[quote=@Skyguard] I appreciate your feedback! It will take me a decent while to parse through everything and adjust Candace accordingly. I plan on getting my second draft up tomorrow. I confess I am not entirely certain what you mean when you mention DMing you. Does DM stand for Discord Message or something else? Also, I don't have experience drawing my characters or using AI to create halfway decent pictures. Lacking these skills, what are my options for submitting an acceptable face claim? I've typically just searched for pictures on Google images, but this method is difficult to use for getting a decent enough picture, let alone multiple similar pictures. I am guessing you want me to use a picture of what Candace looked like when she was a human? [/quote] Do not worry about it! Take your time to read through and figure everything out. Ask me questions if need be. DMing means private message. DM = direct message. Yes, I want you to use an image of what Candace looked like human as well as what she looks like now. You have one reference, the elvish reference, so I would recommend just finding a a photograph on Google, Pinterest, etc ... For the realistic face claim. She doesn't have to look at all alike from real world picture to dungeon crawler picture. For example, a character can be a 7 foot tall male basketball player with very dark skin. Maybe he wishes for something different or wishes he could be someone else and ends up as a Caucasian 4'11 female dwarf-esque character. A drastic change but a change that could happen.