[center][h2][b]Ophelia[/b][/h2][/center] "Amygdala, you say? I don't know what they are, but your assurances are enough for me. I've seen the statue of you, Moira, in the Dream--it's really quite an honour, I must say." Ophelia began, looking thoughtful but thoroughly excited. She gave Moira a gentle curtsey and even a bow of her head--though she was enamoured with Dietrich, she felt a certain sort of kinship with Moira. She'd heard plenty of tell about the Black Healing Church's creed in her time amongst friends and strangers, about how they served the needs of Hunters in a way that the White Church never had. She never thought that she'd be a Hunter, never mind a Paleblood Hunter, and never mind the only True Paleblood Hunter in their little trio--if anyone could be said to have an experience that mirrored hers, it would be Moira. "I know you are busy, out on the Hunt, but... Do you think it would be possible for us to carve out some time to talk? You know what it's like, surely, to be bound the Dream and filled with questions but have little in the way of guidance. The Shopkeeper and Doll are lovely, of course, and my the Shopkeeper is terrifying to behold in battle... but despite how darling they are, they lack a certain... familiarity. Ah! Before I forget, I have a gift for you, dear." Ophelia spoke, first addressing Moira and then switching to Victor at the last moment. She bent down briefly with her right arm outstretched and beckoning to the little ones, willing them to bring forth the runebrand. She took it from them gently, whispered a 'thank you', and pointed the tool towards Victor with a firm grip. "I have a Rune I'd like to anoint you with, love, if you're willing to accept. Something to keep you safe. It will sting quite terribly, but it can offer you a premonition of danger a little before it strikes. I'd be honoured to brand the rest of you, too, good Hunters--if such is your desire. This... this is going to be a long Night. Every little advantage will help. Do you still have a rune, Moira? I assume the brand was there when you were yet tied to the Dream." Ophelia spoke, softly and kindly. She felt obliged to Victor, even if he had only been following orders--and as best as she could tell, he truly had acted sensibly. She wasn't sure why Farren was so huffy all of a sudden, but he'd been getting more terse and gruff the longer things had gone on. Perhaps this was simply who he was, and he was just now remembering... perhaps it was something else.