Hello RPG Guild, In lieu of experience with the expectations of participating in this exact format, I guess I will write this like I would an email, and you guys can educate me on the social protocols as I go. Anyway, so I am Skyguard I guess, (first time trying out this username, so maybe I'll change it if it I find it distasteful). I have experience with online roleplaying on a different website, but there were problems there that I eventually found I couldn't emotionally reconcile. I thought to drop the hobby entirely, but I haven't found a great alternative for me yet (I found collaborative writing to be a powerful motivator for me). I think I will eventually try my hand at writing a novel, but I had lost confidence in my writing abilities. I am hoping to find my love for writing again here that I once had at that other place of digital real estate. I have read over the rules and skimmed the New User Guide and some of the interest groups. I am impressed by the format and still a bit overwhelmed, but I am fairly confident I can figure out a lot of the important stuff. That said, I would appreciate any guidance from you veterans on where to start and things to be aware of. I'd prefer to avoid stepping on any social landmines and making a bad impression if I haven't already.