At least the food is good. The price would be kind of much to me just a little while ago, but it's hard to too bothered by something like that after what I've experienced today. So instead, I'm just happy it tastes good and fills me up properly. This really is something the mage's guild should be dealing with. But they haven't done so. And if they haven't, the least I can do with my newfound freedom and allegiance with one of the most ridiculous mages I've ever seen in my life is try and take care of it while I have the chance, so there's no more risk of anyone getting hurt. Or of more people's bodies being abused after death. ---Lannessa is happy I accepted, at least. I guess it makes sense that she would be. Wait, but... "Mostly... on my own?" I look back towards the cavern. I'm not particularly well-equipped yet. I guess I can do some magic, and it'll probably work plenty well against undead just as well as it does lighting up firewood. But at the same time--- I take a deep breath. "Er, really, I... I guess." I've made it this far, haven't I? The assassins were probably more dangerous than undead would be, so the necromancer themselves is the biggest, most real threat. "R-right, how to approach this..."