[center][h2]Elijah Tower[/h2][/center] Northside St Alexia’s Practice Interacts: Elena [@Qia] and Loni [@FernStone] [hr] Elijah simply stayed quiet and followed along with Loni and Elena and watched as the healer tended to Loni's wound. He breathed a sigh of relief as it was clear the Loni would make it. One person died today and he did not want another to join her. More so, with the fact that she had a child as he watched Elena hold Luciana. When the healer was done and Elijah simply nodded his head and stayed with Loni and Elena. "I am just glad I was able to kill that thing." Elijah added to what Elena said, "no need to thanks me." Though he did wonder what would have happen if he did not show up to the bakery today since he did not see anyone else try to fight and kill the thing. It was just him and he does not even know if the spear was the only thing that could have hurt and kill it. A worrying thought but it is over and the thing is dead. Plus, a child does not lose her mother. As Loni began to ramble, Elijah chose to silently listen again and when Loni brought up her place of work the Sin Sisters and what Elena said. It made him think, he has no support in this city and maybe he should change that but where to start? Of course he has his own plans but, right now. If someone or some thing were to attack him and it was too much for him.... then he is done. Elijah looked over at Loni and Elena, he did say to himself that today things were going to change and maybe this is apart of this change just not in the way he thought it would be. Not so much of joining a coven but making friends with others and developing a small group of people he can trust to have his back. Granted he does not really know Loni or Elena but that can change. If they were open to it that is. But Elijah was not going to push that now and when Elena left the room to make a phone call, he spoke. "I think I will stay a bit and my name is Elijah by the way," he made a soft smile. Though it was hiding a concern he had when Loni said about there not being more of those things and with what the thing said to him back at the bakery. It made him think if it was over or something else is on the horizon. But he chose not focus on that now but it is thing to think about in the future.