing his reasoning, an eye for an eye, and he didn’t see the current situation to be an even exchange. The man had surprises up his sleeve but they were surprises, so he couldn’t share them with Flint, and he was testing the man all at the same time by doing so. Flint shook his head, a crass smirk alight on his face. [b]”Don't take me for a fool, Mr. Kairo. I tried to make you a pawn in my game, and I failed. You now have one piece of my heart. I'm not in a position to ask anything from you, except that you keep your word and return Hailey to me after I hand off 93rd Street to you.”[/b] “[color=c1196b]Everyone makes each other pawns in a game that they set the rules for, Mister Weathersteel. Now, I will not ask you again. What [i]favor[/i] do you want me to do for you?[/color]” Asterion’s voice became serious and stern unlike any other tone he has used. Staring at Flint, he was not playing games, and he was not prodding and poking at Flint for fun. Flint stared for a moment, his eyes narrowing despite the smirk not leaving his face. She shifted in his seat, procuring a pack of smokes and a light. Marlboro. [b]”You don't mind if I smoke in here, do you?”[/b] Flint asked, fitting a smoke between his lips and lighting it. A heavy scent of dried fruits and tobacco filled the air, smoke curling around Flint. [b]”...”[/b] Flint's face turned a serious tone, propping his smoking hand against his forehead, elbow on the table. He already had a favour he'd ask. It was the same goal that he had since the beginning of his campaign against Asterion. His eyes stared unfocused at the table for a moment, before he glanced at Asterion. [b]”Did you ever figure out why I had Reid dressed like a military man?”[/b] Asterion kept his eyes on Flint while he raised a hand. Someone went over to something and pressed a button and a few of the windows around the revolving floor cracked open. Letting fresh air in to make sure the smoke of the cigarette didn’t stain anything too aggressively. “[color=c1196b]No, I did not care to look that far into his mind. Plus, with how… pathetic his attempt was with the situation in Echo Chambers, I assumed he could not be military at all,[/color]” he stated plainly. Leaning back in his chair. Thinking for a second before shaking his head, “[color=c1196b]I could learn anything and everything about Reid or little sister that I want. Or you —[/color]” he glanced at Vale and smirked. “[color=c1196b] — though I cannot learn about Vale. Unless she tells me what she wants to.[/color]” Asterion’s eyes seemed to have a different hint in them while staring at her. Then it went away when his eyes flicked back at Flint, “[color=c1196b]I understand that you do not want to work with mafias, Flint, little sister has told me plenty of things. How you hate me and my kind. How you will kill me the second you get a chance. And…[/color]” Asterion paused for a second. “[color=c1196b]... I enjoyed listening to your plan and I do not think our goals are far apart even if we come from opposite sides of the coin, Flint. If you believe you can tear down those walls and make the future better for Nocturnia. I will let you kill me, under one condition,[/color]” Asterion stared at the man before taking a drink of his water again. Flint's eyes gained a light of curiosity. Masked, but still there. Asterion knew quite a bit, but still, it intrigued Flint. [b]”Oh? And what condition would this be?”[/b] Asterion set down his drink and glanced to see who was still in the room. Zarek was the only one else in the room which he appreciated that the others left with Hailey. He didn’t want Elara hearing this, Krish, or anyone. The emotional reactions of others was something he didn’t want to deal with when it came to his own self. “[color=c1196b]I will help you get those walls to fall. I want the best for the people that deserve it. I want Nocturnia to be better than before. I want it cleansed but once those walls fall, I understand, it will need to be cleansed more. Once it is certain that Nocturnia will flourish and be better. I will let you kill me but [i]only[/i] when it is certain that tearing those walls down was for the better,[/color]” he explained while taking another drink of his water before putting it down. “[color=c1196b]Plus, I cannot kill myself and no one following me will do so. I only suffer in this world the longer I am here and my gyft has done a number on my mind and body. One could say that I am losing myself or not myself anymore,[/color]” Asterion opened up a little bit. He knew Krish was catching onto the psychological issues that were becoming more and more present with time. Flint and Vale shared a look. There was something in Flint's eyes. Pity, maybe. Not empathy, but something close to it. [b]”I get it. Fuckin’ gyfts, right?”[/b] His voice was black, as if he was speaking from experience. He took a long draw on his Marlboro, considering Asterion's words. [b]”...Wasn't expecting you to offer yourself up on a silver platter.”[/b] He pretended to consider it further, before he shrugged, leaning back in his seat. [b]”Deal. We can tear down the Wall together. “Meanwhile… There was that little bit with Reid. I'll be honest, I wanted to see you and Del Guarde fight to the death. But perhaps we can do something different now. That favour? Wipe Del Guarde off the board.”[/b] Asterion laughed a bit, a grin on his face, as his tongue slid across his upper pearly white teeth, “[color=c1196b]I do not think you get it, Flint, not my case,[/color]” how could anyone understand that? How your mind begins to merge with everyone you jump into but you have to do that at times to continue to do better for everyone but it was like cancer. Spreading. No cure. The man stood up and dusted himself off at the thought, “[color=c1196b]No one gets it,[/color]” all the emotion fell from his face as if he was a husk of a person at that thought. Flint merely looked at him, smiled, and held his silence. Asterion nodded at the thought, no one did get it, but he wouldn’t continue to whine and bitch about it. Walking away from the table to one of the closed windows to stare down at the night lit city. “[color=c1196b]I was planning on getting rid of them anyways ~ Plus, I have a friend wanting the same outcome,[/color]” he let his head fall towards his left shoulder as he smiled at Flint and Vale before he looked back to the city with his hands behind his back. “[color=c1196b]If that [i]friend[/i] is competent enough, I bet they have already started attacking the Del Guarde or have even a better outcome. You are taking 93rd for me. I will focus on Yellowbrick, hopefully by tomorrow night when we meet ~ The Del Guarde will be running from their nest like rats. Lose all their footings and steps. Then I will focus on eliminating their leader,[/color]” Asterion plainly said. His eyes have lost all of their emotion and the majority of emotion in his voice disappeared as well. Flint couldn't help the evil smirk that crossed his face. [b]”That sounds like a plan.”[/b] He glanced once at Vale, before he stood, adjusting his suit before staring at Asterion. The man was a picture of dominance over his district, looking down at it from above. Flint found it a bit funny. Chewing a bit on his Marlboro, Flint gave Asterion a side glance. [b]”If there's nothing more to discuss, I have some preparations yet to do…”[/b] Asterion flagged his hand up as if he was telling Flint to wait and stop. He felt his hand up for about thirty seconds before that elevator door came open and Varek came through it with Reid. “[color=c1196b]Have a pleasant night you three,[/color]” he smiled slightly before looking back through the window. Varek walked up to Asterion with a questioning look. Reid gave Varek a parting grimace, before glancing over at Flint. His face was colored in humiliation. Flint only smirked, before giving Asterion a nod. [b]”We'll see ourselves out.”[/b] And he held a hand out for Vale, which she took, and they went arm in arm towards the elevator. Flint gestured with a hand for Reid to follow them. [b]”Come, my man. Let's talk about your mission, and where it all went wrong.”[/b] Reid's face grew hot, and he fell in line behind them. [b]”Y-yes, Sir.”[/b] And the three departed from the revolving floor of the Kairo Skyscraper. “[color=c1196b]Start the invasion of Yellow Brick, we will burn the Del Guarde on stakes,[/color]” Asterion smirked a little bit and Varek seemed to be nervous. He shook his head without any debate or protest before leaving his boss alone. [/color] [hr] [b]Interactions[/b] Flint Weathersteel, Vale, Hailey, and Reid [@Estylwen] [b]Mentions[/b] Vaguely mentioning Matthias [@ERode] & The Del Guarde [center][code]Invading Yellow Brick[/code][/center]