The party is as prepared as they are likely to be, which is fortunate because they are out of time. The goat-bat creature comes through the door at what, given its anatomy, passes for a dash. Cloven hooves immediately begin skittering on the tile floor, and its spindly legs almost fall out from under it, but it manages to recover and looks up at the three of you. Judging by the wideness of its eyes and the screeching, bleating sound it lets out, it is not reassured by your presence, and immediately goes to leap over the diner's counter, hoping to bypass you entirely and flee into the kitchen. As that happens, the man following it reaches the diner as well. He sees the CLOSED sign hanging in the door--flipped by Diana on her way out--and the empty tables facing the street, but he doesn't see the three of you[sup]1[/sup] until he's already opened the door and taken a step inside. "Whoa! Wha--hey!" He's clearly surprised to see anyone in here, much less the strange, supernatural tableau he's been presented with. His tone doesn't exactly lack confidence, but the way he's stumbling over his words doesn't do a lot for his gravitas. "Who the fu--I mean, uh, identify yourselves!" As he speaks, he moves his hand to his waistband, where you can see a holstered pistol. [hr] [sup]1[/sup] Not counting Luka's baseball guy [hider=Game Stats] [color=purple][b][u]Phantom Clock:[/u][/b][/color] [color=green][b]1 PM[/b][/color] [b][u]Party Experience:[/u] 0[/b] [b][u]Fate Deck:[/u] 15/22[/b] [hider=Luka Durand] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [hider=Emily Sanderson] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]-1 Forward[/list] [/hider] [hider=Ashley Whitlock] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [b]Ready For Anything:[/b][list] [*][color=#dbd05e][b]The Fool[/b] - [i]Neutral[/i] - You become who you are needed to be in this moment[/color] [*][color=#dbd05e][b]The Hermit[/b] - [i]Neutral[/i] - Your actions isolate you[/color] [*][s][color=#2a86d6][b]The World[/b] - [i]Positive[/i] - For a single moment, the world bends to your will[/color][/s][/list] [/hider] [hider=The Crow] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [/hider]