[b]NOTE : Remove all filler text when filling out sheet.[/b] [hider=Character Sheet Template] [center][h1]Full Name[/h1] [i]Quote[/i] [/center] [table] [row] [hr] [/row][row] [cell] [center] [b]Image 800 x 800[/b] [u](Player face claims must be of a style of anime or an acceptable alternative.)[/u] [/center] [center] ___________________________________[/center] P R O F I L E [indent] [sub]Age[/sub] [indent][sub](Must be between the ages of 18 and 120 year old.)[/sub][/indent] [sub]Sex[/sub] [indent][sub]...[/sub][/indent] [sub]Height[/sub] [indent][sub](Please keep human characters within an average/acceptable height range. Mutants can range from 4’0/121.92 cm to 10’/304.8 cm.[/sub][/indent] [sub]Weight[/sub] [indent][sub](Please keep weights within an acceptable amount based around height and build.)[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [indent] [sub]Race[/sub] [indent][sub](Human or Mutant.)[/sub][/indent] [sub]Origin[/sub] [indent][sub](State your character’s current occupation or state of being.) (Wanderer, Refugee, Exile, Bounty Hunter, Prospector, etcetera.)[/sub][/indent] [sub]Transportation[/sub] [indent][sub](Your character’s mode of traveling.) [u](All characters start without a vehicle/mount so for now mark this as “None” or “NA”.)[/u][/sub][/indent] [sub]Starting Location[/sub] [indent][sub](Players must choose wether to start at Sully’s Rest, outside the ruins of Denton at a roadside encampment, or in Havenwood as a newly joined member of the community. Some mutant characters may be locked in at Havenwood at the beginning. Human characters are allowed in Havenwood as it is founded on the idea of welcoming [i]all[/i] who are misfits and outcasts.[/sub][/indent] [sub]Color Code[/sub] [indent][sub](The color code you will use for dialogue text.)[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [center] ___________________________________[/center] I N V E N T O R Y [indent][sub] (Inventory is where player items of note are placed. In this RP inventory mainly focuses of items of note or importance. That said feel free to include items such as camping supplies, extra rations, spare clothing, a medical kit, personal effects and mementos, etcetera. Be as creative here as you wish just do not “overdo it”.) [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] E Q U I P M E N T [indent][sub] - Primary Weapon - Secondary Weapon - Armor Details - Gadgets/Tools (A maximum of three if applicable.) (If inapplicable leave blank or mark as NA.) [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] A T T R I B U T E S [indent] [sub]Points: 12 (These points are meant to be distributed among the six attributes below. This is to be removed from the CS after points have been distributed. [u]Do not forget to show your work next to each ability regarding points added and subtracted by modifiers.[/u]) (Each category is capped at four points however can still be boosted by choice modifiers.) Strength: - Fitness: - Dexterity: - Perception: - Intellect: - Endurance: -[/sub] [/indent] [/cell][cell] ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE DESCRIPTION [indent][sub] ... [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKSTORY [indent][sub] ... [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ PERSONALITY [indent][sub] ... [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK [indent][sub] Optional [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MODIFIERS [indent][sub] (Players are allowed two options when it comes to choosing modifiers; either two +1 modifiers of their design (With GM approval.) or one +4 modifier with a penalty of -2 in the form of two -1 modifiers [i]or[/i] one -2 modifier.) [u]Unlike attribute points which are locked in without additions modifiers can be earned throughout the course of the RP.[/u] Be it through experiences, implants, serums or pharmaceuticals, and so on. But be warned, not all modifiers will be positive. Many in fact can be quite detrimental. Distribute points and modifiers meticulously.) [/sub][/indent] [/cell] [/row] [/table] [/hider]