[H3]A Master gives thanks to the Weaponmistress[/h3] [@LadyAmber] The Japanese chef/warrior/ronin/performer/yakuza gangster (pick one) grinned at Sam, "Your form is stiff, Sam-chan, but that would be your wounds. You fight well, I had to think a lot about how to counter you. I don't get to do that often." He smiles brightly. But then he goes wide-eyed, "Sam-chan, what is..." The rifle took his breath away. Styled like a Sengoku-era muzzle loader, but he could see the semi-automatic accouterments. He took it carefully, looking it over diligently, "Yosh, this is a fine gift. Chambered powerfully I see." He popped the chamber open checking everything, snapping it shut, "A gift fit for a Samurai pity I am but a lowly Yakuza, I'll put it to good use." He sets it down in its carrier crate. He chortles at the Temari ball grenade, and maybe shows off abit playing a little kickball with one of them. He grinned brightly, "And modular too, hmm it shall be like a mind fuck when these colorful things burst with smoke or explosives." He bows to her in thanks. He is not at all expecting the next thing. Ban's jaw drops. He kneels and watches as Sam demonstrates how to put it together. He carefully takes the pole arm when she's done and its offered to him. He rests the haft on his shoulder and takes a few kneeling steps back. Like a ritual he gets to one knee, tipping the pole arm up over the back of his neck then down the other shoulder, gripping the weapon just below the blade, and standing. The kata he performs is careful and almost feminine. He speaks as the long arm whirls and slashes through the air, "In the art of Bushido, it is said, the sword, is wielded by a male for they know the art of killing in confrontational battle." He twirls the curved blade of the Naginata slicing, "But the Naginata is the woman's weapon alone as they know best how to defend the home and hearth." He ends in a solid pose the pole arm held aloft, "My life and blood to defend this family." He tucks the haft of the pole arm to his shoulder "Thank you Samantha-Chan you do me great honor. Such that I hope I can repay it someday." The final thing though, is what makes him chuckle almost sinisterly. He sets the naginata down, then picks up the Kursari-gama. The long chain, heavy weight almost a meteor hammer and the deadly sickle blade. He picks it up, "Now this...this is the weapon of a Yakuza." He laughs and starts spinning the weighted end, lashing and kicking it around, pulling the chain in, and sending the blade whirling out in a close spinning circle, "Yes, my brothers in the family would be jealous with this thing!" He begins to break the weapons down for safety and storage, "If we only had you in the Amagi-gumi, the family would be unstoppable." Its a joke obviously but clearly Ban thinks highly of Sam's skill. [hr] [H3]The briefing, back into hell they will go[/h3] Freya had been watching people file in from her spot at the meeting table. She grins brightly as she hears the click patter of claws and paws. She looks over and pushes away from the table, and arms open she half catches Duke as he comes up and partially climbs into her lap. The giant woman giggles, yes giggles, and gives the canine the attention he deserves, "Hello there handsome, you're looking quite well today. Someone has the scent of a freshly napped pup doesn't he. Yes you do." She smiles trading kisses with Duke. She looks up at Chuck, "If we ever divorce I want the dog." She jokes gathering Chuck in for a hug and a kiss on the lips. Over in a corner Jamie holds a juice box in hand almost delicately. Grinning abit at his sister, Chuck and the dog. He jumps when Duke nudges his great nose against Jamie's thigh, as if to say, "You smell like my partners mates family. Pet me." The normally straight faced young man gives the dog a good neck ruffling. And just as the briefing begins, like a Shadow, Ban slips into the room, ever present sword in hand. Twirling one of his throwing spikes in his free hand. Careful attention being spent on this moment. Freya had offered one of her prototype mass launchers if they wanted to try that, or keep it in reserve. Hurling a tungsten-cobalt slug at near 1.5 times escape velocity would more then likely bring down a orbital installation, and her experimental launcher could be brought online too if need be. The options are there atleast. Jamie gave a nod, "With my rocket system I should be able to provide artillery support to most the operation area as long as people on the ground can give me coordinates for anything over the horizon. Or if you give me three days, I can have my father's OTH system delivered to my Sister's blimp." Victor's penultimate rocket rig, an 8 tube heavy launcher with well over-the-horizon capabilities. If Jamie's rocket pods could hit anything he can see that rig Victor created could be a definite force multiplier. Freya hums "Force Multipliers? How about one of my rail cannons? I can get one of the closest to public usage cannon attached to that ungodly blimp, no amount of armoring this side of one yard will stand up to a tungsten-cobalt slug traveling faster then the speed of sound. I'll get it set up." Ban could only grin, "I may know a guy." He says Infamous words from his first time with Raven. He doesn't elaborate further, the underworld is a second home for him. [hr] The trip on the Galaxy is fun, figuratively speaking. Jamie spent the time poking fun at Freya and Chuck on their new relationship. Freya had really laid into it and spent part of the trip with her head in Chucks lap and Dukes head resting on her chest. Sniping back at Jamie's lack of a love life. When not hanging on during turbulence, Ban had been using one of his new Temari ball grenade cases to play some Japanese style kick ball, essentially hackey sack. Working at keeping it up for as many kicks as possible. The trip across the Savanna had been something else. Ban had looked out the back of the truck "Yes I may know a guy...but, that is not say I have been here. Father...Mother...I wish you were here to see this. Ancestors, Kami, watch over us." Jamie had crowed upon seeing the Blimp when they arrive, shouting to Athena, "I still think it was in poor taste to put your ass on this. Too like Auntie Antoine." The siblings knowing all about their adopted Aunts infamous crash pad. He shoulders his gear crates and humps on over to the blimp with a grin. With the full intention ton see if the OTH rig arrived. Freya chuckled walking by her sister and smacking her ass, "Well done sis." And eeps as Dukes leash she has tied around her wrist goes taut as the dog tugs trying to get in as many sniffs and marks as he can get before boarding.