[quote=mdk] Rat covenant is **not** a cheap way to invade, like at all, I'm learning. You pull people to you (most of them 'exterminators') and if you lose, you're out an Effigy (which you don't get back by winning). Still a blast, as I've had some really awesome fights, but there's essentially no pressure on your victims, and the rat keeps all the risk (though a lockstone **is** a pretty sweet reward)). You know what it's like? It's a Canadian Cat Covenant. 'Sorry we had to fight, eh, hope I didn't bother you.' [/quote] Never said it was cheap. I said it was cheaper than normal red invasions. You can farm effigies and can even get some from the fire keepers house at certain points in the story. Bell Keeper is easily the cheapest. (Nothing but wearing the ring. Even keep humanity if you get vanquished.) Rats have the advantage though of traps. That's why they aren't as cheap to use as keepers