Rolan could feel the mental tension slowly building in the back of his head, waiting moment by moment for the fae lady's response to their combined words, though the lion's share of the work was all Ser Gerard's doing. What broke the silence, tense as it was, was the woman's laughter, quite literally bent over from how much she was laughing. That was not the expected response, though he supposed it was not a bad one, given he had to suppress the recognition of her already impressive beauty being amplified by the charm that came with her laughing fit. It brought an otherwise aloof being's stature just a bit closer, however slight, and he could not afford to allow himself to be distracted by a beautiful fae lady and her enchanting laughter. Fortunately he was not the one doing the negotiation, and would continue doing what little he could to support in that endeavor. Largesse was probably one of the more eloquent words Rolan had heard from any of the knights in recent memory, and Ser Gerard was putting in a good effort in keeping himself eloquent in the face of the laughter, though it seemed to be good news all around currently. From scouting for the border of Fae territory, to hunting down a wretched thing he did not keenly recall, to now currying favor from the sister of the likely culprit of the Duke's madness, it seemed that they had lucked into the right approach to solving the matter of the Duke's condition. At least that was how it appeared so far, it seemed to be going far too well, but he wasn't going to say that out loud and invite things get complicated. All that being considered, Ser Gerard seemed more capable than the rest of them combined in continuing to navigate the negotiations with the Fae lady seated before them, continuing onto what was likely inevitable. Repayment for this act of seeming kindness. Part of Rolan would not have wanted to bring it up, and simply hoped that aiding the Aessyr carried enough weight to cover assistance and meeting, but coasting on hope alone wouldn't have gotten them this far, let alone further still. Ser Gerard did bring up a good point, however, is that none of them had authority to make agreements on behalf of the Order, but they could at least speak for themselves. Depending on the request they need not involve the entire Order and its resources, assuming one was to be made at all, and simply fulfill the terms of their own capabilities and volition. Also worth considering were the two Aessyr he still held, who had been silent after the initial confirmation of their efforts in saving Enfys, and how it would not exactly be fitting to bring them along as well. [color=lightblue]"Something else to consider, as an aside, but given the condition of the Aessyr's home when we found it, these two will likely need some help with a new place to call home. I would not want to unwittingly carry them into more trouble than they already found, I suspect they have had enough for one day."[/color] [@HereComesTheSnow][@VitaVitaAR]