[center][h3][color=lightpink]Olivia[/color] & [color=#dda0dd]Felix[/color][/h3][/center] [hr][color=lightgray] After the evening had ended, Olivia remained wide awake in bed. The conversations and revelations replayed in her mind like a broken record. She tossed and turned. It was unusual for her to be sleeping overnight; when she was on the streets, it was her time to steal, give back to the poor, and screw with the Sorian guards. It was also her time to be at peace and stay alive. Since her parent’s death, the darkness was a comfort blanket she refused to tear off. Drinking and doing whatever she could to not think of that day was on her agenda, and stealing and causing mayhem generally did the trick. Unfortunately for her, there was no peace. This time, the mafia news and the potential clients of it caused her to remain jittery and her stomach to churn. After what felt like hours, she sat up in bed and strode over to the closet. The silky fabrics and luxury items before her were foreign; as she traced her hands over them, she shuddered. The clothing was suffocating and felt as though she were losing herself in them. She yearned for the loose clothing she preferred. She reached into a box in the back and began to pull out darker clothing she’d purchased using Charlotte’s money (and her permission). She pulled [url=https://i.imgur.com/S3halG6.png]the outfit [/url] (with a hood) and her hair into an [url=i.imgur.com/Z9rOgGP.jpg]braided bun[/url]. Olivia then grabbed her gun, bow, a quiver of arrows and attached it to her pant loop. Olivia then pulled a hood over her head and tucked her magic book into her pocket. A quick glance in the mirror caused her shoulders to slump and a deep sigh to escape her lips. She strode over to it and gently lifted it, then quietly slid out onto the windowsill and gently jumped off the roof and rolled onto her feet silently. She didn’t glance back at the house and snuck off the Vikena property quickly. Once she began moving, she strode down the road quietly and efficiently without turning heads. The cool wind against her face and the dark sky above her with the twinkling stars soothed her. It was like old times. Her gaze swept around the area frequently. After what seemed like twenty minutes, Olivia came close to the warehouse. She moved her bow closer to her body and kept a hand near the quiver of arrows. Olivia ducked down behind some carriages and gleaned up at the warehouse. It was bigger than she’d imagined. She looked around the street and looked for an entrance. There was a front door–that was too bold. Was it occupied? If so, by how many? She flattened herself onto the ground like a pancake underneath the carriage and scrutinized the area. There was a nearby building whose roof would allow entry into one of the windows that was ajar. [color=lightpink][i]Weird and suspicious. No thank you.[/i][/color] Her gaze moved up to the top of the building and she nodded to herself. She hurried out quickly, remaining low to the ground, and scaled the next-door building’s side like a spider. There was nobody around which she found unnerving. Once up, Olivia moved onto the roof and squatted on it to examine her surroundings once more. She moved up the building’s roof, faced the warehouse, ran down the roof’s side, and then jumped onto the warehouse roof and landed quietly. After checking it was clear, she then found an opening and climbed down into the warehouse. If shit went south, at least she had this exit. The warehouse was eerily quiet, the kind of silence that wrapped around a person, amplifying every faint creak or shift in the shadows. The air smelled faintly of damp wood and iron, with a metallic tang that clung to the back of the throat. The dim moonlight filtered through cracked windows and gaps in the walls, illuminating the maze of crates and barrels stacked in haphazard rows. It was seemingly empty, but only moments after Olivia had found her way inside did she hear a voice. [color=#dda0dd]“Careful now, sweetheart... Skulking about in places like this… people might get the wrong idea.”[/color] The voice came from everywhere and nowhere all at once, low and smooth, with a hint of amusement that coiled around her like smoke. Olivia began inspecting the warehouse. She glanced around everywhere and sniffed the faint smell of damp wood and iron. What was that metallic taste? Her throat began to burn. She swallowed and ignored it for now. She looked over the railing at the maze of crates and barrels. What was in those..? She wanted to take a better look when a voice jumped when a voice interrupted her reverie. Olivia pulled her bow out and strung an arrow faster than one could blink. [color=lightpink]”One could say the same for you,”[/color] she retorted defiantly and continued to glance around for the source. Felix paused in his circling, a playful glint lighting up his eyes. Then, suddenly, he dropped down from a crate directly in front of Olivia, landing silently on his feet like a cat. Before she could react, he straightened and leaned forward slightly, his grin widening into something equal parts charming and infuriating. [color=#dda0dd]“Well, go on then,”[/color] he said, gesturing lazily toward the arrow she had trained on him. [color=#dda0dd]“Are you really gonna shoot me? Seems a bit harsh, don’t you think, [i]Olivia[/i]?”[/color] The moonlight spilled through the fractured warehouse windows, bathing Felix in its glow. The light revealed his angular face while casting deep shadows that emphasized his striking features and brown hair. [color=#dda0dd]“Think of the mess. Blood everywhere. Such a shame to ruin these lovely crates. What do you think’s in them? Silks? Spices? Or maybe…”[/color] His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, [i][color=#dda0dd]“bodies?”[/color][/i] Olivia inhaled when he jumped down in front of her. She scowled and then trained her bow on him again, this time pointing the arrow between his eyes. Why did all these people know her goddamn name? It was infuriating. A chill ran down her spine. She pushed it out of her mind and glared at him. His voice was irritating her. Was he alone…? [color=lightpink]”Nah. I don’t think the world would miss you,”[/color] she replied curtly, but didn’t take the shot; or at least, not yet. She glanced at the crates and gritted her teeth when he finished saying “bodies”. [color=lightpink]”Maybe it’ll be you in there, and we can both find out. What do you think of that?”[/color] She paused and then scowled. [color=lightpink]”You stalkin’ me or something to know my name? You have nothing better to do than stalk people?”[/color] She didn’t release her grip on the bow and glared at him. [color=lightpink][i]Did Calbert tell the mafia about me? What a spineless coward.[/i][/color] Felix’s smirk widened. He leaned in just enough to meet her glare head-on, his tone laced with sass. [color=#dda0dd]“Stalking? Oh, please. Let’s not get it twisted. You’re the one sneaking around property you’re not authorized to be on.”[/color] He gestured lazily to the warehouse around them. [color=#dda0dd]“If anything, I should be the one asking you what you’re doing here.”[/color] He then straightened with a mock gasp.[color=#dda0dd]“Wait! Are you stalking [i]me[/i]? I’m flattered, really, but next time, at least send a calling card.”[/color] Olivia glared when he leaned in towards her. She listened to him speak and rolled her eyes. [color=lightpink]”Get over yourself.”[/color] She replied dryly. Liv glanced around for something, anything, to distract him so she could escape. [color=lightpink]”Mind your own fuckin’ business.”[/color] She steadied her bow and scrutinized him. [color=lightpink]”What’s your name, asshole?”[/color] She hoped to keep him talking long enough to formulate a plan. [color=lightpink]”And you work for Marek, don’t you?”[/color] Felix arched an amused brow, his lips curling as he began to circle her slowly like a vulture savoring the inevitability of a meal from prey long since dead. [color=#dda0dd]“My name? Darling, if you don’t already know it, I’m doing something wrong.”[/color] His voice dropped to a low purr. [color=#dda0dd]“And if you’re so set on avoiding my questions, why should I indulge yours?”[/color] Olivia watched him and continued turning to face him with her bow. [color=lightpink]”Evidently you are,”[/color] she quipped. Her arms began to tire from holding the bow, and she set it back onto her shoulder and raised her fists. [color=lightpink]”There wasn’t any sign it was private property.”[/color] She replied curtly. [color=lightpink]”Now, my question, fucker.”[/color] She moved into his airspace, not allowing herself to look intimidated. Inside though, her bones were chilled, and her stomach was in knots. This was not how she expected this to go; a quick in and out is all she wanted. [color=lightpink][i]Run,[/i][/color] her mind screamed at her, but her feet were rooted to the spot. Her mind spun and she glared heatedly at him. Her gaze swept around for a way to distract him. Magic was bold, but at this point, who cared? Her glare burned into him, but Felix’s expression remained infuriatingly calm. He allowed a beat of silence to pass. Then, as though bored with the exchange, he slipped a small copper whistle from his pocket, twirling it between his fingers with idle amusement. [color=#dda0dd]“Your question can wait,”[/color] he said lightly, as though dismissing a child. The whistle rose to his lips, and with a sharp, piercing note, the real game began The sound echoed through the warehouse. Felix’s grin widened as the telltale sound of boots striking wood grew louder, and from the shadows, three figures emerged. Their faces were obscured by hoods, each carrying a torch whose flickering flames cast shadows on the crates around them. Before Olivia could react, the bastard pulled out a whistle. Her blood ran cold and she realized they weren’t alone. Why would they be? She tensed and her mouth ran dry, drier than a desert. [color=#dda0dd]“Now, don’t look so tense,”[/color] Felix practically purred, his tone mockingly soothing. [color=#dda0dd]“They’re just here to help… set the mood.”[/color] The men moved efficiently, tipping over oil canisters and spilling their contents across the floor in dark pools. The scent of kerosene filled the air as the liquid spread in uneven rivers, reflecting the faint light of the torches. Felix watched them work, his hands slipping into his pockets as though the growing chaos was nothing more than an entertaining game. The first torch was lowered, and the fire leaped to life with a roar, flames streaking across the floor. The inferno instantly transformed the warehouse, the flames climbing crates and barrels. Smoke curled upward in thick, black tendrils, coiling and spilling out through cracked windows while the heat overtook the air of the room. Felix turned to face the growing blaze, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. He tilted his head, his grin deepening into something colder, and more menacing. [color=#dda0dd]“Don’t let me keep you. You’ve got some running to do,”[/color] he said, his voice calm and almost cheerful, a stark contrast to the chaos erupting around him. Without waiting for a response, Felix turned on his heel and strode toward the exit, unhurried and composed. The fire’s light danced across his figure as he disappeared into the shadows, leaving the flames to finish what he had started. She whipped around to face the mysterious trio above them and watched with horror as the scene unfolded. Fire–the one thing she was desperately [i]terrified[/i] of was now encasing the room. Liv tried to follow Felix, but the smoke enveloped her and caused her to begin hacking and retching. She dropped to the floor and pulled her shirt over her face to shield herself from inhaling any more of it. Her mind raced. What did she do? She was paralyzed with terror. Flashbacks raced through her mind–her parent’s bakery smothered in flames and gasoline while the food blackened. Her mother’s wail of despair when it was discovered. Her dad’s submissiveness and grief and disappointment reflected in his eyes as he looked at [i]her[/i]. An illegal book was found in the rubble days later, covered in soot and ash…. Her father’s paranoia grew worse by the day as he pressed her to master more complicated spells, while her mother used magic freely and scolded her for not being good enough… The spell book, covered in ash, now laying on the table as she desperately tried uttering the incantations and failing. The raised voices, desperate pleas, the inferno beginning yet again, and this time, consuming everything but her in its path… Fire, again, destroying everything in its path and her family included… Olivia let out a wail of terror and desperation. Tears streamed down her face as she coughed and hyperventilated. She pulled the ash and soot covered book out of her pocket and began tearing through it. There was a spell; there had to be one that wasn’t dark magic…. Her eyes landed on a few spells and a split second decision was made. [color=lightpink]”Elementa Evoco-”[/color] Liv broke off, coughing and gasping for air. [color=lightpink]”Elementa Evoco…”[/color] She watched as the barrels and crates around her began melting from the inferno. Liv began to army crawl through the chaos in desperate search for the exit Felix had used, but to no avail. She swore under her breath and wiped her eyes. The tears were streaming down her face faster than a cookie melting in milk. Fury rose inside of her. There was no way she’d die this way, not like her parents! [color=lightpink]”Elementa Evoco Aqua!”[/color] Olivia yelled and raised her hands. Water sprouted from her hands and doused the flames beside her; and doused the flames long enough to clear a path for her to the exit. Olivia sprinted towards it and remained low so she could avoid the smoke. She threw herself outside and landed harshly on the pavement. With a gasp, Olivia began hyperventilating and coughing, and laid on her back so she could stare up at the twinkling stars above her. Her heart raced so fast she thought it might jump from her chest. She was singed everywhere, and reeked of smoke and fire. Weakly, she raised a hand, pointed her middle finger at the warehouse, and then let it drop pathetically beside her. Then, a cold chill unrelated to the night, washed over her. She glanced at her arms and noticed the paleness of her skin and shut her eyes. The consequence, of course, much like the fire summoning spell she was so desperately taught. Fire–the element that haunted and soothed her dreams; the one that tore her family apart and killed them and the one that set her on this path. Was her fate meant to be intertwined with fire forever? She shakily raised her pale and frozen arms, but there wasn’t any evidence of the burns anymore. Her arms fell beside her. Olivia’s breathing began to slow down–was this the end? Did she inhale too much smoke? She tried to push herself up, but her muscles wouldn’t obey. The irony of the situation hit her like a wave. So much for investigation. Her teeth began chattering and her body shook from the unrelenting cold consequence of the spell. She thought she heard noise–was it that asshole? [color=lightpink]”Invis… Fuck it,”[/color] she mumbled and dragged herself, inch by inch, underneath an empty carriage. Olivia laid underneath it and curled up into a ball. Maybe she’d sleep here for the night. Her mind raced back to Charlotte–would she miss her? Probably not. She’d caused enough trouble for her. Perhaps the latter would be better off without her…[/color]