[@Raineh Daze] Here we are. Stopped being lazy and finished up now that I had some free time. Lemme know if anything needs to be changed. [Hider=Paladin] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/u7zDH68.png[/img][/center] [list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Colcette Phielus [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Female [*][u][b]Race[/b][/u]: Breton [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: Colcette, standing at five foot eight has long red hair, often hanging loose when not tied up or wearing a helmet. When shes not wearing her armor she wears either her robes from her time in the chantry or very humble peasant clothing, noting that wearing anything more feels a little excessive for a humble servant of Akatosh and the Divines. [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: In her day to day, Colcette's personality can be described as confidently brash and self-assured. She fully believes she's here for some divine purpose, some grand divine portent such as helping the Empire rebuild itself and drive out its elvish aggressors and return peace and stability. She couldn't tell you exactly when she started believing this, but growing up on tales of Akatosh, Talos, and Pelinial Whitestrake certainly likely had a factor in it. This, of course, has also given her something of a less than stellar opinion of elves - especially the High Elves and the Bosmer who were the first to break away from the Empire. She often spends her free time either in churches or studying any religious text she can get her hands on. One could make the argument she is fairly arrogant. Perhaps rather paradoxically, though, she can also be surprisingly playful and a little catty which can catch people meeting her for the first time a little off guard. This attitude entirely vanishes in combat, however - that is something she takes with an almost impressive amount of seriousness and even hostility, and even mild cruelty depending on who or what she's fighting and the overall situation. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: High rock is no stranger to conflict, politicking, and having its own internal wars and strife. Such a way of life has long been ingrained and even celebrated by the peoples of the Illiac Bay. This fact and way of life is only overshadowed by the Bretons staunch ability to come together to defend against outside forces despite this. As such, the Thalmor had difficulty with its plots messing with the internal affairs and destabilizing region, allowing the Bretons to still remain staunchly loyal to the Empire. This, would be the climate that Colcette would be born into. Roughly four years after the Great War, Colcette would be born in the Stormhaven region of Highrock, in the city of Wayrest to a minor noble family as their youngest daughter. Her older siblings included a brother a few years older, a sister, and the her oldest brother. Growing up, the Phileus children couldn't be more different. Her gloomy and stern older brother focusing entirely on statecraft and inheriting the families titles. Her lively, slightly clumsy and too into fashion her older sister desiring to become a skilled mage, and her second brother focusing on sorcery and magic who grew up on too many tales of adventure and knighthood. Not that she could fault her second brother for that, she often would share his exuberance in such tales but her focus ultimately would end up going in an entirely different direciton. Theology, specifically myths and legends surrounding Talos, Akatosh, and spending much of her free time in Wayrests Temple of Akatosh studying any bit of religious text she could get her hands on, no matter how dubious in its origin. She spent her time learning from the priests, with a clear desire to join the Akatosh Chantry herself and becoming an ordained member of the clergy. This peaceful time in her life, though, came to an abrupt end in 4E 188. The sudden assassination of the corrupt head of the Order of the Hour by the dark brotherhood would cause a chain reaction that led the city to be besieged by corsairs. The king of Wayrest at the time, cut a deal with the pirates and fled, leaving the cities' gates open and free for the pirates to raid it as they see fit. If not for some unknown hero rallying the guard and populace together, the damage could have been much worse, but it didn't stop tragedy happening entirely. Her father was killed during the raiding, leaving the affairs of the family to fall to her eldest brother once her mother fell Ill shortly afterwards. During the following years, Colcette started questioning what she could do to prevent something like that happening again. Not only to prevent something like pirates or a corrupt leader or cowardly king to leave the populace at their whims, but to prevent something like the Great War that happened shortly before she was born from happening again, to say nothing of the Thalmor that were still causing issues and problems. Her abilities as a healer and student of Akatosh and Arkay could only do so much. It was only when a man started frequenting the Cathedral did she start to get some idea of what she could do. He was a former member of the Order of the Hour. Past his prime and obviously injured, but one day she walked up to him and demanded to be taught swordsmanship. It took awhile of her pestering him, but eventually he acquiesced and for several long years, she would learn everything she could from this former knight, gaining new perspectives on both her beliefs and how one can better aid people around her. When she was sixteen, she finally left home, wanting to both test her skills as a knight as well as start helping folk that she could...and more importantly, travel south to the Hammer fell border and find any evidence of Thalmor presence and eradicate it. Her years of tutelage and study of history and theology resulting in a unique disdain for the High Elves and other elves to a lesser extent - how dare they challenge Akatosh and the Empire? Thus, her life continued like this until recently. After hearing a somewhat familiar name had become Empress of the Empire and reinstated worship of Talos, Colcette made to travel further south, heading through the Gold Coast, traveling through Anvil and eventually making her way towards the Imperial city where she rather audaciously walked right into a meeting of the Elder Council and swore eternal loyalty to the Empress. [*][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: As one may expect of a particularly militant member of the Akatosh Chantry, Colcette over the years has put together a full set of Steel armor, decorated with religious iconography of Akatosh, a Steel longsword that is her favored weapon, and an amulet of Akatosh that she has had since she first became interested in learning theology from her home. [u][b]Steel Armor[/b][/u] A set of steel armored modified lightly to have religious iconography of Akatosh on the breastplate. [u][b]Steel Longsword[/b][/u] A simple and easy to use longsword. [u][b]Amulet of Akatosh[/b][/u] An old amulet of Akatosh she's had since she first became interested in the Chantry. Like all of these religious amulets, it increases ones ability to regenerate magicka. [*][u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: [u][b]Restoration - Adept[/b][/u] As a learned healer Colcette is skilled in Restoration spells, learned both from various priests at the temple of Akatosh and a few others that occasionally visited from abroad. She manifests her restoration abilities fairly simple and effectively as one may expect. To heal herself and those around her, restoring health and reinvigorating her allies and ensuring any negative effects from other spells and magic are also less effective. Also, harming undead through a few simple sunlight related spells. This skill, also extends to magical wards for protecting herself and her allies, and also granting them small boons and fortifying her own strength and stamina or her allies. [u][b]Destruction - Apprentice[/b][/u] While she mainly fights with sword in hand, she does know a handful of destruction spells for the cases where its needed to fend off Daedra or other spirits where her sword fails her. As Akatosh itself is often depicted with fire, that is also her preferred method of expressing this particular school of magic. She can only use simple fire balls or streams of fire really for now, but she is endeavoring to become better so she can cleanse Tamriel of anything standing in the way of the Dragon God and the Empire. [u][b]One Handed - Adept[/b][/u] While not an expert, she was tutored by someone from the former Order of the Hour. She can hold her own against most opponents, but is always looking for ways to improve. [u][b]Heavy Armor - Adept[/b][/u] The best protection against any stabby weapons and elves that need to be put in their place. [/list] [/hider]