[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Eye of Beholder”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b] Onions are cute, Sya has a Crush?[/b][/color] [/centre] [centre][color=a2d39c][b] Now with 50% more blood alcohol content. Sloshed snakes can slither too[/b][/color][/centre] Sya swayed as things went on, the music and her changes made staying still a challenge, she moved with the mood, music and what felt right, it had no plan or exact rhythm to everything. She just did her best to manage and roll with the chaos of her life. The town was always a dramatic place it seemed, The blight born before her was a curious mix, she seemed to be both of several things and each of them were contradictory but she could not explain how or why yet. Given enough time Sya could unlock such a puzzle, people were just more complicated than the book of figures and far less rules to follow. [color=c4df9b]“Nesna, Room 6”[/color] she said as she filled the book in and carefully returned the quill, wiping it off on a scrap page for that use. The task was something her muscle memory remained but it needed exercising to truly be without thought again like it used to be. Taking the gold she weighed it in her hand against a coin and a used a small scale she had to check coins when they felt too light against one another, her eye focused and she paused moving as she concentrated. [color=c4df9b]“They good, Miss Nesna, hmm… perhapsss. “[/color] Sya slithered over as her bright blue eye and now deep blue scales glittered in fire light finding a bottle behind the bar, the label a simple G with a Grape picture, not great wine but it was weaker intended more for lunch and so than an evening wine. [color=c4df9b]“Got this, The Caravansss do their best, but we cannot always get everything. Auralian. Grapes of Grapenby Von Grapes winery of the Grape Valley. Not even lying…”[/color] Sya said with a tone that was used to and there was nothing she could do, so why bother worrying too hard about it. [color=c4df9b]“Food, ummm.. Venisson? It was not the best hunt but the meat was ok. How do you like it? Becky, can you check if we have left. ”[/color] Lamia was confused as often most of the kind she had met never really took to solid food, it had only made herself ill rather than give her any benefits. She asked the buxom woman who nodded and headed to check the cool basement where they kept the meat and help preserve it. She got the odd impression that this guest before her had lived a very different life to Sya, she was sure to be picky when many were happy to just have a hot meal and a drink, maybe it was not the worst thing though to know what you want. Darkness was no impediment to the cyclops as she saw the man's staines uniform pretty easily without much challenge, she could see through the gloom And even the fireights distraction aside. The Guard was having a hard day that was for sure if they had anything to go by. His friend joined in and seemed to be teasing him, nothing too far all considered as she split her focus between multiple people at once and things to do. They were arguing but nothing more than standard male dick measuring over all as Sya returned to her spot and resumed resting her tail against the bar for support and also laziness of she was honest. It only became her problem later but did catch him… he seemed to be a little strange. That was the only answer she had as yet. [color=c4df9b]“If you want to dick measure, make sure you have more than a dagger and claim its spear.”[/color] Sya said with a hint of mischief. [color=c4df9b]“I'll be careful. Thank you for warning.”[/color] Was her first reply and reaction to the news of the murder, an attack by a blighted person on a guard was the kind of thing that could destroy the Prince's vision for the town. Sya's expression clearly showed her own reaction to the news and her words were genuine, she might not always like guards but she did not rest death upon them. [color=c4df9b]“228.. noted…”[/color] She made a small note on some excess parchment Under the bar and looked at him trying to not disturb him but also she was unable to hide what she was. [color=c4df9b]“I'll let you know, I'm interested in this town heavily to succeed. Stay safe out there.”[/color] She said quietly agreeing with him, they had to work together to survive this close to the cursed lands. However much some would hate the idea till the sun rose and beyond. [b]Mentions[/b] [@Dark Light][@c3p-0h][@enmuni]