[quote=@Carlyle] + the mons from my personal character when I get a moment of free time to add them in to the CS tab. [@Yankee] "She worked on various job projects in between ranting about how interesting specific aspects of specific Pokémon were and making elaborate suits and cosplays based on them." Furry spotted. :gray Accepted. [@Crimson Flame] [@Ryik] I would prefer Kaison, honestly. Felix's background is pushing it with legendary collecting and what not. Consider Kaison accepted. [@Bartimaeus] Alright, Larry, I see you. Or would it be the Striaton trio? Anyway, Bat is definitely going to hate travelling by boat over water. :lol Accepted. [@BurningCold] I like the uniqueness of Auggie's archetype. Not often you see something like it, IMO. Accepted. [@Thunder999999] Edward's background works well with the plot I have in mind, actually. I might be able to work a few things your way for posts. Accepted. [/quote] Oh Bat definitely hates it.. but the boat is super big so it should be fine, right.. [i]right?![/i]