[center] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/35b663b6-a056-471e-a7f8-25e4f6a5f544.png[/img] [h1]Akula gun team: Clover[/h1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtFcMD_Osrw&list=PLRf_iIa-1tUXbBB9IV76tW5LAXLkjnTO3&index=14[/youtube] [hr] [/center] [b]Mentions:[/b] [@Yankee] Canary's ice man, [@The Savant] Presider of Noc burger [h2]The Brewery District - Underground[/h2] An alarm beeped. The man squeezed his eyes shut. Not again. “Get up!” The largest man in room grabbed the smallest from a makeshift bunk and tossed him to the floor. “Contacts up above, get geared!” The smallest man of the four bounced and scrambled to his feet. “Piss off with the falsie’s Donkey! We drilled this morning let us sleep.” The smallest man’s face fell as Donkey launched a helmet at him. Barely catching it he tossed over his mattress revealing the rest of his gear. “Shit, no drill?” Donkey was already pulling something reminiscent of a space suit on. “No drill Snaptrap. Report is active shooter. Be ready.” Rushing through preparations they stormed through tunnels beneath the streets, head lamps carving through the darkness, helmet filters working double time under laboured breath. Soon they reached an access ladder. Donkey paused only to hurriedly brief the group. “We rise around the corner from the report. Eliminate the threat, secure the site. No idea what we’re dealing with so be ready for anything.” Snaptrap argued. “Going in blind as fucking moles. Why not let some badge’s cop it?” Donkey was already moving up the ladder. “Because the good people of the district pay us to actually do something about it, now start climbing.” Snaptrap complied as Donkey called out again. “And because you’re such a hero, you get to be point man tonight.” Snaptrap muttered. “Goddamn it.” Donkey threw off the manhole cover and forced themself upward. Snaptrap followed quickly forming a perimeter while the other two emerged shortly after. With everyone ready Donkey pointed for Snaptrap to peek around the corner. Grumbling Snaptrap moved forward and leant around the building for a quick glance only to find himself staring. Donkey moved up behind. “What do you see?” Snaptrap didn’t reply, just slowly went around the corner with weapon raised scanning the street. Donkey seethed a whisper. “What the fuck are you doing?!” Snaptrap lowered his weapon, still fixated on the scene in front of him. “Whatever happened here we missed the party.” Donkey peeked around the corner and found themself staring as well. The street was frozen over, people trapped in ice with what appeared to be snow flaking upward as everything began to melt. Snaptrap leant closer to Donkey. “Think it’s safe to go in?” Donkey nodded. “I think so. Worst case the suits will keep you safe.” He paused looking over the freeze again before adding to his statement. “To a point at least.” Walking into the glacial hellscape it was hard not to be distracted by the people frozen in place. Faces contorted into different portraits of shock and horror, a few surprised and one just smiling dumbly. At the centre was the culprit, face down, ass up, snoring. Donkey and Snaptrap looked to each other, then to the man on the ground. As they watched, the mans snoring reached a crescendo, stopped abruptly, then after a smacking of lips continued again. Snaptrap was the first to break the silence. “I’ve seen some weird shit, but this is just…” Donkey blinked at the sight before contributing. “Yeah. I don’t know about you, but if I were a genocidal maniac, my first instinct after a slaughter wouldn’t be nap time.” Snaptrap shuffled his feet. “I mean, you don’t know that. Would’ve taken a lot of effort this. Big business needs the big sleep. One biddy bee, Mr McBiddy… bizzy-buzz-boy.” Donkey just looked blankly at Snaptrap. “What? Are you having a stroke?” Snaptrap began bouncing their foot. “Shit I don’t know man. I’m just trying not to think about all the dead people around us. Can we deal with this and leave? Now?” Donkey nodded, then pointed at the other two men. “You two. Get this freak underground.” The two men hesitated at the task. Donkey assured them. “He gives you trouble you give him a hole in the head.” The two men nodded, grabbed the ice man by the legs and crammed him down the manhole, one below and one above hoping not to lose their grip and break the ice man’s neck. Donkey looked over the scene again. Frozen screams. Frostbitten bodies. No sign of discrimination. Mindless slaughter. Donkey’s mind began to slip somewhere else before something hit his helmet. Ducking instinctively. Jerking around. Weapon raising, he found Snaptrap readying another snowball. “Come on. It’s snow. You should be glad I’m not down on the ground leaving angels.” Irritation flashed within Donkey, but he could see through the guise. Snaptrap wasn’t dealing with this any better than himself, just processing it the only way he knew how. Beginning to walk away from the scene Snaptrap toddled up behind. “You know, if the threat is eliminated, that technically counts as a successful job.” Donkey paused contemplating what that meant for them. “Noc burger?” Snaptrap clapped, his helmet bobbing to his own beat, barely containing his grin. “Noc Noc city burg~ Noc Noc city chow~ hell yes~.”