[center] [color=3276c2][h1]How did I end up in a Dungeon!?[/h1][/color] [/center] [hr] [color=808080] Every person in the world has wished once or twice for change in their boring and very predictable lives. From the everyday regular college student to the midlife crisis receptionist to the depressed divorced accountant that is lost in life. Life gets so predictable for more that the only thing they can do is hope versus make the changes happen. What would happen if you were lying in bed, struggling to sleep, and all the negative thoughts kept overflowing in your mind. You couldn't think of anything else. You do not remember falling asleep though when you woke up... you were somewhere strange. This isn't your bed, not your room, and why is it cold, damp, and stagnant? [hr] [center] [color=3276c2][h3]Overall Concept[/h3][/color] [/center] The concept of this writing endeavor is having your average everyday character end up somewhere new. They wished for it. There is a saying, "[color=ffffff]Be careful what you wish for or you might just get it,[/color]" and that's the experience. Every single person was wishing for something more or a change in pace or being a totally different person. Your character goes from the regular receptionist, grocery store worker, professor, college student, at home parent, or whatever their background was before is... temporarily or possibly forever paused. Your character ends up waking up with strange abilities and powers. They might have differences in their characteristics like pointer ears or longer fangs. Possibly their skin changed to the color green? The many different things that can happen with change. Requested change. [hr] [center] [color=3276c2][h3]Starting plot point[/h3][/color] [/center] This is not an in depth description. Your character and others will randomly wake up around a low level dungeon. Some might wake up by themselves while others might wake up close to each other. It is very unlikely that characters know each other from before but they will get to know each other through their adventures! [hr] [center] [color=3276c2][h3]Dice mechanics and abilities[/h3][/color] [/center] Since there are the implementation of dice mechanics with a setup for PvP, PvE, and other options. Characters will be allowed to have almost [i]any[/i] ability. There will be abilities that appear and are rejected for obvious reasons such as freezing time for the whole world or being a god. [hr] [/color]