Was it me! I went to bed instead of finishing :hehe If it's too late that's alright. Consider me if someone falls off the boat! [hider=Sophia][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250106/41c9c050f54593806ca051fceeccffc1.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UuhMhrm.png[/img][/center] [color=gold][sub][color=blue][[/color] ❇ [color=blue]][/color] N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Sophia Dolci [code] [/code] [/indent] [color=gold][sub][color=blue][[/color] ❇ [color=blue]][/color] O C C U P A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Professional PokéManiac[/indent] [color=gold][sub][color=blue][[/color] ❇ [color=blue]][/color] B A C K S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Although Sophia was born in Couriway Town and spent her childhood in Kalos, her superstardom didn't start until she was a teenager living in Johto. As part of a student exchange program she completed her schooling in Violet City, which kick-started her love of Pokémon. Well... was it love? More like obsession? Hyper fixation? Brain rot? Definitely some kind of mania, but there was love involved for sure. Sophia joined fan clubs to connect with other self proclaimed "PokéManiacs." She worked on various job projects in between ranting about how interesting specific aspects of specific Pokémon were and making elaborate suits and cosplays based on them. Eventually she came to the realization that no one else was into Pokémon like [i]she[/i] was, didn't understand them like she did, so she started trying to educate them. She made infographics, long threads on fan club social sites, and eventually graduated to writing blogs and making video essays. Because of her cute aesthetic and clear passion, Sophia developed a fan club of her own - and from there her following just grew and grew. By the time she was eighteen, [i]Sophfey[/i] (as she'd come to be known as online) was a popular internet personality. And she definitely let it get to her head. She accepted gifts from followers as well as corporate sponsorships, which allowed her to travel the world far and wide. Her video budget got ridiculous, and what she didn't use on her channels she used to procure rare Pokémon for herself. Now an adult still based in Johto, Sophfey is as much a brand as it is Sophia herself. Her Pokémon podcast is regularly in the top five of multiple regions, and her channel "SuperSophfey" on RotomTube has a subscriber list in the tens of millions. She has a health and beauty line inspired by her first ever Pokémon, her Comfey Bibi, which she uses to keep herself looking young and makes some speculate how old she might actually be. She's become a huge influencer with several merch lines of that kind, including clothing and Pokémon items as well. Though over the years she's strayed from her more humble origins, making a commodity of herself, a lot of her content is still focused around the Pokémon she loves. She isn't quite a household name like league champions or renowned professors are, but one shouldn't understate her popularity with children and fellow Maniacs. Not to mention that anyone that regularly uses the internet will at least have heard the name [i]Sophfey[/i] even if they don't watch her videos. Sophia figures it was for that reason that she was invited to Pokétopia's grand opening. She accepted of course, thinking [i]well it's about time![/i] [/indent] [color=gold][sub][color=blue][[/color] ❇ [color=blue]][/color] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Sophia loves Pokémon. Normally that wouldn't be something worth mentioning - most people on Earth love Pokémon after all. But Sophia [i]loves[/i] Pokémon. From the tiniest, sweetest cutiefly to the biggest, nastiest Muk, Sophia loves them all. She can't stand to see them be treated poorly, but at the same time she also sees them as something to collect. She gets competitive over certain Pokémon, always wanting to be able to claim she has something rare, and she loves to show her collection off. She adores the way they look, sound, even smell. She is, quite literally, a maniac when it comes to Pokémon. She likes them more than people for sure. Although Sophia is friendly and talkative, she'll usually prefer to spend time with her own or other people's Pokémon when business isn't involved. She is fairly forthright with humans, as well as competitive and passive aggressive. Sometimes regular aggressive if she's in a bad mood. Most people she meets know that she comes off as childish as well, a strange blend of immature personality and mature businesswoman. The way she speaks is definitely cutesy for the sake of her following, but with a slight feeling that she's looking down on you if you don't share her mania. When she drops the cutesy act it can lead to some tonal whiplash, but she does enjoy it. [/indent] [color=gold][sub][color=blue][[/color] ❇ [color=blue]][/color] P O K È M O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][list][*][b]Bibi[/b] | Comfey | [color=pink]♀[/color] | Triage | Gentle [*][b]Tabu[/b] | Audino | [color=cornflowerblue]♂[/color] | Healer | Relaxed [*][b]Patches[/b] | Spinda | [color=cornflowerblue]♂[/color] | Tangled Feet | Quirky [*][b]Chai[/b] | Poltchageist | [color=lightgray]X[/color] | Hospitality | Modest [*][b]Dusky[/b] | Lycanroc | [color=pink]♀[/color] | Tough Claws | Adamant [*][b]Lumina[/b] | Milotic | [color=pink]♀[/color] | Marvel Scale | Bold [/list][/indent] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/z2dQNfS/102px-Menu-HOME-0764.png[/img][img]https://i.ibb.co/Y7qvnmH/102px-Menu-HOME-0531.png[/img][img]https://i.ibb.co/2ZChz95/102px-Menu-HOME-0327.png[/img][img]https://i.ibb.co/dGCj4v1/102px-Menu-HOME-1012.png[/img][img]https://i.ibb.co/gztQHV7/Menu-HOME-0745-Dusk.png[/img][img]https://i.ibb.co/mB807Hh/102px-Menu-HOME-0350.png[/img] [/center] [/hider]