It never took long after Fel started grafting in the galley that the ship was soon enveloped in the tantalizing aromas of freshly prepared sustenance. Fel, with his unassuming demeanor, would likely dismiss the notion that these scents were anything but a natural consequence of cooking. Yet to Jet, these savory fragrances were harbingers of much more—a guarantee of a hearty meal shared amidst laughter and camaraderie. Despite the inviting atmosphere, Jet found himself pausing at the threshold, hanging his arms from the edge of the doorframe. Another mission had been successfully completed, and it was now time to relax and decompress. As he stood there, Jet found himself observing the bustling activity in the galley, the chatter of the crew, and the subtle dynamics that played out between them. His thoughts drifted back to the very reason he had joined this journey. With a sharp intake of breath, he thrust his hand into the pocket on the leg of his mechanic's overalls and retrieved a worn, slightly crinkled photo. It displayed an image of his former apprentice, Nova. The sight of her youthful face brought a wave of relief, and he tenderly returned the photo to its resting place. Comforted by the knowledge that the precious memory was still safely in his possession, Jet felt a small measure of peace. With a sigh, Jet unzipped his overalls and tied the sleeves around his waist, revealing a grey tee shirt underneath. He walked over to the table, pulled out a chair, and sat down, resting his elbows on the table, one hand wrapping over the fist of the other. Letting his stomach win over his heart for the moment, he glanced over at Fel who was still busy cooking. [color=FF0000]"So, what culinary masterpiece are you whipping up for us today, Fel?"[/color] he asked with a wry chuckle. Fel leaned to the side, essentially poking his head out from the galley to look into the common room, where he saw Viszt at the Dejarik table, and Jet leaning his elbows on the round table they used to share meals. It was, like the rest of the UA, worn and scarred from hot pots, spills, and often being used as weapons-cleaning stations, project-table, and even, after that one failed gig ages ago on ‘Shaddaa, a makeshift operating table. But it was clean, sturdy, and would fit all of them in a pinch. Fel picked up the large pot, holding it out into the room with mock-pride. There was no wordstuff. Jet would know well enough, the appearance of that pot meant either ‘stew,’ ‘curry’ or ‘chili.’ And since the smells were obviously not curried, he had a 50/50 shot at one of the few recipes Fel turned to on the odd occasions he cooked more for himself than toast. Setting the pot back on the cook top, Fel placed the lid and let the contents simmer. Bread was in the spinner, chilli needed time to bubble away. He came and sat opposite his old friend. [color=F7941D]“So. Abilene. How should we proceed?”[/color] Jet inhaled deeply, drawing in the somewhat stale air, now tinged with the aroma of chili, before exhaling slowly. [color=FF0000]"Abilene..."[/color] He murmured, hanging his head and rubbing the back of his neck in contemplation. [color=FF0000]"As much as I hate to admit it, our options are pretty limited."[/color] Jet leaned on the table once more, the old surface groaning under his weight. [color=FF0000]"We can either hand over the goods up front and hope her word is trustworthy... though that's a long shot, obviously... Or we take a hostage approach. We don't release it until we get what we're owed. But that could also end up burning more than it builds."[/color] Fel shook his head, tossing the options back and forth. In their favour was the fact that Abilene had no planetary defenses. They could land anywhere they liked without incident. That part of the game was theirs to play. They could make the old lady come to them. But Jet was right about the exchange. Only a couple of ways to play it. [color=F7941D]”No, we can’t hold out on her. The goods are hers. Holding back would assume we could find another buyer. We can’t. Our only play is to hand over the goods, and press for what she promised. That could go bad, but it’s a chance I’m willing to take. And what she promised, she can – and will – deliver on. I’m willing to fight that fight. And I can get close enough to put an ace on the line that she won’t like the fight I give her.”[/color] He smiled thinly. It wasn’t much of a plan. But as usual, they were between a rock and another thing that was likewise hard, but not-a-rock. [color=AE91B8] “Agreed. The goods are hers, supposedly. Though, we risked our necks for it. I would make sure what she has promised is there before the exchange, like the big guy mentioned. Otherwise, no deal.” [/color] Aellyn shrugged. [color=AE91B8] “Of course, there is also the kolto, which I want a crate. You can split the rest amongst the four of you. “ [/color] Fel startled slightly at Aellyn’s presence. He wasn’t particularly jumpy, but she had appeared from out of thin air, apparently. [color=F7941D]”Kevarrik… better get this one a set of fuzzy socks… she could steal the Emperor’s eyes and nobody’d be the wiser.”[/color] He shook his head in mock frustration, then grinned at her ability to completely sneak up on two old outlanders unseen. [color=F7941D]”What Abilene owes us is there. No question. Only question is whether she wants to let us have it. As for the kolto,”[/color] he shrugged, glanced at Jet and back again, [color=F7941D]”…you deserve it. That was your score.”[/color]