[b]Sylruna Velaryn[/b] Sylruna's crimson eyes narrowed as the birdsong abruptly ceased. Years of traveling through hostile territory had taught her to recognize nature's warning signs. Her hands were already moving into defensive positions when the arrows burst from the trees. Without hesitation, she summoned her magic, flames dancing between her fingers as she also cast a protective spell. The familiar warmth of her fire magic contrasted sharply with the cool mountain air of the Orange Road. "Bandits!" she called out, her voice clear and controlled despite the chaos. "And it seems they have magical support!" The sight of the College of Winterhold robes caught her attention, though the missing insignia spoke volumes. As a fellow mage, Sylruna quickly assessed the potential threat - a rival scholar turned bandit leader was dangerous precisely because they might know exactly what they were doing with their magic. She positioned herself where she could best support the group, her midnight blue robes swirling as she moved. The runes on her clothing began to glow more intensely as she channeled her magic. While Kiffar and the other close-combat fighters could handle the charging bandits, she would need to be careful with her fire magic - the narrow road and surrounding trees made area spells risky. "Perhaps we could discuss academic attribution in a more civilized manner?" she called out to Brigit, though her hands remained wreathed in flames. She didn't expect the suggestion to work, but any delay that allowed her to better position herself was worthwhile. Besides, she thought with grim amusement, it wasn't every day one witnessed scholarly disputes being settled with battleaxes.