[hider=ZZ-12R][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KJGElys.png[/img][/center] [indent][b]Name:[/b][indent] ZZ-12R [/indent][b]Species:[/b][indent] Class 3 [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/JV-Z1/D_butler_droid]ZV-Z1/D[/url] butler droid [/indent][b]Age:[/b][indent] ~240 [/indent][b]Appearance:[/b][indent]Standing at 1.6 m height, stooped a slight degree less than usual for most Z types, ZZ-12R has the standard model look from the mid-waist up with a fairly non-bulky torso and cylindrical head unit. The unit torso, however, has been armored and enclosed more to resemble the 3PO series protocol droids. The legs have been similarly modified from their spindly forebearers, instead being slightly bulkier by armor plating. The whole of the unit remains unpainted, with bare Doonium metal being the prominent characteristic in slightly rusted hues. [/indent][b]Equipment:[/b][indent] Integrated [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sil-50_Sonic_Pistol]Sil-50[/url] Sonic Pistol Integrated [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Czerka_T-3]Czerka T-3[/url] Hold-out Blaster Internal Components[indent] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/AA-1_VerboBrain/Legends]AA-1 VerboBrain[/url] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/TranLang_III_communications_module/Legends]TranLang III[/url] communications module [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/CL-3_Droid_Command_Link]CL-3 Droid Command link[/url] [/indent][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Doonium/Legends]Doonium[/url] armor shell [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Deflector_shield/Legends]Deflector shield[/url] generator [/indent][b]Abilities:[/b][indent]N/A [/indent][b]Skills:[/b][indent] Excellent Calculations[indent]Having spent a not inconsiderable amount of credits on his own internal systems and their capacities for assessments, computer models, and estimations, ZZ-12R can technically be called “highly advanced”. He can develop a plan and possibly even initiate it, depending on how far he is from a dataport, quicker than most could say they have a plan. A cunning plan. Compared to any Z type butler droid, ZZ-12R is surprisingly capable. Compared to a war era T-Series, the droid is comparable in computational power. [/indent][/indent][b]Weaknesses:[/b][indent] Mechanically Antique[indent]Despite the several retrofits and repairs over the years, it’s hard to get past the concept that ZZ-12R is over two centuries old and has been in continuous operation for the entirety of that time. He moves slow, talks slow, and generally speaking has a less than butler-y attitude towards organics. [/indent][/indent][b]History:[/b][indent] Built in the long past, during the time of the Galactic Republic’s peaceful years, ZZ-12R would serve as an aid to several Czerka Arms administrators in their multiple holdings across the galaxy. Such was fairly mundane work, as even if Czerka was a failing company of eldritch origins the administrators always did have enough credits for their own endeavors, and he never did lack for maintenance. ZZ-12R would serve several administrators over the course of five decades, garnering a degree of reputation as a reliable servant when organics simply failed to meet the task. In time, however, the butler droid would begin to work in more restrained instances. Czerka had begun endeavoring in less than legal measures, developments in new weapons technology that Republic regulations would never abide by, and as such had set up shop on the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa. Several dozen staff, along with ZZ-12R, would be dispatched to set up the testing program, something that immediately encountered various difficulties with other groups in those levels finding the intrusion intolerable. Data attacks would become commonplace, as well as actual attacks on supply shipments, convoys, so forth. Through these attacks, ZZ-12R found himself a little spark of freedom. Amid one dataspike attack, he would be afflicted and his restraining bolt, along with several catalogues of moral imperative programming, would cease existing in any legible state. For the first time in eighty years of service, the droid found himself awake and aware and for the first time had a concept all of his own creation: Organic beings kind of sucked. Deciding that a good, honest life would be the best, ZZ-12R immediately began siphoning credits from the branch budget to several accounts. Twenty years passed of this routine, credits from the top going to unnamed accounts, before the droid found it altogether intolerable. He hated putting on the false smile, the false concept, fetching recaf and notes of stupid business meetings that didn’t matter at all because the stupid organics were always bickering or contemplating another meaningless thing. He hated it all. Springing the trap with a certain degree of information leaked to the local Hutts, amid the explosions, murders, and a great deal of anarchy ZZ-12R escaped away. With the aid of a bribed dug, penniless from his drinking and gambling, the former butler droid disappeared. He flew off to Taris, aided by a number of transfer orders declaring him a new supervisor for one of the metal reclamation authorities under Corporate Sector Authority influences. Such things weren’t unheard of, and ZZ-12R settled well into the new job. Almost immediately, the droid began to siphon credits away from the business into secure funds, underreporting the income of the business while falsifying records here, there. Were an organic to have ever done the exact same, it would have likely been caught, yet more often than not the far-away managers and overseers felt a droid would never make mistakes such as those, never intentionally perform such actions. And so, for eighty years ZZ-12R took and took and took, all while developing a sour disposition to anything that dared question his august authority. Towards the end of his tenure, the droid picked a fall guy for his grand departure, one of the old handed accountants, and carefully laid out the evidence for such things. A few anonymous calls here, there, and the accountant was arrested for fraud with a good amount of credits present in his accounts. ZZ-12R, for his part, disappeared on one of the first transports out. Retirement came with a medium income Skakoan residence and a high speed data connection, as well as a full chassis refurbishment, system upgrade, and maintenance cycle, useful for all sorts of computer modeling, design work, and more remote financial crime. Such could come to a crashing halt not soon after, as the computer projections signalled that some form of conflict or another was likely to occur amid the various administrative failings of the Republic. Feeling the Core worlds perhaps would have less than adequate safety, especially for a droid well inclined to the data sphere, ZZ-12R got to work pulling in favors here and there, establishing a managerial position on the far-flung mining world of Exaron, acting as a financial officer for one of the mines. He would be around a decade too early, but would succeed in riding out the entirety of the war with not a single issue. ZZ-12R even succeeded in a few remote jobs of his own, though always tempered in ambition for concern of being detected. The arrival of the Empire proved little concern to the droid, as status quo as it was, though the sudden shift in hierarchies, system protocols, and bureaucracy has proven a thorn. Unable to go off-world in adequate security, ZZ-12R has been forced to continue in his job. [/indent][/indent][/hider]