[quote=@Carlyle][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7649e9Tb9vs[/youtube][/quote] ...Pikachu cuts the Earth Power/Stone Edge rocks created by Cynthia's Gastrodon and throws it at them twice. (it caught them, and resists it if it can be called a rock move) It then quick attacks the rocks Gastrodon was holding without actually making contact with Gastrodon. And that's apparently enough to knock it out. God I hate Ash Ketchum. It's not just that he has plot armor, but that it always feels so lazy and unearned. Anyway... [quote=@Carlyle]I prefer the four moveslot limit[/quote] I wouldn't mind holding you to that, though I do have a few concerns if pvp ever arises. (Which seems likely because Pokémon trainers are involved) There's a lot of room for tactical abuse when everyone can canonically change their team's moves between battles and noncanonically change their team's moves mid-battle by retroactively deciding what four moves they have. This might not sound like a big deal, but for a lot of matchups it's a huge unfair advantage, having a greater negative impact on pokémon that rely on specific strategies. (e.g. because moves that can get around their strategy can be swapped in, while the moveslots tied up with the pieces of that strategy cannot logically be swapped out) This could be alleviated by adding moves to everyone's app (albeit it also spoils what moves they have) or by PMing all moves each pokémon has to you.