[b][i]Jaina Dalton[/i][/b] All right, she was mad at the interruption, but also excited at having a worthy opponent at last! Back-flipping herself down onto the ground, landing on her feet, she began gathering her Memory God Slaying Magic around her hands once more, before shouting, "I am Jaina Dalton, Princess of Snaervold, Wizardess of Fenix Tear and [i]Daugther of the Sea![/i] Flee now or be drowned in it!" Ignorant folk have always feared the sea, due to generations of dread that formed a collective memory filled with monsters, drowning, and a vast blue expanse of nothing at all for miles around. Jaina tapped into this collective memory to amplify the dread those who heard her felt, her contempt for those who gave themselves over to their fear of saltwater flicking out like a whip when it would otherwise be held back by courtesy, etiquette and respect - None of whom this brigade had earned. Seawater began to seep up from the floor, rising upward to shin-length, the salt smell permeating the area and mixing with the coppery tang of blood as Jaina continued her outraged speech. "You who fear the source of your bounty, you who live beside the source of a fear you do not wish to overcome, clinging to your cowardice to the point where you fear Vampires less than she who has granted you the fruits of food, commerce, and the salt used for both - And all because of what? You cling like babies to your mothers when faced with storms and sea monsters?" The seawater stirred beneath them, awakening the primal memory of the sea, carried by harsh winds that brought the salt to their noses, even as Jaina's words reverbrated with even more outrage. "I do not detest cowards. I do not even detest willful cowards. But who I do detest are those who would deny their cowardice in the face of the source of their own rewards!" The seawater rose up into tendrils, even as Jaina opened up a Memory Manipulation Vortex, not to erase or even extract memories, but to [i]enhance[/i] them, to ensure that they would not forget their fear of the sea, and to make it clear that their contempt for it was echoed so many times over that it was irrelevant. "Memory God Slayer Magic - Memory Manipulation Vortex! Seawater Magic, Grasping Tidal Horror!" The tendrils of water would hold the foe in place if the saltwater seeping into their gear had not already done that (Jaina was immune and she also made any nearby books immune; knowledge was sacred). The Memory Manipulation Vortex would remind them of their fear, amplifying it to extreme levels. And if they did not overcome this fear, the tendrils of saltwater would drag them down into the rising seawater... And they will [i]drown[/i]. [@Aku the Samurai], [@Danyel], [@BlackMaiden], [@Sho Minazuki]