[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam[/h3] The sound of footfalls – hurried, human footfalls, boots on stone, and several sets of them – came closer. Torquil had been looking up at where Ophelia had indicated a moment earlier, trying to see what she was pointing out to them, and only noticed the noise of someone approaching when Farren pointed it out. He actually produced a small grunt of annoyance at this; he had been enjoying things being quiet and uneventful for once, just walking without having to actively think about or do anything. Who would have thought that being a Hunter would be so complicated? Ophelia, Farren and Torquil only had to wait a few seconds to discover the source of the sound, as a group of five figures came running around the corner, turning immediately north and back toward where they had just killed Skinner, only to come to an abrupt stop upon spotting the Paleblood trio. The one at the front of this little unit, leading the charge, would be immediately and easily recognizable to all of them: still torn and bloodied in his White Church Hunter garb, small sword and blunderbuss in hand, was Victor, with an expression that charged rapidly from urgency to fear, and from fear to surprise. A couple of steps behind him was a figure clad [url=https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Bloodborne/yahargul_hood_set_female_small.jpg]all in black, heavy cloth[/url], with a hood that looked like Farren's over a helmet just like Torquil's. This figure had a saw cleaver hanging on their right hip and a blunderbuss on their left, while both hands were occupied by a spear, the tip of which was preceded by a bulky mass of machinery of some kind. All of them might recognize it from seeing the weapon depicted on one of the statues in the Dream, but Farren in particular might further be able to identify it as an Impaler. Behind this figure followed the last three of the group, all of whom were dressed in the garb of the Black Church Hunters; who in the [url=https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Bloodborne/Black_Church_set_small.jpg]male variant[/url] and one in the [url=https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Bloodborne/black_church_set_female_small.jpg]female version[/url]. One of the men carried a [url=https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Bloodborne/beasthunters_saif.jpg]Beasthunter Saif[/url] and a pistol, while the other held a Boom Hammer – something they had very recently witnessed the Shopkeeper using – and a blunderbuss. The female Hunter, meanwhile, wielded a [url=https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Bloodborne/rifle_spear.jpg]rifle spear[/url].