[hider=Imperial Nordboo] [b]Name[/b]: Thorius (or, Thor, Tyr, Tàr, and many other variations depending on the milieu he is attempting to ingratiate himself with.) Justinianus [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Imperial [b]Appearance[/b]: His hair and eyes are both very dark, whilst his skin was at birth quite pale and has further paled by his time in Skyrim. Often he might don face paints of all sorts on himself. Uusally his face will be cleanly shaven while his hair falls neatly to his shoulders to keep the cold away from his ears. [b]Personality[/b]: Thor is a man heavily influence by the fact that he worships not one but two pantheons, more than ten Gods demanding his attention in sometimes contradictory ways. Combined with his belief that the Gods are speaking to him (be it literally in his head, or through omens he believes he can decipher) this leads to behaviour that at first sight might seem somewhat erratic. However, past the artificial cheeriness brought for by his communing with the pantheon, Thor is a quite dour soul. In his youth forced out of his home, it was the first of a series of tragedies that culminated in his imprisonment. Though now Talos worship is legal in the Empire and he has an opportunity to fight against the true enemy of him and his people, he can't help but feel a defeated man serving his conqueror. To the surprise of most, he doesn't have any problem with Elves, in fact getting along with them quite well so long as they do not happen to be Thalmor and their lackeys. [b]Brief Backstory[/b]: Thor was born in the North of Cyrodiil, far enough to be close to Skyrim without being a Colovian pseudo-Nord. His family were merchant elites, bringing him into the curious position of being well educated and privileged without any of the true hereditary might of a noble, merely that which coin could buy. This made his father ceaselessly teach him that he had to be always on guard, for unlike a nobleman, he could only rely on that which coin could bring him. This was he would later learn, a prelude to the realities his family had to face as worshippers of Talos. A voracious student, Thorius's academic studies were brutally interrupted as the truth of his family's confession was revealed by another merchant family they were competing with, and a raid forced the once proud Justinianii to become refugees. Thus they fled for Skyrim. Suddenly bereft of funds, the once prestigious family became menial workers in Windhelm. With his family being outlanders that didn't speak the Nord tongue, Thor more and more found himself uninterested in whatever wisdom his father had to espouse. Instead the constant firebrand zealotry roared by the Stormcloaks enamoured him, and slowly Thor came to adopt himself into the Nord culture. While he never forgot his roots and kept the Imperial Gods, he more and more found himself feeling his soul to be Nordic. Before he even went through puberty, he left home and joined the Priests among the Stormcloaks. The teenage Thor would see many battles, both losing and winning among the Stormcloaks. He would mature in their ranks, slowly coming to wield a blade as tending to the wounded and dying did not feel a sufficient calling. He was more and more convinced that the ailing state of both Skyrim and the Empire was a result of their own failings, that the Gods were punishing them with the Thalmor for their inadequacies as he thought he heard their calls. But he did not have much time to speak on this, as the first hairs on his face came at about the same time that the Empire seemed to wrap up the civil war in Skyrim. So Thor was imprisoned among many other Stormcloaks that went quietly. Mixed feelings came across him as the new self-proclaimed Empress declared the worship of Talos legal and necessary once more. On the one hand, it meant that in spirit he had won. The Stormcloak cause of fighting for their right to worship one of the Nine divines was successful, even if it wasn't under the banner of the Bear. On the other hand, it meant he had fought for nothing. The woman that brought him and his comrades low had suddenly turned her back on the very same cause that she had fought for when defeating him and his brothers in arms. Thor was confused, and the only thing that was clear was that he personally had lost. He had tried so hard to learn the blade to fight. He had prayed every day and night to ensure the Gods would be on his side. But still he was defeated. Thus it was strange when admidst his sentencing, he was granted amnesty on the simple condition of his enlistment into service of the Empire. With little choice, he accepted, albeit warily. After all, was the Empire sincere in its reverence for Talos since mere years ago it had fought its worshippers? Or perhaps the tales of realpolitik were true, that they were merely bidding their time to fight the Thalmor, that Thor was an unwitting agent of the Thalmor? Either way, he was eager to seek revenge. [b]Equipment[/b]: He does not need very much. Ritualistic equipment (paints, incense, bones, etc.), a blade, a shield, and ideally some armour to catch the arrows. But he will gladly take anything greater if it is available. [b]Skills[/b]: Thor is not a true warrior, nor is he a true mage. A man learned in both blade and Godly sorcery, he treads directly on the line between these paths. While he calls on the power of the Aedra, he is more than willing to raise a weapon in hand in the instance they do not answer his prayers. While a learned fellow, he still has many gaps in his academic resume. However, in respect to history and religion of any culture and race of Mundus, he will be an expert. [/hider]