[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] Right… well, they were now stuck waiting for a door, and it wasn't like her skillset could contribute much there. What was she going to do, go stab around at the air until she found a spot that felt a bit strange? Eh, that was probably what one mage or other would try, but if [i]she[/i] did it and somehow had any luck, they'd be announcing their entrance by force of battering ram. You couldn't get much more embarrassing than accidentally declaring an invasion. So she left them to it, poking around the remains of the snake instead. Mmm, this spot seemed pretty mossy and nicely curved. … It seemed the vampire had decided now was a good opportunity for a nap. Fiadh seemed the only person immediately interested, hher head swivelling between Fionn, Gertrude, and the former snake.