[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PLyfcLV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7CEeryv.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray][color=E77298]Time:[/color] 11am [color=E77298]Location:[/color] The Edin Theater [color=E77298]Mention:[/color] [@JJ Doe] Fritz [color=E77298]Attire:[/color][url=i.imgur.com/1vyPZBl.png]Dress[/url], [url=imgur.com/3K5kt8B]Hair[/url], [url=imgur.com/fUMMfAQ]Necklace[/url], [url=i.imgur.com/ueSwGrp.png]Headpiece[/url] [hr] The Edin Theater was alive, its golden chandeliers casting light over the gathered crowd. Crimson curtains framed the stage and gold ornate carvings danced along the walls in the light. The space hummed with chatter as guests poured in, blending seamlessly into the vibrant melody of a violin that filled the air. Anastasia swayed in her seat, a smile playing on her lips as she enjoyed the music. She broke off a piece of her warm pretzel, savoring the soft buttery pretzel as her gaze swept across the growing crowd. There was a magnificent turnout, much more than she would have expected. Her eyes flicked toward the grand doors as another group entered, her heart skipping slightly. She had been scanning the arrivals, hoping for a glimpse of Fritz. [color=E77298][i]Where is he?[/i][/color] she thought with playful impatience She popped another bite of pretzel into her mouth, [color=E77298] "Perhaps he’ll appear out of thin air, and do more magic tricks,"[/color] she mused quietly to herself. The violin’s tune shifted into a lively crescendo, drawing a ripple of applause from the audience. Anastasia clapped politely along with the others, the corners of her lips twitching upward. The music, the murmurs, and the energy in the room were so exciting. This was everything she and Fritz had hoped for. Before she could take another bite of her pretzel, a small voice piped up beside her, startling her from her thoughts. [color=F7C6D9]"Princess Anastasia!"[/color] She turned her head to find a small group of young girls standing near her, their wide eyes filled with awe. They were dressed in their finest, likely the best garments their families could provide, but what struck Anastasia most was the sheer admiration shining on their faces. [color=EAB1CF]"You're even prettier in person!"[/color] one of them exclaimed, clasping her hands together as if seeing her was a dream come true. [color=E77298]"Thank you,"[/color] Anastasia replied warmly, her cheeks tinting slightly as she set her pretzel aside. Another girl stepped forward, bouncing slightly on her toes. [color=D99ACF]"We came here to see you, Princess! We want to be just like you when we grow up!"[/color] The others nodded fervently, their words tumbling out in a rush. [color=F4A2D5]"We heard that you're not scared of anything, even a train coming toward you on the tracks! You’re so brave!"[/color] Anastasia blinked, momentarily stunned. She then visibly softened, tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. [color=E77298]"Oh, my sweet girls,"[/color] she said, leaning forward to meet their eyes. [color=E77298]"You’re far too kind. But you must know, it’s not always as glamorous as it seems. Being brave takes a lot of mistakes and… pretzels,"[/color] she added with a playful grin, drawing giggles from the group. As she spoke, the princess became more aware of the shifting atmosphere around her. Heads were turning in her direction, whispers spreading like wildfire through the room. The theater seemed to pause to acknowledge her presence. She felt their eyes all on her at once—some filled with awe, others with curiosity or judgment. One of the little girls tugged gently at her sleeve. [color=ECB8DA]"Princess, do you think we could grow up to be important too?"[/color] Anastasia stared at her for a moment, her smile almost faltering. Still, it held, even if only by a thin string. [color=E77298]"You’re already important,"[/color] she said firmly, [color=E77298]"And one day, I have no doubt you’ll grow to be even more amazing than I could ever dream of being."[/color] The girls’ faces lit up with joy and subsequently, they thanked her profusely before scurrying back to their families.[/color]