[center][h2][b]Ophelia[/b][/h2][/center] Ophelia caught glimpse of the guidance sprites swarming around... something, something that she couldn't see, and she used her free right hand to point up towards the space above them in the air where they gathered in a swarm. She also spoke Farren's name, just to be safe, though she didn't bother directly informing Torquil. He seemed to be quite content with just tagging along and taking whatever direction was given to him when it was needed, more a follower than anything else, and that suited her just fine--she'd follow her whims for as long as they aligned with Farren's, but that sense of unease pricked at her again from within and returned her from her thoughts to the issue at hand. "Up there... sprites. A whole swarm of them, too--like... there's something big up there, something of the Nightmare? But I can't see it, only the sprites surrounding it." She mused, keeping her tone above a whisper but below normal speaking volume. She had half a mind to try something, and anoint herself temporarily with the Eye rune once again--perhaps it would reveal some insight to her, now that she knew where to look? [i]Can you sense what is there, my guiding moonlight?[/i] she thought, her right hand returning to give it a tender stroke as she offered her thoughts to it and posed her question. Before anything further could happen, though, Ophelia caught sounds of footsteps approaching from beyond the corner, and her head snapped to attention as her eyes focused and her muscles braced. Something in her posture changed, as though ready to fight, and she rose to her full height and kept herself on guard. Like this, there was almost something regal about her--imposing and bright, but frightfully cold and dispassionate at the same time. It was a curious opposite to her voice, which was always warm and familiar.