[b][i]The Road to Bruma[/i][/b] [Center][url=https://www.imgchest.com/p/ej7m3ax8b4d][img]https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/yd5ceep9m54.webp[/img][/url] [i]The Orange Road; Imagine that its Summer, please...[/i][/center] The Confessor had decided to accept Kiffar's proclamation of leadership (albeit with Arvind being the [i]real[/i] leader) and sent the group off on their way once breakfast was done; Khaliya and Meen-la could seperately sense her increasing desire not to be around the people she herself gathered, but who proved to be strong personalities she did not want to see in constant friction, but that would not alter the fact that she approved of the [i]most viable plan[/i]. That plan was to pose as Arvind's scholarly expedition, and the Confessor had given them extra cash, plus a few scholarly texts on Talos and the nearby Ayleid ruins to better maintain their cover (and also to speed them onward). Now the group was on the [url=https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Orange_Road]Orange Road[/url], walking the paved, narrow path that led from Chorrol to Bruma as the sun rose in the sky. Several hours passed; it was noonrise/noonday and the sun was at its midpoint. Birdsong and the noise of various animals had grown quiet for a minute or so - An obvious sign of trouble ahead. They were passing through an even narrower stretch of road when it struck - A volley of arrows launched from the trees at point-blank range, intended to scatter the group or force them to cast their protective spells. Once the arrows were cast, several Nord and Imperial Bandits would charge, wielding a mix of two-handed swords, heavy maces, and greataxes, not realizing that they were running towards one of the best fighters in all of Tamriel (Kiffar). And finally, there was a Nord dressed in robes from the College of Winterhold with the insignia torn out; this blonde woman looked at Arvindr and said, "[i]Arvindr![/i] I want your research on the predecessors of the Companions and the origins of Whiterun and I want it now!" The scholar would recognize this Nord woman as one of his more obscure rivals, Brigit of Winterhold, who resented Arvindr's constant hawking of the 'Original Nord Culture' despite being a Mage who researched similar topics herself. Her latest ploy was writing several public letters accusing Arvindr of being a plaigraist - of her research - and the unhinged tone of her wording implied that she had begun to [i]genuinely believe[/i] her own lies. This was confirmed when she said, "You copied my papers! That bibiliography you used in your latest one had a third of it copied from my own listed sources! Give me back my academic placement, you fraud, or I will keep siccing these bandits on you!" [@Carantathraiel][@Lunamaria Hawke][@Alfhedil][@Crimson Flame][@Randomguy][@WSilversun][@Rune_Alchemist]