[color=#1A1A3B][b][u][h1][sub][sub][sub]Farren[/sub][/sub][/sub][/h1][/u][/b][/color] walked with his two companions, but unlike some who might become lost in thought without much to stimulate their interest, Farren subconsciously took on a strange sort of mien. It was somewhere between relaxed and hypervigilant, eyes scanning dutifully, sometimes fixing on unmentioned details, even as he stretched his other senses as much as he could. At the same time his posture seemed almost relaxed, his eyes less piercing than they had been for awhile, perhaps due to the lack of an immediate threat. Here and there he caught signs of recent passing, a scuff mark from a bloodied boot, a tiny shred of cloth torn away by something jutting out, scattered pebbles that didn’t match the pattern of everything else. It was odd…like he’d done all this before, and often enough to have honed the skill. It really made him wonder what sort of man he’d been, but at the same time…did it matter? Wasn’t like he could change the past after all. As night fell, Farren’s almost casual vigilance became sharper and he straightened subtly as it grew darker. By the time night had fallen in earnest, his back was almost ramrod straight and he’d subtly widened his eyes a bit further than normal, as if to take in more light. After some time for his eyes to adjust though, he found that it wasn’t helping much and he relaxed ever-so-slightly. Several minutes before anything of note occurred, Farren decided to go through the slightly more lengthy process of unloading his blunderbuss and pistol at which point he stowed the lead bullets back in his pouch. After a moment’s thought, he decided to leave his pistol unloaded, while loading his blunderbuss with quicksilver, before he replaced both at his hip in their respective hooks. Around the time he was finishing that process, Ophelia raised her arm, and instinctively he followed the motion as she pointed to an empty patch of air. Farren frowned, glowered a bit, then as the noise of approaching footfalls reached them, turned in that direction instead, his hand already on the joined Blades of Mercy. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“Seems that'll have to wait,”[/b][/color] Farren muttered, half under his breath as they waited for the potential threat to show itself. However, perhaps unlike Ophelia, Farren's gaze didn't remain fixed on the direction of the sound, but rather shifted slowly around the area in a detailed scan of the area. He didn't much fancy being ambushed.