[h1][CENTER][color=0072bc]ARNVIDR FROST-WEAVER[/color][/CENTER][/h1] [hr] Arnvidr sighed seeing the familiar face of Brigit. He just couldn't be rid of that annoying woman, it seemed. [color=0072bc]"Apologies, it looks as if I inadvertently dragged the group into a personal matter."[/color] [quote=@Lunamaria Hawke] "Perhaps we could discuss academic attribution in a more civilized manner?" she called out to Brigit, though her hands remained wreathed in flames. She didn't expect the suggestion to work, but any delay that allowed her to better position herself was worthwhile. Besides, she thought with grim amusement, it wasn't every day one witnessed scholarly disputes being settled with battleaxes. [/quote] [color=0072bc]"Don't bother, this woman is unhinged. In the first place, there is no such thing as bibliography plagiarism. If we have the same bibliography, that just means we both consider those sources valid. Even if I added those sources to my paper after reading hers, which was not the case, it's not plagiarism if the actual academic content differ, which it definitely is judging from the difference in quality."[/color] As he said so, magicka swelled in his hands, as he drew upon the waters of Oblivion. The dark purple swirl of magicka from his hand flew to a nearby patch of snow, coalescing into a portal from which a giant made of ice emerged, a Frost Atronach. [color=0072bc]"I'm telling you this only once, Brigit. Lay off this stupidity, otherwise I will not hesitate to act as needed in this very justified case of self-defence."[/color]