[hider=Syl] [center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/rf5/1GB4L/ODJkOTY2ODQwNjFiNDE5NWJkZDQ4YmRiOTFlNDViNzYub3Rm/U3lsIEFyY2hlcg/marquesfree-italic.png?r=fs&h=51&w=1250&fg=8D8D8D&bg=FFFFFF&tb=1&s=41[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/16/1d/e7/161de754e40689c8488765c2c2fcfaf9.jpg[/img][/center] [color=silver][sub][color=blue][[/color] ❇ [color=blue]][/color] N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Syl Archer, Kalos Region Championship Winner[/indent] [color=silver][sub][color=blue][[/color] ❇ [color=blue]][/color] O C C U P A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Pokemon Researcher/Trainer. Winner of the Indigo League and the Ever Grande Conference[/indent] [colour=silver][sub][colour=blue][[/colour] ❇ [colour=blue]][/colour] B A C K S T O R Y[/sub][/colour][hr][indent]Born to a highly-regarded researcher and a world-renowned Coordinator, Syl was surrounded by Pokemon since the day he was born. Despite the considerable requirements of his parents’ professions, it could never be said that he was neglected in his childhood. As an only child, his parents never failed to dote on him and encourage his every endeavour no matter how fleeting, fostering his curiosity about the world as the years passed. It was little wonder, then, that Syl ended up following in his mother’s footsteps in his own way after meeting a particular Eevee. While originally hailing from Unova, Syl’s Pokémon journey did not officially begin until he arrived in Kanto as a research assistant to the renowned Professor Oak. Despite his somewhat odd start, his accumulated knowledge and experience allowed him to quickly build himself up to become a force to be reckoned with. After enduring various trials and clashing with his self-proclaimed rival numerous times throughout his journey, he decided to take up the challenge of the Indigo League. In the end, Syl succeeded in his endeavour, defeating his rival and eventually claiming victory in the championship after a hard-fought battle. Following his victory, he began his journey anew in the Hoenn Region with his trusted partner at his side. Though his first attempt to challenge the Ever Grande Conference nearly ended with his loss against its Elite Four, Syl managed to emerge victorious after a fierce, uphill battle. Deciding to take a slow down from championships after travelling to Kalos, Syl joined Professor Sycamore in researching Mega Evolution and obtained a Keystone of his own, using his newfound breakthrough to challenge the Kalos Region champion. Though the battle ultimately ended in a draw, that did little to discourage the people from seeing him as a champion, in ability if not in name, until his eventual rematch and victory. Despite his win, Syl chose not to officially take on the title of champion, leaving the responsibility to Diantha. Then, while deep into research, Syl received a surprise invitation to attend the Pokétopian Foundation’s battle resort grand opening. And so, he set off on a brand new journey, one unlike any other.[/indent] [colour=silver][sub][colour=blue][[/colour] ❇ [colour=blue]][/colour] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/colour][hr][indent]Sarcastic and quick-witted with a sharp tongue and no filter, Syl can be either irritating or endearing in equal measure depending on his mood. Despite, or perhaps because of, his often spontaneous and constantly multi-tasking nature, he always manages to keep a cool head, no matter the situation. Adventurous and curious beyond measure, he loathes being tied down, viewing the world through an inquiring lens and rarely taking things at face value. A tactical trainer with a penchant for elaborate plays, Syl enjoys the rush of battle just as much as he does the act of interacting with Pokémon itself. All in all, he is a rather energetic and thoughtful person, if a bit insensitive about boundaries, whether through choice or by nature.[/indent] [color=silver][sub][color=blue][[/color] ❇ [color=blue]][/color] P O K È M O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][list][*][img]https://i.imgur.com/BHQx0K7.png[/img] Sai, the Espeon [*][img]https://i.imgur.com/TQFNKoC.png[/img] Tank, the Tyranitar [*][img]https://i.imgur.com/BxHdMx7.png[/img] Forge, the Volcanion [*][img]https://i.imgur.com/XSAnxyS.png[/img] Glacia, the Arctibax [*][img]https://i.imgur.com/D8FTUPI.png[/img] Blitz, the Absol [*][img]https://i.imgur.com/686MTdp.png[/img] Jade, the Salamence[/list][/indent] [/hider]