[i][b]LZ Zulu, Somewhere in Tsavo West National Park, Kenya 1100 Hours Local Time Two Days Later The Lyons Queen[/b][/i] Eloise did her best to hold on and stay comfortable as the truck bumped and rattled along the rutted, dusty trails through the savannah. The pale, slight young woman had found a pair of shades somewhere and had them over her eyes, and her normally serious, even neutral expression couldn't help but curve into a small smile at the corners as she saw the vast, expansive natural beauty of their surroundings and the animals in the distance, or otherwise glimpsed as they passed by. Once the airlander came into view, she was similarly awed by the size of the thing. With the vehicles clustered around it, it gave even more of a sense of scale for the size of the thing. She hopped down from the back of the truck with graceful ease, standing close by as the others spoke and a smirk crept onto her lips as the jokes about the airship looking like a flying butt came up. She tilted her head and hummed, before shrugging and speaking up to add her own comment in reply to Purna's mention with a nod. "Mm... it does look like a butt. Or maybe like boobs under a sports bra. Or someone with a really bad cameltoe... but it's impressive though. I've never seen anything quite like it". Her eyes were drawn to Athena's shapely bottom as the giantess headed up the ramp a little ahead and her cheeks flushed a little as her imagination betrayed her again. "Well... [i]almost[/i]," she muttered more quietly to herself. *** Much later on, after having stowed her gear with the rest and having explored the opulence of what she'd come to think of as 'Athena's Sky-Palace', Eloise had found herself a place to let the time go by. Her gear was already adjusted and set up, she'd fiddled with it and adjusted it to her specs; given that she'd undertook her training and familiarisation earlier, there wasn't much to make ready. As much as she was prepared to be part of the team, and as luxurious as the Sky Palace was, the side of her that was something of a loner and a goblin had asserted itself, and she had found herself a perching point after raiding the kitchenette and food supplies of the airship. Now, Eloise was sat on top of one of the CAV's in the vehicle bay, munching her way through a packet of [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlc5l29VYrO3EhMVaoWOWpQevOGaYW2q82zlFtkD5pxlpZ91UL2NUmDuLVeGd007HMZ6D30GWT4cCWDvj-deqNockZkx8ZaOLlumDVNXK-OC2xzQc4TenXNg]bourbon biscuits[/url], empty packaging from a large bag of tortilla chips and a packet of marshmallows also around her, along with an empty can of root beer, and a second she was sipping from every so often. She set the biscuits and can aside as she worked on the other thing occupying her time. She'd 'liberated' a roll of tinfoil from the kitchen as well, and between her snacking, she had been sculpting using the foil. A bit more twisting, folding and shaping, and another thoughtfully chewed and eaten biscuit, and the rolled the result between her fingers, happy - enough - with what she'd achieved. Leaping effortlessly down from the top of the CAV to land athletically on the floor, she hummed musically to herself and tucked the life-size rose in on one side of Athena's Exo helmet. *** As they suited up, later on, Eloise was nervous; she had no idea what to expect in the way of a reaction to her little gift. With Purna in their side-by-side gearing up areas, she looked across at the Nepali giving a tight smile and a nod. Before Skye had them ready to deploy, she reached out and touch his arm briefly for attention. "Thanks for all the help in getting me adjusted so far. Especially at such short notice. Whatever happens next, well; I'm glad we're going to be working together". Words said, she slid her helmet and mask on and tapped the hidden button behind her ear to seal the suit. Her cloak was folded and tucked in under the wingpack for safety and her bow and quiver strapped to her front for the drop, a cover over the top of the quiver to stop any arrows falling loose. She nodded to SKye as she saw them off, and returned the thumbs-up to Purna, eyes behind her helmet on him as he spoke, voice coming through just fine in her ears. "Confirmed," she said in her normal, hushed tones. "Breaking things, hurting people, and causing chaos. Just what I excel at," she said with that same, flat humour. He dived out, and with a thump of her heart creeping up her throat, she dived out of the hatch right on his tail, following his gliding trajectory and gently easing in the jets to tighten turns or add some power where needed. She was no pilot, but the theory she understood and she'd done her share of parachute drops and free-falls using her cape to glide, and it was somewhere between them. "Well enough," she replied with a slight waver in her tight voice that betrayed her nerves. "Honestly; I'm less scared about being shot at once we're down, than I am about fucking this up and smearing myself across the ground or plunging into the volcano," she said with a slight waver of gallows humour. As they got lower steadily, her nervousness started to creep away, replaced with a mix of elation and anticipation, the itch to unleash her skills and talents rising. The waypoint numbers rolled steadily down on her helmets' HUD. The 1KM mark flashed up, and she pulled the cord for her 'chute, panting a terse 'deploying' as they reached the mark, yanked up and back by the sudden drag. The parachute drop was short, a brief moment of serene, slow-motion falling, before she cut herself loose and landed in an elegant wide roll. A pull on the straps disconnected her from the wing pack and let her bow and quiver fall free. A quick few motions had them stowed more readily at hand, ready to move and take action.