[hider=Sleepless Altmeri Visionary] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/53/39/ae/5339ae0aef7b9a27aadeae666ad23234.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Keirthanil Aldar [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Altmer [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a [i]mere[/i] 6'3", Keirthanil is short...for an Altmer, especially one of his social background. His almost perpetually stooped posture, whether standing over a table, sitting at a desk, or simply with his nose in a book or scroll as he walks, does nothing to help this. Owing to large amounts of time spent [i]away[/i] from sunlight, the golden hue of his skin is heavily subdued, with his appearance rendered pale enough that, in combination with his strikingly [i]blue[/i] (not golden!) eyes, certain former "colleagues" were once bold enough to describe him as looking like a return of the ancient Snow Elves. As if that is not bad enough, he chronically undersleeps, due more to a refusal to acknowledge the biological need than to any actual insomnia. When he's without assistants or others who will make sure to put food near him that he can absent-mindedly snack on, he'll often under[i]eat[/i] as well, both leading to the pale, hunched elf having a noticeably careworn appearance. His robes almost inevitably appear too large for him, as well, especially when paired with the portions of armour that he'll wear when having to fare beyond his precious workshops and libraries, though he insists he isn't nearly as frail as people believe. [b]Personality:[/b] Fellow mages on the Summerset Isle when they said that Keirthanil was haughty even for an Altmer. Coming from a family of high social class, it isn't unreasonable to say that he views the majority of his fellow High Elves in nearly the same way that [i]they[/i] view any of the other races of Tamriel. One of the few saving graces to that is that he at least keeps it mostly to himself—given that he always preferred to work alone, he has never done much talking with others, certainly not enough to get used to issuing them orders or constantly casually insulting them or otherwise expressing any of the internal thoughts he might hold. The other is that he [i]is[/i] genuinely appreciative of anyone that he thinks carries some decent understanding of the study of magic and the world, though that can prove a double-edged sword, as he'll keep going until he finds where the person he's talking to [i]doesn't[/i] have any great understanding, or disagrees with his own interpretations and theories, at which point his opinion of them can be irreparably damaged. This appreciation extends to anybody that can help further his own work, though depending on the manner in which he considers that to apply, the appreciation may be more or less hidden from any view. In spite of his belief in his own natural superiority, and a natural prejudice towards any non-Altmer (and many fellow Altmer besides), it is important to note that Keirthanil does not hold to the sort of orthodox Thalmor-influenced view that non-Elves should be ideally eradicated; indeed, the races of men are crucial to his own long-term goals, something which has led to a powerful enmity towards the Thalmor and the Third Aldmeri Dominion overall, alongside what he considers to be "other insults" they have delivered unto him and his kin. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Born decades before the Oblivion crisis, Keirthanil enjoyed a privileged upbringing within the Summerset Isles; by the time the Dunmer princess Morgiah became queen of Firsthold by marrying King Reman Karoodil, he had already completed his first degrees, and was enjoying life as an academic, both studying more and more and occasionally deigning to teach as well. When the Oblivion crisis began, he avoided engaging in too much direct fighting, though after years of study and practice his arcane skills were more than enough to keep himself protected—notably, he drew the ire of some of the more staunchly law-abiding mages he associated with at the time by flagrantly disregarding the Levitation Act and using the prohibited magic to great effect in avoiding the otherworldly invaders. He shared in the horror of his people at the destruction of the Crystal Tower, though unlike many of them he at least had sense enough to [i]avoid[/i] it, his studies into the nature of Mundus and the Aurbis making it clear that the tower would prove an obvious target to the Daedric entities invading their world. In the rebuilding, he devoted himself even more heavily to his studies—the rising of the Thalmor and establishment of the Third Aldmeri Dominion passed him by, as during that time he was slightly more focused on research that could extend his own life; rather than falling to Mannimarco's necromantic conceits, he managed to dig out of the libraries copies of Psijic research into the arts of life extension, as well as some writings from a provincial Telvanni mage who seemed more concerned with skin diseases than anything else, and various other options. He also had to be quite [i]careful[/i] with his methods, as he didn't wish to reduce himself to a sapient whirlwind of unbound magicka. After finding himself successful and devoting himself to ever-more obsessive study of the nature of reality, [i]eventually[/i] realizing that decades had passed, he learned of the various events that had passed him by from some of his servants, between the dissolution of the Summerset Isles' monarchy, the prominence the Thalmor had taken, the renaming of the land to Alinor, and the fall of his own family and the seizure of their main holdings by the new government, which was perhaps the [i]most[/i] insulting thing they could have done to him. He was, at least, smart enough to remain quiet about it, returning to his work in the universities and aiming for a position within the College of Sapiarchs alongside some of his former peers who [i]hadn't[/i] lost themselves in their work and studies for decades. Of course, he continued his own studies into reality on the side, his theories on the distinction between Anuic and Padomaic spirits, and whether Lorkhan was truly as villainous as typical Altmeri mythology portrayed him, growing wilder and wilder as the years went on. This, unfortunately, would be his downfall within the society of the Third Aldmeri Dominion; the Thalmor, knowing of his existence but as of yet not having managed to locate him, were looking for any opportunity they could find to remove him like they had the rest of his family. When he inevitably found himself embroiled in an argument with the Sapiarch over the sphere of Applied Phrenology, one which progressed to deadly levels as he challenged the other mage to a lethal duel and immediately began firing off spells, he was quickly set upon by a force of Thalmor agents, though they were unable to apprehend him. He quickly left the country, settling north of Anvil with a new workshop and the most important tomes from his library. Back home, he was officially declared Apraxic, with a bounty placed upon his head. Despite his location being rather openly known, none of the death squads or bounty hunters sent his way able to get the better of him. Of course, this wouldn't stop an agent of the reformed Blades from getting through to him, gaining him a short audience with the new Empress to discuss the nature of time and how it might be disregarded; in return for essentially free access to imperial magical facilities, an official stipend, and the freedom to conduct his studies as he would, he agreed to act as an agent of the Blades himself, whereupon he quickly found himself sent to Hammerfell alongside some of the new sovereign's other...[i]goons.[/i] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]Semi-armoured robes: Robes befitting an academic and accomplished mage of the Summerset Isles; he keeps them in good repair, though in recent years he has been forced to supplement them with light amounts of armour, though he is in good enough physical condition that it doesn't hamper him much. [*]Accessories: While they are [i]rarely[/i] necessary for proper pursuits in the field of magic, one is at time forced to engage in battle—enchanted jewelry and the like that enable one to forego the proper preparations and streamline the process of casting to ensure spells are used at their most efficacious and safest for the caster are a necessary conceit for travels such as Keirthanil now engages in, and with the remains of his familial wealth he has acquired more than enough to suit his current position. [*]Steel-reinforced staff: A walking staff is important—it aids in locomotion, it can be used to fend off wild animals or brigands, and with the proper reinforcements and enchantments can even be crafted into a potent tool for spellcraft! [*]Satchel: Full of books, scrolls, loose paper, writing materials, certain magical materials and alchemical ingredients. Nothing surprising for a mage such as himself. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [u]Major:[/u] [list] [*]Conjuration [*]Alteration [*]Restoration [*]Mysticism [*]Alchemy [/list] [u]Minor:[/u] [list] [*]Light Armor [*]Enchanting [*]Speechcraft [*]Illusion [*]Blunt Weapon [/list] [/hider]