[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RuI1exQ.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/glVmANL.png[/img][/center] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] [b]Interactions:[/b] Asterion ([@The Savant]) [/sub] [hr] [center] [h3] Heart Takers & Weight Lifters[/h3] See the lifter? Pumping iron along in a pretty gym, nobody is with her. Carrying the NPD required muscle mass of an olympian and the mental will of a navy seal of which both was acquired by Emily Newport through grit, dirty tricks and sheer brute strength did she get where she is today. Today was a provocative gym day, Noc-Noc Burger sports bra, the inklings of her blue blood tattoos hidden by the hem of her clothing but itching to escape her chest. A pair of gym shorts held the smaller woman together, each punch led to atrophy which led to growth. Growth in Nocturnia meant destruction and chaos and that’s what was going on in the Detective’s body with each dumb bell press or shoulder fly she grew stronger. Though she would not be the only one seeking redemption through muscle, prowess and a good eating regime The taller man stepped into the gym that was on the outskirts of the Nickel district and he glanced around to notice only a few people in the establishment. A worker that barely looked like an adult playing on his phone with earbuds in. Someone that looked like they might have worked there but it was difficult to tell — they were definitely cleaning equipment. Walking past the large window that showed the majority of the gym, he noticed a silverish haired woman, but he didn’t pay any actual attention to her. He came in dressed quite nicely which might not be noticeable to anyone who was distracted working out and he passed the internal bay windows within a few seconds before going to the changing room. After changing and coming into the larger area of the gym, he was in all black, and it looked like he was wearing a mock swat suit. Not the usual gym attire. He had an elevation mask that blended into the long-sleeve turtle neck that was clearly made out of breathable material with a vest over. A vest that only had weights. Tactical pants and boots. In the pockets of the tactical pants, there were weights too, and he was placing himself under immense pressure to train. There was a few seconds when he passed by the woman in her training and he glanced at her. His twilight eyes flashing pinkish-purple for a second but he looked away. Asterion went over to a pull up bar to begin doing reps. Oooohh who was this? Purple eyed, weird attire and get up for the gym like he was some sort of super soldier. Nay, could it be the infamous Del Guarde? The blue blood put down her weights, potent sapphire blood running through her veins as she ended her workout for now to poke, gawk and flirt with the mysterious stranger before her. Sliding up and over to the heavy lifter she introduced herself, almost brushing against the man. “Hey, heavy lifting you’re doin’ there huh?” The vixen spoke with honey and venom mixed together, a deadly combination. One that broke hearts, or backs. The man honestly didn’t think he would be bothered with the lack of patrons in the gym though he found himself corrected. Holding himself up as he felt someone brush up against him, his brows furrowed, and he glanced over his shoulder to look at the woman who was now beside him instead of doing her own thing. He stared with somewhat of a questioning look before lowering himself down. Lifting up his one hand, he pressed a few releases on the mask and it dropped into his palm while he inhaled. It was so odd to inhale through that mask versus being able to casually breathe, “[color=c1196b]Mhm. Today is my endurance and cardiorespiratory day, actually,[/color]” he casually spoke with her. Deciding to show more interest and not be rude, he asked, “[color=c1196b]And how about you?[/color]” His darker eyes glanced over her, a quick pass of regard. She looked like she was barely over a hundred pounds soaking wet to him. A gentle curl of one side of his lips could be seen as if he thought of something funny. It was something funny to him since he imagined he was wearing what she weighed in weights but he kept that to himself. Small digits slowly wrap around a bicep of his, Emily was not one to ask before touching. She took what she wanted “Ohhh your arms are massive man, you’re so big.” She said groping his arm for a moment before letting go for now, releasing the man from her truly ‘earth shaking’ grip. “Me? Mmmm.. I just try to work on everything y’know? I wish I could build muscle like that but I can’t, just not built for it? But don’t I look great?” With a wink a spin the Emily did a 360, albeit she lacked the sweat and grit the man had built up for however many hours he ended up in the gym. When she finally spun around she catch her landing, staring up at the giant she was measly 5’8 compared to his massive stature. “Emily by the way, and your name handsome~?” His body naturally tensed at being touched by the stranger. It wasn’t something he was able to control right away until he realized that she wasn’t a threat — not at the moment? She was definitely handsy without permission. At least she was pretty… he supposed. What was this? There was a flick of suspicion in his eyes while she began to flirt with him. Did she come to the gym to flirt on guys that she thought was attractive? That was a little weird in his opinion. “[color=c1196b]You look attractive, yes,[/color]” his words were plain and almost hinted disinterest though he was being honest. She was attractive but he wasn’t sure why she was looking for any type of validation from him, a stranger. “[color=c1196b]Asterion,[/color]” he held out his hand which was gloved so he didn’t have to touch the public equipment with his bare hands. “[color=c1196b]It is a pleasure to meet you even if it is under such… unique circumstances,[/color]” he never had to introduce himself to anyone at the gym before. It was a little strange to him. A friendly shake, for now, though it could have been a hug or bro fist Emily was not disappointed. The name rung a bell, a fancy little bell she had been hearing about. “Quite a name, so have you ever heard of me or are you as star-struck as I am my dear friend and hopefully, new pal?” She puffed out her chest feeling the aura of policing, and crime take over her body in a good way though she felt the bitter coldness of Kairo, maybe he had enough girls flaunting around him in his fancy tower? The man looked at her, looked her up and down, and grew even more suspicious. Was he supposed to know who she was? There were plenty of people in Nickel as a whole without counting all the nameless faces in the city of Nocturnia. He shook his head, “[color=c1196b]I am sorry. I do not recognize your face or your name,[/color]” though she clearly recognized him, at least his name. “[color=c1196b]Am I supposed to know who you are? I do not mean to be rude, I do not get out much, I apologize,[/color]” Which was the truth. He was trying to think. [i]Emily….Emily…Emily?[/i] Was there someone else in higher power named Emily? Emily was such a common name that he was starting to feel bad. Did he meet her before and forget? God… was his mind going out the window that much? “D’aawww..” Emily’s hands soon fell onto her soft hips, yet those digits would attack his muscle mass later when they saw fit. “It’s fine, me? I’m just a lowly cop, protecting the weak and serving justice to criminal scum. If I was a good cop, I’d totally stop you and whatever evil plans you have planned in that genius brain of yours. But I’m pretty lousy, I’m kinda evil myself.” Emily slowly inflates herself back up bragging but none of her crimes could compare to the Nickel-Jumper of Nocturnia. “I’m not sure what drew me over to be honest, was it your strength, that fact you look stressed or that you’re the most powerful mobster here right now in the flesh? I don’t mean to fangirl but, I just had to come say ‘hay’.” And there it was the truth, the truth always comes out Jumping into bodies or naught. Asterion stood there and became very quiet while the woman went on about being upset which felt false in emotion along with a sense of humor in bragging that she was a cop — an evil one — and his eyes sharpened while she confessed that. Thinking about how he should go about this. A cop, good or bad, was standing in front of him. Her overdramatized interest honestly made him think she was trying to sugar him up without having the actual capabilities of doing so or… she wasn’t joking about being a fangirl and for someone that creeped him out. Then a smirk appeared on his face with a huff, “[color=c1196b]I am sorry. I do not talk to officers without my lawyer being present,[/color]” Asterion’s tone was light and playful. He was trying to joke with her. He was somewhat interested in why she came over though she made it clear, she really didn’t know why she did, but he had a hunch that there were ulterior motives behind her playful charades. “[color=c1196b]And…[/color]” he paused for a second as he thought about his next words, his tongue running on the back of his top teeth before he continued, “[color=c1196b]I do not care for the flattery and the false praise. I am not one for any of that even if it is not fake,[/color]” Asterion wanted to make that clear. He didn’t care for being touched and she had already crossed that boundary though her words were more like spikes into his flesh. “Oh come on Asterion, you don’t have a lawyer. He’s buff, and sauve like you but carries a mini gatling gun in his brief case ready to spring you from any situation.” A glance around and said lawyer was not present, or any goons he ran deep with for now - yay? She ran her hands through her hair, happens when you get sweaty lifting. Staying fit was a full time job but that was it was so hard not to call in sick! “So what you’re too good for a compliment, pray tell what you’re musing up in Kairo Tower? Is it something that will change the city or you just kicking back from your ivory tower? Either sounds fun, and I’m a fun type of gal. You though, are definitely stressed. You should get a massage!” A smile grew on her face again, always ending on a positive note. A roll of his eyes probably said more than any of the words he could have said in that moment. When she looked around, he did too, and he chuckled. “[color=c1196b]You still looked around,[/color]” his voice teased while he smiled more. “[color=c1196b]I would argue that I do not deserve [i]compliments[/i],[/color]” Asterion didn’t believe he deserved compliments even if they were truthful ones. It might have been how he was raised but he discovered through experiences — compliments were usually backhanded in some fashion or the person was lying. Hardly ever any truth in them especially between strangers. He shook his head and put his elevation mask into his back pocket so he wasn’t holding onto it anymore. Instead of crossing his arms over his chest, he decided to place them into his front pockets since he didn’t know what to do with them at the moment. “[color=c1196b]And why do you believe that I am stressed?[/color]” he rolled the last word off his tongue like it was poison. The man didn’t know what not being stressed meant but that was a different argument. Not giving her much time to answer such a stupid question, he went on, “[color=c1196b]And who do you think I should get a massage from? My schedule is a little busy so I tend to not have time and I tend to not have time to [i]have fun[/i] with strange females who confess about being dirty cops to me, but I do love the idea of handcuffs,[/color]” Asterion chuckled at his own words. Finding them amusing. He could care less if she was uncomfortable by such a statement. “I looked around because I’m careful, a little bit naughty too but anyone might come and ‘nap me. Not something I want, yet atleast.” Emily flicks her hair her bangs coming into play and falling naturally yet again. “Oh you’re one of those guys huh, punished. World on their shoulders, trying to redeem their sins. Power to you ‘brother’. Glad I didn’t have that burden, nay naught a care in the world for thee. Neither yonder nor hither, it’s fun. Taking ground, running into the fight. I could teach you, but you might say something like. ‘I don’t need teaching, I’ll teach myself’. Or something machoey, I don’t bite that much Asterion.” She huffed. “You’re stressed because I can read it, smell it off you. It’s a scent only a woman can smell and you’re oozing in a half bottle of stress and the other half is of pity. It’s a turn off, but I can push past it. I’m sure the half naked babes you keep in that base of yours has smelt it too - bweheheheh. Now, don’t tell me you’ll reject two or three of them massaging you like, oh massages don’t matter. C’mon, live a little. I like a man who uses hand cuffs, it’s a bit kinky but it’s what you do after you cuff my hands behind my back that matters~” The vixen lingers a little bit closer to our gas mask wearing hero but saunters back a bit, giving him his precious ‘space.’ What would Krish say if he was here? Asterion thought for a second — she talks too much. Way too much. [i]You always have to be careful about the ones that do not shut up but you have to be way more careful about the ones that barely talk[/i] — that is what Krish would be saying right now or something like it. He was better with women and socializing with strangers. Why couldn’t he be here to entertain her? “[color=c1196b]I am truly not interested in easy women, Emily,[/color]” he sighed out while shifting his weight. Her reference to half naked girls was somewhat insulting. What type of person did people think he was? In Emily’s case it sounded like he had no self control or responsibilities and he fooled around all day. Oh, how wonderful that would be. “[color=c1196b]I bet you could teach me a thing or two, but I really do not have time,[/color]” he confessed. “[color=c1196b]Nor do I have time for this,[/color]” he looked at the watch on his non-dominant wrist and sighed. His workout was ruined for today. Maybe he should have gone to the slightly busier gym that was closer to his skyscraper or he could have stayed home and worked out in his home gym but he was feeling like spicing something up in his routine. Asterion nodded his head at the thought, “[color=c1196b]I usually do not let people touch me, [i]at all[/i],[/color]” his eyes grew with a seriousness. The man only allowed himself rare intimacy. He didn’t have time to play the bachelor. “[color=c1196b]Now what do you actually want? I could tell that you recognized my name. You keep flirting and attempting to degrade me at the same time, there must be something you that,[/color]” His mind was so used to exchanges that he didn’t believe she didn’t want something other than to fool around with their conversation and interaction. His attitude might have been influenced by the bombing that happened right at his skyscraper and around it. Plus, other things. “Who hurt you my sweet purple eyed child.” A reassuring non-flirtatious hand laid itself on the nearest shoulder she could grasp. “So damaged, so torn that you think I would come up to you in the middle of my set. In the middle of the Emily Newport Nocturnia take over play list to talk Biz with a hunk like you? I am the one who should be flattered, but know at the gym nor on silk bedsheets will I ever talk business.” A few pats of her small hand reassures, or tries to reassure the giant all is swell. “Tell me who did this to you, ruined your life and made you the roaring beast you are today. You must have some type of sad origin story, my intention was to flirt with you but now seeing you’re this poor broken thing. My bleeding, pumping heart covered in hundred dollar bills is telling me. Emily, you should see what’s wrong with this sweet boy, now Asterion who did this to you? Tell me, I’ll help you seek justice my dear sweet purple assassin… But uhh if you wanted to talk business, I could give you my number~?” No ulterior motive, just lust and a heart aching for heart break. Asterion’s eyes grew heavier with suspicion as she continued to talk and his eyes dropped to her hand that placed itself on his shoulder. Gently, he shrugged her off and stepped back. He began to laugh a little bit before his face twisted and shut the emotions down. Shaking his head in the negative, “[color=c1196b]You have a strange way of flirting and approaching people, Emily,[/color]” he commented in a flat tone. “[color=c1196b]I had no intentions of hooking up with a stranger today nor am I in the [i]dire mood[/i] to share my emotions or [i]cry[/i] about my feelings or the possible sadness of a backstory,[/color]” his voice was mocking as he rolled his eyes. “[color=c1196b]Go find someone else to be in between your legs and cry, Emily. I cannot be that man for you,[/color]” The man couldn’t be. She seemed to have a savior complex of sorts. Something that wanted to tug at the deeper emotions of someone while being intimate with him or anyone but he couldn’t find himself caring enough to go for it. Maybe it was the wrong time. Stress had him by a choke hold. His mind couldn’t relax enough to demand that desire but there was darkness lingering in his eyes. A darkness that was only attached to lust and something that flared with danger. Looking down at his watch again, he shook his head, “[color=c1196b]My time is up. It was a pleasure to meet you, Emily Newport,[/color]” that was when a flash of knowing glimpsed his dark eyes. Emily Newport. He knew that last name. The man shook his head, “[color=c1196b]I have to get going,[/color]” Asterion stepped around her and began to head for the locker room. “Bye~” So she saw the giant leave, oh how she loved when they were toxic. [/center]