[center][h3][color=lightpink]Olivia[/color], [color=D0B4EC]Charlotte[/color] & [color=lightsteelblue]Cassius[/color] Part 1[/h3][/center] [color=lightgray] The acrid air was relentless with ominous heat as Charlotte arrived before the warehouse, her breath hitching at the sight before her. Flames licked hungrily at the sky, the fire devouring the building in an array of red and orange. Smoke billowed from shattered windows and gaping holes in the walls menacingly. For a moment, her body froze, rooted in the shock of the scene before her. Noise startled Olivia and caused her to roll onto her hands and knees under the carriage. Due to her height, she had to duck low to the ground; not that she wanted to be too visible, anyway, in case that asshole returned. Her gaze widened when the familiar figure of Charlotte loomed into view. Fear gripped her. [color=lightpink]”F-f-f-fanc-y… m-mn-m-eeting y-y-yo-o-o-ou h-h-h-heeeere,”[/color] A hoarse voice greeted Charlotte. Olivia emerged from under the carriage. Her auburn hair was singed at the ends, and her clothes were a mixture of soot and water. Though her skin was pale to begin with, it was ghostly pale and she wrapped her arms around herself to preserve some body heat. She glanced at the warehouse, then back to her, and slid back onto her knees. The world spun around her, and she slid off her knees into the carriage to hold herself up. She rubbed soot off her face and glanced at her ashened hands with disgust and fear. [color=lightpink]”W-w-wh-h-h-y a-a-r-re y-y-you- h-h-here…?”[/color] Charlotte rushed to Olivia’s side, dropping to her knees without a second thought. Her hands immediately reached out, draping her cape around her shoulders. Olivia was freezing, shivering violently, but oddly, she wasn’t wet. [color=D0B4EC]“Why am I here?”[/color] Charlotte’s voice was incredulous, her gaze sharp as she met Olivia’s. [color=D0B4EC]“[i]Why are you here?![/i]”[/color] She then pulled Olivia close, her arms wrapping around her as she rubbed her forearms, trying to coax some warmth back into her trembling body. Olivia laughed hoarsely, and her gaze met her friend’s. She pulled the cape around her instinctively, though she wished to return it to her friend. Warmth began to return in small bouts, and gratefulness rushed inside of her for the feeling. Her lungs began to pump air in and out, and she found more of her voice returning to her, slowly but surely. [color=D0B4EC]“What happened, Olivia?”[/color] she asked urgently, her voice softening slightly but still edged with panic. She paused for a moment, her eyes returning to the warehouse. [color=D0B4EC]“There’s not anyone in there, right?”[/color] [color=lightpink]”...I was… I was…”[/color] Olivia turned away and coughed. [color=lightpink]”....In…Investi.. I–I-Investig-g-ating.”[/color] She glanced over at the warehouse, then back to her. [color=lightpink]”...A-A-A-n-n-nd so..soome punk..ass.. bitch s-s-st f-f-f-ire t-t-o it.”[/color] She frowned at her friend. [color=D0B4EC]“Breathe with me,”[/color] Charlotte instructed gently. She could feel the oppressive heat from the warehouse pressing in around them, the smoke thickening the air. Charlotte's own throat stung as she inhaled deeply. She slowed her breathing, aiming to steady her nerves, hoping Olivia would follow suit. [color=D0B4EC]“In...slowly now. In through the nose... count to four... one, two, three, four…”[/color] She paused, allowing Olivia time to match her rhythm, her gaze softening with focus. [color=D0B4EC]“Hold it for a moment... Now exhale, nice and slow... out through the mouth... one, two, three, four... Yes, that’s it.”[/color] She repeated the process, ensuring her breathing stayed steady. Olivia gazed at Charlotte with confusion, but slowly began to follow suit. At first, her breath was shaky and ragged; the smoke burned her throat and eyes, and the sensation of hypothermia clung to her like she clung to Charlotte’s cloak. Slowly but surely, Olivia’s breath began to return to normal, and her circadian rhythm began to correct itself. With each breath, it became easier to breathe, and Olivia’s body began to warm, and color returned to her. Once Olivia seemed to find her rhythm, Charlotte sighed in a manner that almost felt too calm given the chaos surrounding them. A small, rueful smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she spoke. [color=D0B4EC]“Oh, simply an average day for you, I presume? My word, Olivia, if that is how you carry on, we must prepare for your autobiography...”[/color] Liv barked a laugh and glanced up at the warehouse. [color=lightpink]”Y-eah.”[/color] she replied sheepishly, and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. [color=lightpink]“Fire and I have a love-hate relationship. Can’t get enough,”[/color] Her voice became bitter and dry, as the memories of her parents and bakery remained rooted in the back of her mind. She reached out and lightly squeezed Olivia’s shoulder before continuing, her tone warmer. [color=D0B4EC]“You really shouldn’t have come out here on your own, dear.”[/color] Olivia shrugged at her comment. Being alone meant there was nobody else for the world to miss. Then, she glanced at the warehouse, then back to Lottie. [color=lightpink]”H-h-ho-w d-did y-you know to co..come..?”[/color] Charlotte turned her gaze back toward the burning warehouse, her brow raising slightly. Without a word, she pointed toward the rising plumes of smoke. Olivia raised her brows and let out a delicate sigh. This meant it might attract other people…. People she did not want to see. Each stride brought the blazing warehouse into view, and with it, the powerful and unmistakable scent of burning wood and ash. His mind raced through worst-case scenarios, but he forced them aside with a muttered curse. However, when his storm-gray eyes locked onto two figures near the wreckage, a sharp wave of relief nearly buckled his knees. Charlotte and someone else…singed and sooty, huddled together just outside the blaze. Cassius forced himself to slow his pace, rolling his shoulders back as he closed the distance. By the time he reached them, his cocky smirk was firmly in place for the sake of comfort, though his chest still rose and fell with the remnants of his sprint and the slightest hint of worry lingered in his eyes. In an instant he took in the sight of them, and realized that the second person was none other than Olivia as well as the fact that she seemed worse for wear. [color=lightsteelblue][i]She’s trembling…[/i][/color] Cas noted within. Kneeling down to the pair, his eyes met Charlotte’s as addressed them. [color=lightsteelblue]"Don’t tell me I’m too late to save the day."[/color] he drawled, ignoring the slight shake in his voice as he gestured broadly to the inferno. [color=lightsteelblue]"Everybody okay?"[/color] The unexpected voice caused her to tense and stiffen. She instinctively reached for her bow and weakly strung an arrow. With a glare, she watched as Cassius Damien loomed into view. [color=lightpink]”We’re fine,”[/color] Olivia lied coolly. Her gaze didn’t leave him. She motioned to Charlotte to help her up so they could leave. Cassius cocked an eyebrow, his smirk broadening into something almost arrogant as he rose to his full height, towering over the two women. His perfect eyes flicked between Charlotte’s determined face and Olivia’s glare, the latter sparking an amused huff from him. The venom oozed from her voice. If she were a basilisk, her gaze would be petrifying. [color=lightpink]”What are [i]you[/i] doing here, Damien?”[/color] If Calbert was in the Black Rose, who knew if he was too? Olivia gripped Charlotte’s arm and slowly began trying to stand; a feat crippled by her weakness. As Olivia spoke, he rested a hand dramatically over his chest as though her words had struck a mortal blow and tilted his head, his gaze sweeping over her unsteady frame and Charlotte’s protective grip. The smirk faltered…barely…when he caught the faint tremor in Olivia’s limbs and the ash clinging to her like a second skin. [color=lightsteelblue]“Oh, you know…just enjoying a casual evening in and around burning buildings. So, basically the usual.”[/color] He jested, an attempt to cut through a bit of the woman’s venomous, [i]though understanding demeanor[/i]. He then turned his attention to Lottie as she began to speak, his arrogant grin shifting into a noticeably more genuine smile. Charlotte glanced at Cassius with a surprised yet amused expression. [color=D0B4EC]“Oh, you’re never too late, Cassius,”[/color] she replied with a small smile. [color=D0B4EC]“But yes, we’re fine—aside from the obvious inconvenience of a burning warehouse and Olivia’s current state.”[/color] She then rose to help her to her feet, anchoring her arm around her. She froze mid movement as her eyes flicked nervously toward the distant sound of approaching footsteps, growing louder with every passing second. Her stomach tightened at the thought of the guards arriving too soon, and she turned back to Olivia, urgency in her voice. [color=D0B4EC]“We need to move now,”[/color] Charlotte urged, her grip tightening on Olivia as she nodded toward a nearby warehouse. Olivia’s expression did not soften seeing their recognition of one another. With a scowl, Liv rose to her feet alongside Charlotte. She wrapped her arm around her shoulder and turned away so she could cough and hack noisily. She stubbornly limped towards the nearby warehouse and scowled again at the inconvenience of not being as agile to move in case things turned south. Taking a perceptive glance around the area, Cassius moved towards the girls with caution before bending and wrapping his own arm around Olivia as well to help bolster her and assist Charlotte in moving her quickly. [color=lightsteelblue]“Don’t mind me, Liv… Just doing my part .”[/color] As he began to help Charlotte support her over to a nearby empty warehouse, Olivia emitted a low hiss, akin to a cat being soaked in water. She reluctantly allowed them both to help her. Once inside and out of sight, Olivia scanned their surroundings for the jackass arsonist and declared it was clear.[/color]