[center] [h3] Emily Newport [/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RuI1exQ.png[/img] [hr][h3] BAD NOC COPS [/h3][/center] When Emily entered the Commissioner's office, Antonia hand her cheek on a palm, elbow propped against her armrests as she spun to meet her gaze. [color=b20000][b]”Ah, Detective. Please, have a seat. I won't take up too much of your time.”[/b][/color] Her shades hid her eyes as she gestured for Emily to sit. Emily strutted her ass into the Commissioner office, a night of gunning down goons in North Battleford had the young woman fiending for a Noc Noc Veggie Burger. She smiled and slowly took a seat before the woman. “Hey boss, what do you need from me~?” [b][color=b20000]”I wanted to discuss your performance last night.”[/b] Antonia made a show of lifting up the written report Emily had submitted regarding the incident. [color=b20000][b]”’Nothing of note’? So why am I getting reports that not a single gang member from your confrontation was put in cuffs? “It was a[i] bloodbath[/i], Detective Newport. You know what that makes us look like?”[/b][/color] “Like winners, sucks when they don’t wanna give up huh chief? It’s ok we can sweep this shit under the rug.” Emily smiles. The Commissioner scoffed through her nose. [color=b20000][b]”Not good enough. That's not how we do things here, you know that. “Put your badge and gun on my table. You're suspended for the rest of the day.”[/b][/color] “Listen boss it sounds like some losers have been breathing down your neck, about me or something else.” Emily puts her very special gun and badge on the table. “Just tell me what I have to do to deal with ‘em, criminals die in Nocturnia all the time. This sounds and feel political.” She was right the Commissioner wasn’t herself, maybe she didn’t eat or maybe Vincent or some Mafiso was pounding down on her. [color=b20000][b]”It's true, you're right.”[/b][/color] The Commissioner said, pressing her temple with a hand. [color=b20000][b]”We kill the criminals, we wring out the cloth of Nocturnia soaked in blood we take. But we [i]always[/i] try to take ‘em alive. It is the only thing that separates us from them. The Battleford 20 boss survived the fire from the copters. There was a discharge from your gun. You had every advantage, but you didn't bring in a man to serve his sentence. He escaped us in death. “You see where I'm getting at here? Look at Detective MacAoidh's case yesterday. He killed his entire gang too. But he brought the boss in. [i]That's[/i] what I'm looking for. If you have the advantage, the opportunity, take it.”[/b][/color] Antonia sighed, leaning back in his chair. [color=b20000][b]”Take the day off and think about it. I'll see you at work again tomorrow, alright?”[/b][/color] “He held my guy hostage, couldn’t let a NPD officer go down with him. I’ll ‘try’ to bring more in next time.” With that Emily sauntered off, probably to grab that veggie burger she was craving.