[color=C0C0C0] The door to the cabin slid closed, the sounds of the galley muffled as the captain started on dinner. She was curious what sort of meal was there to prepare out here in space. Leaning against the steel door she closed her eyes and sighed. The mission was over and for what it was worth, they made it out alive. They nabbed their prize and even snagged some kolto. Aellyn patted her pockets as she found her datapad, pulling it out. Settling onto the lower bunk, her fingers went to work. Opening an encrypted communication channel, she began her message. She hoped that her contact would change their plans and meet her at their new destination. As the communication was sent, the waiting game began, hoping it would come before they landed. The kid's voice could be heard in the galley along with the captains. A good sign, she thought. Too much time in one's head has an effect on a person. She removed the imperial uniform, folding it neatly. An action she had performed many times before. As she pulled on her boots, her datapad chimed. Quickly picking it up, a smile formed on her face. Stepping into the main common room, the aroma of food hit her senses. Kriff, what was he making? Rubbing her nose, she turned toward the cockpit. Food would have to wait. As she entered, Wrench was in the middle of some routine checks as he acknowledged her presence. [color=AE91B8] “Yeah..I know. I’m not allowed to be in here but I need the comm panel.” [/color] She eased into the co-pilot chair and plugged her datapad into it. [color=AE91B8] “It’s important. You can tattle on me later…” [/color] Aellyn mentioned as Wrench poked her side just to aggravate her. Her fingers pressed and flipped a few switches, causing a hologram to appear in front of her. An Elderly man, built much like Jet, yet he had the familiar face that any Imperial would know. [color=AE91B8] “Sorry, Wyler, had to get a message to you. I got something for you…scored big.” [/color] The clone trooper had an expressionless face, like most of the dealings she had with him. [I] “Whatcha got, kid? I don’t have much time.”[/I] Wrench beeped and poked her side. [color=AE91B8] “Yea, just another minute, Wrench. Wyler, I got roped into a heist. We snagged some kolto and with any luck, I can get you a full crate. It can help that camp I told you about. The supplies can last a good bit and from what I heard on the holonet, it’s bad out there.” [/color] The trooper appeared to think about what he had just heard, his hand scratching his chin. She hoped that he would bite. [I] “And this med tech you mentioned?” [/I] [color=AE91B8] “He defected and he helped the crew secure the crate. He needs a new home and I figured if any place needs a doc, it’s the camp.” [/color] Aellyn gave a pleading look. [I] “Hard to pass on kolto these days…You got a deal kid. Send me a message when you arrive. Wyler out. “ [/I] The hologram clicked off as she removed her datapad from the console. [color=AE91B8] “See Wrench…nothing to it.” [/color] She patted the droid's metal head as she stood up making her way to the galley. Leaning against the hull of the interior, her arms crossed as she listened to Jet and Fel. She didn’t announce herself, she observed like she was used to. Watching, listening, those were two powerful things. Secrets were much more easily obtained that way. As the conversation turned toward Abilene, she was curious on how the drop off would happen. She had to at least see that off plus figure out how to get the doc and her crate to her own contact, without causing trouble. [color=AE91B8] “Agreed. The goods are hers, supposedly. Though, we risked our necks for it. I would make sure what she has promised is there before the exchange, like the big guy mentioned. Otherwise, no deal.” [/color] Aellyn shrugged. [color=AE91B8] “Of course, there is also the kolto, which I want a crate. You can split the rest amongst the four of you. “ [/color] Fel looked to Jet, and back to Aellyn, his mood serene face and demeanor calm. [color=F7941D]”As for the kolto, you deserve it. That was your score.”[/color] She moved and settled in next to Fel, making herself at home for the time being. [color=AE91B8] “Thanks, but credit goes to the doc…” [/color] She smiled over to the Chiss as he nodded back to her. Fel shook his head, no. [color=F7941D]“Doc might’ve got us access to the kolto, but he did it so he could get out, get away. Not because he’s a saint, robbing the rich to give to the downsiders. We’re even on that score. No, you were the one that brought it to [i]us.[/i] Score’s yours in my eyes.” [/color] He turned to face the doc. [color=F7941D]“No disrespect meant, doc. We all do what we gotta do.”[/color] swinging back to Aellyn [color=F7941D]“...question is, you got a place to fence a crate of kolto, and a way to get there?”[/color] [color=AE91B8] “You take care of your own drop, Doc and I will handle it…” [/color] Aellyn's smile was mischievous. Her hand wasn’t played yet. [/color]