[h3]Below Rebirth's Rise, Eastern outskirts of Yharnam[/h3] Just like Farren and Ophelia, the four black-clad figures' first reaction to abruptly running into someone else – especially someone not wearing immediately recognizable uniforms – was to raise their weapons and prepare to defend themselves. Soon enough Ophelia spoke up, however, and the combination of choosing words over weapons and the tone of her address was enough to defuse what tension there was even before Victor signaled to stand down. The lead figure among the black-clad ones was, upon closer examination, indeed a woman, though it was challenging to tell through her thick, baggy garb combined with a quite muscular body. Through the visor of her helmet, sharp brown eyes rapidly scanned Ophelia from top to toe, over her clean and intact form, with her gaze lingering on the quite prominent Holy Moonlight Sword. Then her inquisitive focus shifted to Torquil and examined him as well, noting his lightly singed and faintly blood-spattered apparel, only to linger at the Loch Shield on his arm. Finally she looked Farren over, easily spotting how blood-stained and ravaged he was, and her eyes fixed on the Blades of Mercy. She did all of this in silence while Ophelia was speaking, only for her attention to shift back to her once Ophelia asked if she was Moira. “I am,” she stated, her tone firm and her speech quick and confident. Upon Ophelia suggesting that they go elsewhere due to something being “up there,” only for the Hunter known as Mother Moira to look up as well. Her expression did not change through any of this, remaining mostly blank but stern, and even as she looked up – and Ophelia might notice that she did not simply look up in a general sense, but looked [I]directly[/I] at the place on the wall she could see the guidance sprites – her mien stayed the same. “Amygdala,” Moira announced. “Mostly harmless. Doesn't understand what we say. Not a concern. This place is fine.” Each sentence was spoken quickly and punctuated harshly. “Running to,” Victor answered Farren's question, shamefully averting his gaze for a moment before pulling himself together and looking Farren in the eye. “I [I]told you[/I] our orders were to retreat if we encountered Skinner and get the First Hunter.” He glanced at Moira beside him. “I just happened to run into the [I]other[/I] First Hunter on my way there. Second best thing. Figured that with all of us, we could take on Skinner.” “But that wasn't necessary,” Moira interjected, her focus shifting back to Farren. “You killed Skinner. Well done.” Her attention shifted to Victor. “You didn't tell me Skinner was fighting Paleblood Hunters.”