[color=green][h2]Scene:[/h2][/color] As Elaeshor stretches out a hand to touch the portrait of Jatembe, all four of the icons begin to glow; instead of purple, however, all the gems in the icons glow a soft blue color. As Elaeshor steps back, the door gives a satisfying click, and starts to drift open inward. The heroes, thus occupied with the door, do not notice that they are joined in that moment by an eccentric looking, Elven individual. [color=yellow]"Oh hello, students,"[/color] the woman caws in a oddly rehearsed-sounding fashion, [color=yellow]"seeking supplies in the reshelving room, are we? Well. What do you need, perhaps I can help you find--"[/color] but the instructor is not able to finish her query, drowned as it is in a shriek of surprise and disgust! The door, unsealing itself now, lets loose a torrent of stinking water into the hall up to the ankles of the heroes (and poor Saur, Starfinger, and Jenk's shins). Riding atop the wave that floods the hall are various arcane articles, parchments, potions, and runes, bouncing against and scattering past the group. Now wholly visible, lit by blue magical light from within, the inside of this reshelving room appears to be a partially flooded storage room. One thing is also obvious: it reeks in here! Beside them, the Elven instructor is busy clicking her tongue, grasping her garment, and whirling around to survey the damage both in the hall and within the reshelving room. [color=green][h3]End Scene[/h3][/color] [color=red][h2]Storyteller's Aside[/h2][/color] Congratulations on solving the puzzle! You made short work of it IC :D. Feel free to search the room a bit, make some checks, or discuss among yourselves.