[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam[/h3] Torquil mostly just passively listened to Ophelia and Farren talking, as he was wont to do, while devoting as little of his energy as possible to actually understand what was being discussed. The Shopkeeper being able to apparently just spontaneously manifest weapons out of thin air was something he at this point was ready to accept as a matter of fact. His thoughts on it were simply [I]Oh... I guess he can do that.[/I] Unsurprisingly he had no input on their next course of action either. He briefly wondered who “Greta” was and why Farren brought her up out of nowhere, but immediately dismissed the thought and assumed he had just missed or forgotten something they had discussed earlier. It did not even occur to him in the slightest that Greta could be a misnaming of Gerlinde, and thus he never even arrived to have the option to wonder why he did that... which he probably would not have anyway. The whole business with Vicar Harold was also way over his head. He did feel quite happy when Farren complimented his shield and felt affirmed and much more confident in his choice to have it. He puffed up his chest and smiled broadly in the confines of his helmet. The only one present that seemed less attentive than Torquil was the Shopkeeper, who spent most of the time the others were talking... well, saying that they were “looking around” felt accurate, though Torquil obviously could not be sure what was happening inside those bandages they had wrapped around their head. The Shopkeeper was turning their head this way and that, tapping their foot and just generally coming off as bored and impatient, only to eventually – just as Torquil had when he had died, or any of them had when interacting with lanterns or the headstone markers – lose opacity and fade away. Once Farren and Ophelia were done conferring with each other and sharing what they had learned in their brief time apart, their little trio started heading down the street, away from Skinner's disgraced remains now lying not far from his last victims, and headed south. The road they walked down seemed fairly straight and almost like a parallel street to the one they had traversed atop Rebirth's Rise to get to the elevator, only without the view. To their right they had the cliff-face that rose up toward the plateau the blood ministration clinic was on; a wall of naked rock that looked like it had been carved into shape on account of how unnaturally straight and vertical it was. Scaling that wall would have been extremely difficult, and falling from the top would most likely have been very unhealthy, even for a Hunter or a beast. Having just been to the Upper Cathedral Ward, Ophelia might be able to spot the parallels between it and Rebirth's Rise: both places that had been built high up and deliberately difficult to reach, each with very few points of entry or egress. Yet the Upper Cathedral Ward held the fully staffed command center of the most powerful faction of Yharnam, the workshop for its Hunters and the official head of the new Healing Church... and Rebirth's Rise was an empty street with nothing but sleeping nascent Hunters. To their left the row of houses continued, each one identical to the last, and most of them still with dark and shuttered windows. As they moved southward, however, they might notice more and more doors and windows with lit censers outside, and more and more windows with light past them. There was no doubt that though Ophelia and Farren both knew that Central Yharnam and most of Yharnam proper was to their west, moving south was already bringing them into more populated areas... and, they might realize, more dangerous areas. The sun had set completely now so that not even the faintest remnant of its light could be seen on the black, starlit sky, but the moon had yet to rise. Night falling was only the first stage of escalation on a Night of the Hunt, marking the time when prey sought refuge and predators began taking to the street. Once the city was bathed in the light of the full moon was when it truly began; when beasts were gripped by lunacy and Hunters would be needed to hold them at bay. About one kilometer south of the elevator, the cliff-face to their right came to an end, and a road branched off from the one they had been following and headed west, toward Central Yharnam. But before they followed it, Ophelia might notice something remarkable; that up on the stone wall, about fifteen meters over their heads or so, hung a [I]huge[/I] swarm of guidance sprites, more than she had seen anywhere else except at the Lumenflower Garden. There did not appear to be anything else there, but nevertheless that particular area seemed to have hundreds of motes of moonlight dancing around like fireflies.