[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241223/6d3cf653f42ca9edcd5266eec4e8c6a0.png[/img][/center] The bandits couldn’t have been out for an opportune robbery, they were scholars looking to accuse Arvandir of plagiarism. Nothing could ever be simple. Auron smirked to himself at the ridiculousness of the situation. As arrows went flying, he cast an Oakflesh spell on himself. the spell wrapping his body in protective energy. The next arrow deflected off his shoulder with a thunk, clattering harmlessly to the ground. Auron drew his sword in a smooth motion. He smirked at the irony of the situation. [color=gold]“Ambushed over footnotes and citations,”[/color] he said dryly. [color=gold]“This must be some new form of academic warfare.”[/color] Auron pointed his sword toward Brigit. [color=gold]“You’re going through an awful lot of trouble for someone who supposedly stole your research. If you’re such a brilliant mind, wouldn’t refuting his findings be a better use of your time? As opposed to resorting to violence like a bunch of ruffians.”[/color]