[b]April 27th 2027 Just inside the border of Taniland African Continent [/b] Sohee adjusted her gear as the old rickety DC-3 rattled its way through the humid evening air of Taniland, the roar of the engines drowning out all attempts at conversation. She sat quietly on the nylon webbing seat, her hands resting on her knees, her body swaying slightly with the constant vibrations of the ancient plane. She had long learnt to tune out discomfort. Her eyes were closed, breathing steady and her mind relaxed, despite the environment. It may be meditation or simply preparation that allowed her to set aside the rattling fuselage, the loud engines and the metallic tang of its interior.Her previous experience had taught her that ‘rest can be as deadly a weapon as a pistol or grenade.’ When the plane descended with a jolt, she opened her eyes and glanced at the others in the team. She caught Meg peering out of the porthole, her shades perched on her head. Sohee didn’t bother to look out of the window. The details of the outside terrain of Taniland would be visible soon enough anyway. The roughness of the landing brought a smirk to her lips. She’d been on worse flights, but this one was definitely in her top five for “barely holding together.” As the co-pilot moved past, gesturing to the hatch, Sohee unclipped her belt and stood, her movements fluid despite the cramped quarters. She immediately slung on her Camelbak before moving to hoist one of the peli cases as the hatch opened, as the warm earthy air of Taniland invaded the interior of the ancient DC-3. Following Meg and the others out of the plane, she took her first step onto the dusty ground. The heat of the evening was thick and slightly oppressive, the faint breeze carrying the scent of dirt and vegetation that reminded her of other missions in places just like this. Her gaze landed on Jamison, who stood by the idling minibus, a calm air of authority around her. She suppressed a hint of amusement at the contrast between Jamison’s pristine attire and their own worn, practical combat gear. Meg handled the conversation well enough, and Sohee preferred to conserve her energy for what lay ahead. When the gear was stowed and the team loaded into the minibus, Sohee claimed a seat near the back. Her hands rested loosely on her knees, her fingers occasionally drumming against the fabric of her tactical pants as she listened intently. As Jamison briefed them on the situation, Sohee’s eyes stayed on the passing scenery, watching out for anything that could pose a threat to the team. Jamison’s voice carried over the road noise, detailing the situation with pinpoint accuracy. Her expression remained neutral, but her mind worked through the possibilities. When the dossier made its way to her, Sohee flipped through it with systemic precision, committing Adebayo’s face and profile to memory. She knew that time was crucial, every second they delayed put Adebayo at greater risk. As Meg mentioned “No time like the present”, Sohee smirked once more and replied “Copy that. We move fast, hit harder, and pull him out before they even know what hit them.”