[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zngMbhb.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qlZlDys.png[/img] [hider=Nonconsensual Magical Transformation Music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evatg3o2Ju8&ab_channel=%E6%A9%8B%E6%9C%AC%E7%94%B1%E9%A6%99%E5%88%A9-Topic[/youtube][/hider][/center] [right]Interactions: Paloma [@Atrophy], Gideon [@NoriWasHere] [code]South Side, Circle Neighbourhood, Outside David Smith’s Home[/code][/right][hr] It was strange being frozen. Frustrating. Like a bug trapped in amber, Vin could hear everything that was being said without being able to respond. Malik constantly saying help was on the way- good. Help arriving… that bastard Marco saying they just needed [i]stitches[/i]. Vin would make sure he needed stitches if he didn’t do his stupid fucking magic. They were literally dying here and he was so caught up in toxic fucking masculinity that he’d let them bleed out! Sparkling fucker! They couldn’t even fucking laugh at his embarrassing transformation. Vin came out of the Bystander with a gasp that turned into a pained grunt, pressing the blood soaked sweater into their side. Black crackled at the edges of their eyes, threatening their consciousness. They just had to get through this… slightly sharp teeth dug into their dry lips. Enough to keep them awake. Their dark eyes, drained and tinged with enough apathy to look almost lifeless, moved to Marco. Of course, their words were anything but lifeless. [color=51684c]”Get the fuck on with it, unless you want taunted by my fuckin’ ghost for the rest of your life.”[/color] Marco sighed as he raised his wand up high causing it to illuminate in a bright healing glow that enveloped his body. The light surged outward, a searing hot pink that painted the landscape in surreal, garish hues. The energy wrapped around Vin’s broken form like a living thing, swirling and pulsing as it consumed them until there was nothing visible but the hot pink light that seemed to sparkle like a star filled night. Vin’s body was pulled into the air by the magic and remained suspended, the magic forcing their one normal leg to bend while the leg that was half missing extended outward. Their back arched as their arms shot outwards above their head. The transformation began. The light coiled even brighter around Vin’s missing leg, almost becoming blindingly white but with a faint pink hue. Threads of magic wove together, knitting sinew and bone down the missing half of the limb yet the viscera was completely hidden by the magic. For fifteen seconds the light worked its way down the leg until the limb was finally reformed, whole and perfect, before the glow spread upward, overtaking the rest of their body. Vin’s torn, bloodied clothing dissolved into shimmering particles, replaced by layers of glittering fabric that seemed to materialize from the air itself. The glittering fabric formed a crescent moon symbol on their chest, only this one had a pinker hue compared to the one on Marco. A cascading skirt of iridescent pink and silver took shape, catching the light with every movement. Delicate ribbons spiraled around their arms, ending in ornate cuffs that shimmered with unnatural brightness. Their shoes were replaced by gleaming heels, impossibly impractical yet dazzlingly ornate. And they were pink. Their socks were replaced with a pair of thigh highs as white as the fresh snow around them. The light flared one final time, and when it receded, Vin was forced upright, their new leg steady beneath them. They were fully healed, their posture strong, but their form was now a complete shift from their typical crude attire.. The air was still again, the only sound the faint rustle of their glittering. Marco’s sigh was the only thing to break the silence. “I hate you,” he whispered to his apparition who gave a sly chuckle in response. [color=51684c]”Can you dispel the fucking shitty outfits?”[/color] Vin hissed, feeling [I]incredibly[/I] uncomfortable in this outfit. It had been a while since they'd had to suffer Marco's healing - he was always their last resort - so they didn't quite remember the details. Marco put their hands on their hips and sighed extra hard. He mumbled out something that no-one could catch. [color=FFFF00]“Come again, Marco,”[/color] Gideon said in an annoyed tone. “Twenty four hours. We’re both stuck like this for twenty four hours. I had plans tonight,” he groaned as he leaned against the truck, causing a faint whimsy melody to play somewhere in the distance. [color=51684c]”Fuck!”[/color] Vin shouted loudly. They shot over, surprisingly dextrous in heels, to grab their coat where it had been thrown on a nearby pathetic little bush. They pulled it on to at least cover the top half of their horrendous outfit. Then they turned to Gideon, nodding… finally about to answer his question. [color=51684c]”Yeah, I finished it boss.”[/color] As they said that they turned back to look at Paloma. They fucking hated owing someone, and technically she stopped them from bleeding to death. [i]Technically[/i] they’d saved her first… But a thank you was a small price to pay to prevent inevitable whining. Wait, what the fuck was this lady doing to them now? Blinking at them like that… no fucking way. Was she flirting with them? Right [i]now[/i]? Seriously?! She wasn’t one of those creeps who kept popping up when they shifted in public was she? Vin felt a chill run down their spine. They knew they were hot as fuck both in and out of the tiger form, but this was too much. She couldn’t even take them out for dinner first? Or at least wait until their boss wasn’t right there? Best to just ignore it. They turned back to Gideon with a grimace, bowing their head slightly. [color=51684c]”I’m sorry, boss. I let it kill Caleb. I underestimated the fuckin’ thing. I let a-”[/color] [color=00fa9a]“You killed it.”[/color] Huh? Vin’s head twisted back around to Paloma, even as she stopped looking at them. Yeah, they killed it. Why wouldn’t they- the wanting to talk to it. Fuck, she was getting at them over that? When they’d nearly died? [color=51684c]”I killed it cause it was gonna kill me, [i]’Pa’[/i].”[/color] Vin snapped, lips pulling back to show off their sharp teeth. Their hands tensed, before curling into fists. It was lucky they couldn’t cast any spells right now, preventing them from transforming again. [color=51684c]”I didn’t promise you shit. But ‘preciate that I was gonna try… I had to use a last fuckin’ resort to stop it. Fuckin’ hell, I was fightin’ for my fuckin’ life and you-”[/color] Vin stopped before they got more heated. There was a tiny feeling of guilt as Paloma went from accusatory to hurt. But more than that, it was Gideon standing right there. [color=51684c]Remember what we stand for…[/color] This wasn’t some North Sider prick. She was one of the people they were meant to protect, annoying as she was… so long as she didn’t cross the boss. [color=51684c]”Look, I dunno why you’re so worked up over this. Whatever you needed from that thing, or David, or whatever… I’ll fuckin’ help you with it. Findin’ information or beatin’ people or whatever you needed. It wasn’t gonna give you shit. Just fuckin’ calm down. I ain’t the kinda person to do this normally, alright?”[/color] They pinched the bridge of their nose, taking a deep breath. Now they needed to explain to Gideon [i]why[/i] there was a normal person involved. Not that it was their fault! But they hadn’t managed to keep her out of the house, so it was partly on them. [color=51684c]”This lady was lookin’ for David too. Came round same time we did, shoved herself in. I couldn’t stop her. Fuckin’ annoyin’- we had to protect her. Made shit tough. But I’d be…”[/color] Vin grimaced. [color=51684c]”Dead without her magic.”[/color] They folded their arms, moving right past that. [color=51684c]”It got David. Sucked his body into itself, like it fuckin’ ate him whole. It’s some kinda Apparition, but it ain’t like any I seen before. I could [i]kill[/i] it. Didn’t feel the same as killin’ ‘em, it left a body behind. It didn’t abscise David either. There was two Davids till it stuck its tendrils in him. It wasn’t [i]in[/i] him, it copied him or some shit like that.”[/color] [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/WZyxkRP.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ykr0chB.png[/img] [/center] [right]Interactions: Elijah [@Theyra], Elena [@Qia] [code]St Alexia’s Practice[/code][/right][hr] [color=ff7360]"Take your time,"[/color] Loni said to Elena with a friendly smile, taking Luciana back. She carefully laid her on her good side, letting her daughter curl up on her chest. One hand supported her, while the other comfortingly rubbed her back. She turned her head to look at Elijah. [color=ff7360]"You already heard my full name, but I prefer Loni. Nice to meetcha, Elijah,"[/color] Loni smiled back, but there was still slightly pained. More than anything it was the apathy that still clung to her. An emptiness she always felt when she used the Lux she hated. It was only because of the little girl on her arms that she was able to make herself feel through it. She was forcing herself to act like she always did, but it didn’t feel natural. [color=ff7360]"And this is Luciana. Normally she’s a bit more chatty but she’s still scared, I think. Hmm, Mijita?"[/color] Luciana just pressed closer to Loni, hiding her face in her chest. Loni leaned forward to gently kiss the top of her head. [color=ff7360]"’M glad you’re stayin’... both of you,"[/color] they nodded to the door Elena had gone out of. [color=ff7360]"You’re from the South, right? It’s more comfortable… not that I had a problem with the nice lady who bandaged me up! Just, she was clearly from this side and… it ain’t so comfortable. They ain’t so fond of us up here."[/color] Though there were North Siders Loni knew and loved- primarily Momo, her boss. Most of the people she directly worked with were from the South too… but Momo didn’t treat them any differently. That was unusual. [color=ff7360]"Maybe it’s like fate we were all in the Bakery… not that I think fate’d bring an attack from somethin’ like that."[/color] It was pretty obvious that Loni was someone who talked a lot. Right now, it was partly self soothing. Filling up the air with noise let her know that she was still here and alive. [color=ff7360]"It just ain’t everyday there’s so many people with magic in the same room… well, in a normal room. I’m surrounded by magic when at work, but that ain’t the same as just bumpin’ into other magical people…"[/color] Loni shook her head. [color=ff7360]"What I’m tryna say is that… maybe there’s somethin’ positive outta it. Us three meetin’ and all."[/color]